Saturday, January 4, 2020

Thinking activity :- The White Tiger

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                                            This task given by Prof. Dilip Barad as a part of study of new literature, We know that book and film both have specific features to understand literature. One major difference between film and book is that in the movie all the imagination given by director while in the book all the fantasy or imagination not given by writer. It's also different from one reader to another reader. So that there are vast difference between film and movie, You can clearly see differences through following image.

                                            I don't give advice that never  watched movie but I think If we watched movie so may be we can connecting dots, get deep meaning and  proper charm of literature. According to my view that after reading novel " The White tiger ", some part remain unclear which fulfill by movie Slumdog Millionaire " like deep learning & know reality  happen through visual imagination. For the detailed related to this task, Click here...

  • How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?

                                          Yes, I agree because according to my view that " The white tiger " wasn't only representation of Indian condition but It's put reality among us. In this novel representation of India was similar as like nowadays India. All that things happen in society which we get through newspaper or mass media . I am not sure that all places of India like poverty, dirty or place of overflow population & traffic but I think nowadays India completely change. India doing competition to other county and We know that India go ahead on the way of development. No doubt some places remain still overflow of population, dirty,  food less or clothe less , primary aids...etc but I agree with Arvind Adiga's observation about rich people, politic, police system... which even digital era they doing everywhere corruption in to difference forms which we can't catches.

  • Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?

                                         " The white Tiger" promoted to how to become rich person through Balram's story. So I believed in because of this novel remain as a guide or like as self-help book for every Balram. I listen & read some story about Dhirubhai Ambani  who struggle a lot in his life but may be reality was something different behind his successful entrepreneurs life. Nowadays so many books published on successful entrepreneurs like, " Dhirubhaism"...etc. So If I compare Dhirubhai Ambani with Balram so may be I am not wrong. I put both into categories of " rags to riches". Here I put similar stories who follow similar path...

  •  Narrative structure - Wanted Poster # KBC show:-

                                          I think, In the book and film both have some kind of similarity based on the narrative structure or technique. In the novel, Novelist used ' The  wanted poster " for introduced protagonist and in the movie director used " KBC show" So both the way represented narrative structure. In the novel one unknown person asked about poster at railway station so that part became like frame within the frame because as a murderer explain about his self how became terrible but Balram mix  up truth and lie so that way created well narration. In the movie sometime camera became a character and narrates, Thus Camera language play important role here. Moreover both created confusion about who was real hero or criminal ? Balram or Ashok ? They created conflict into reader's mind again and again. Both has own narration however Adiga  has expertise into narrate police system, corruption,poverty,post colonialism...etc with more realistic way.

                                        The novel start with introduction of Balram through Wanted poster and Balram one by one read line from wanted poster then he shared past experiences, condition and reason behind action. While movie starts with an interrogation at police station. Sometime I felt that at the end of both protagonist, They had center remain money. Without money they can't do anything. Here red bag and KBC become central point for money. So at the end I have to say that here Flash back narrative technique used by writer or Director.

  •  Indianness:-

                                          In the novel and film, I notify  so many symbols or indication which described Indianness and Indian concept like as, Dirty places, Rickshaw, poverty, Temple, broken road, Cricket match, Police system and corruption...etc. In the novel and movie good or bad both the way representation of Indianness. Generally Indian cinema represented or necessary things like quarreling two brothers or sisters for any one things, train is necessary part for meeting or separating, Cricket match for earning money, normally end with satisfaction or happy ending, Overflow places...etc all things represented indianness  in the movie or novel good or bad way.

  •  List of questions asked in the film. If you have to replace or add a few questions, which questions would you like to add. Remember, questions shall be in-tune with the screenplay of the film:-
                                          It's difficult task for me

1. Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "Zanzeer"?

a) Shah Rukh Khan
b) Salman Khan
c) Amitabh Bachhan
d) Ranbir Kapoor

Answer: (c)

One reference came in the movie When Jamaal was age of five at that time there was incident happen like  Amitabh Bachhan's visited to his slum to promote his film and Jamaal was big fan of Amitabh Bachhan so that he went to get the autograph of him on his image. From that incident he remembered the answer of this question.

2. A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?

a) The Truth alone triumphs

b) Lies alone triumphs
c) Fashion alone triumphs
d) Money alone triumphs

Answer: (a)

3. In depiction of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?

a) A bow and arrow

b)A sword
d) A flower
c) A child

Answer: (a)

There is riot in the village during which Jamaal saw a child in the costume of Rama, holding A bow and arrow in his right hand. From that incident he remembers the correct answer.

4. The song " Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet?

a) Surdas

b) Tulsidas
c) Mira bai
d) Kabir

Answer: (a)

In the film there was happened incident when Jamaal and Salim met a person who was a gangster. They thougght that he will offer them for good job. Jamaal also prepared one song to recite in front of him "Darshan Do Ghanshyam". Therefore he remembered that it was written by Surdas.

5. On the American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is portrait of which American Statesman?

a) George Washington

b) Franklin Roosevelt
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) Abraham Lincoln

Answer: (c)

There were one reference came that When Jamal was searching for Latika he met one blind boy who was very intelligent. He had an American Dollar bill on which there was picture of a man. When he described the picture to the blind boy, he immediately given the correct answer Benjamin Franklin.

For the more known about all Questions You can watched following video....

  • On what grounds can you deconstruct the film with reference to post colonial tools / theories:-

                                           As a my point of view that " Slumdog Millionaire" film leads to Indian society regressive way rather than book or novel although I will try to applying post colonial theory. This movie directed by Danny Boyle who is English ( White ) directer, producer and screenwriter and living white culture. So as a colonial ( Living England) directer may be influence from colonial mindset so that he tried to create wall between rich and poor people. I notify in the movie that generally he tried to describe white culture was better than Indian culture for example, In the movie there were some scene like when  Salim and Jamal went to Taj Mahal at that time theirs look like slum or thief. There were white people gave money to them. It's means white people ( England ) described as more superior, powerful, humble,rich rather than slum (may be India). Another scene of Cricket match & corruption generally happen by colonial person, society or country. Sometime politic working behind award winning. It's also part of post colonial. However, India not same today which described as into movie but India is changing now.

  •  Compare with Texture and Treatment of subject content in film and novel:-

                                         I think without some part, Generally I found some similarity in the structures, treatments and contents between movie and book. In the novel protagonist was like insect of study or Guinness from childhood rather than movie's protagonist. Movie's hero became more intellectual or fast learner. I think in the novel Balram often reminded to reader his missing school education, It means he gave important to study while in the movie Jamal focused on Money through KBC. Some basic structure same but some were movie became difference from the text. If I talked about treatment, I found similarity into movie and novel because both ( Directer & writer ) had good observation power and they good way try to represent real picture of India as a mirror of society in front of us. 

Thank you...

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