Monday, January 20, 2020

Web Quest activity on Harry Potter

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  • What is Web- Quest ?:-

                                                         "A Web-Quest," according to Bernie Dodge, the originator of the WebQuest concept, "is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. Web-Quests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than on looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation." 

                                                         This blog is  as a part of academic task which given by Pro. Dilip Barad sir. For the know more about this activity, Click here.

                                                          "Harry potter is not only children literature but it's universal literature", It's prove when I read some part of original book and watched all seven series of  Harry potter. Harry potter has lot of connection among the all subject, religion, reality, universality...etc. It's also given solution of my life questions so I have to say that It's work like Hindu's book " Bhagavat Gita" or " Mahabharata". So here I don't talked about Harry potter but I suggested that You must read all parts and watch all series with specific observation. So that as a a academic purpose I work on following topic which I try to found  into Harry Potter.

                                                         Here I embedded link of web Quest so for the visit my Web Quest worksheet, Click here...

                                                          May be  If you not able to open link on Web Quest so here I put also blogs link so you can visit this embedded following blogs link...

                                                         We are living into Digital era so that through digital platform, we mistake to identify reality sometimes but I think somewhere looking our own eyes become wrong. Whatever we listen, seeing, reading... all the things are may be interpretation or observation of someone. So never hundred percents say that this is right or this is wrong. Am I right ?.... May be this question also confused to you what's give into answer... any way. At the end we got post truth or half truth only but We have almost questions them or question against authority. My point is that we raised question so that we can check authenticity or reality. Moreover, If we check them through questioning so we at least never say post truth information to others because we have proof so I think through " Harry Potter" novel J.K. Rowling try to Question against political power, educational system, religion, racial discrimination, gender...etc.

  • To the visit my work sheet activity table , Please Click here...

  • To the visit rubric evaluation of the my web Quest, Please Click here...

I hope you have enjoyed  to read my blog...

Thank you...

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