Sunday, January 12, 2020

"When we two parted" by lord Byron

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  • Introduction:-

                                                        Romanticism is the expression of high imaginative feelings and emotions. The poets do not follow set rules Wordsworth and Coleridge wrote lyrics. Their combined work 'lyrical ballads" in 1798 set romantic movement. They gave expression to love, nature and rural life into simple language. Their philosophy was to return to nature and common people subjectivity brought creativity and new mod and color.

  • Byron as a poet:-

                                                       During his short life byron achieved tremendous popularity as a poet. he excelled in narrative verse and his child "Harold pilgrimage", T"Prisoners of chillon", and " Don Jaun " describe his wondering on the the continent and so are largely autobiographical. He was the child of his age. BF video he is one of the great poet of romanticism. Like romantics he had a great interest in nature, freedom, passion, melancholy  and romance. He was more revolutionary then Shelley. Hi respected pope and classical poetry. He was a true lover of the French revolution. There are many auto biography poem.

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  • Various themes:-

Separation and pain:-

                                                        For lovers separation and meeting  are common.  But separation is always more painful if the separation is for ever then heart is broken, only silence and tears company them. such is the theme of the poem.

Lovers tragic condition:-

                                                       The opening of the poem tells us the men's sorrowfull condition when the beloved thought to separate. She realized  the condition of separation.
She become cold in passion and tongue silent. Her heart was broken. She become silent but it is outwardly her heart is weeping. They were parting forever. She grew pale with this thought. Her cheeks turn into cold. Her kiss is missing warmth that's why it is cold.

                                                       There is Deep pain for the lover because he found her light fame. He was devoted to her but she was not faithful. People knew this reality but he didn't know it. People referred her as a lower woman to the man. They didn't know that he was related to her. He feels shame in this matter. He said that he was associated to this woman.

                                                       The man feels the partition. His present condition was hinted  when they departed years back. It was warning for future.  The hour then came. There was no way to escape but go through the pain.

                                                        For the man his love was true. He cannot cheats the woman. No doubt that she deceived him. It was nature for himself. He would not cheat her. It's like a rue. It's a green plant. so there will be both love and pain.

                                                        Our world is small. People have chance to be found anywhere. The lover asks a vital question that, ' how to greet each other after separation?' If they meet by chance, the answer is simple: in silence and tears. It means the way they Parted they should meet in the same manner.

Simplicity in action:-

                                                       The poem is very simple. Each stanza has four lines. All lines are very short. There is no complexity in meaning or structure. This is an autobiography  poem. It tells us byron's earlier lady lovers.

                                                      There is no philosophy or message. It describes condition of Lover when they separated.

Thank you...

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