Sunday, January 12, 2020

"The Fly " by William blake

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The poem start with a simple everyday experience....

                                                         In the first stanza human being precious away and annoying fly, process it away with a thoughtless hand. That is to say, the moment is insignificant that the person doesn't give it a second thought. But poetry specializes in finding large meaning in small moments so the story doesn't and there.

                                                        In the second stanza, the person who has waved the fly away pauses to contemplative the moment from a larger perspective. In the great cosmic scheme things is the human being really any more important than the fly?

                                                        In the third stanza the elaborate on the theme of second  standard. all human beings are mortal we are all going to die someday so we are all just going about our lives dancing, drinking, singing etc... until some unseen hand strikes us down.

                                                        In the stanza 4 and 5 also offer one possible reason for believing that a human life may matter more than the life of fly. we are capable of thinking about the meaning of our lives that's what separate us from flies and other unthinking creature. That's what makes it possible for us to be happy even in the face of our oven mortality.

                                                       At the end of the discussion I have to say that he is trying to convey a comparison that no matter what spices something is be it human, insect animal etc. That we blindly do things without thinking and also when a human brushes a fly a way or preventing the fly from living their life maybe the fly is wishing for death as a  human would in the same situation.

Thank you...

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