Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Atanu Bhattacharya

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                                                   Department of English many times organizing guest lectures for the knowing new way about subject so as a part of academic session Pro. Dilip Barad sir organised three days session on ELT-2 which conducted bt Pro. Atanu Bhattacharya who came from central university of Gujarat.

                                                   During those days Pro. Atanu Bhattacharya talked on English language Teaching. As far as I can tell that he has good skill of teaching learning because I think he mixed traditional and modern teaching method and I want to add that sir not only talked about one way but he involved us into discussion and through various kind of Group activity. Really I enjoyed three days so here I am  sharing m views so may be my experiences are different rather than other students. So without waste of time let's start academic journey together...!

  • First day:-

                                                  Sorry.... here I want to honestly say that When first day of guest lecture at that time I came late so I did not attended welcome ceremony but When I came at that time may be sir talked about History of English language and I also know through this information through PDF which mail by Pro. Dilip Barad sir. Generally Pro. Atanu sir talked about History of English language in India from Western country  with some interesting example. During first day Pro. Atanu Sir informed us about concept of Aristotle on implied English language teaching. More over Sir talked about from roots of English language to nowadays condition with certain writer's works and their styles. After recess time Sir try to clarify about difference between Natural method and Direct method with some kind of examples and he mentioned benefits or disadvantages. At the end of the first day few minutes talked on Phonetic.

  • Second day:-

                                                I reckon that " Day by day I am getting better and better" and every day start with some kind of new energy, strength and new thought. Same happen with me that second day remained more fruitful for me because that day Pro. Atanu sir introduced us about various function or acts of speech. I more interested into theoretical Background and historical background of India in vivid field of education system. I want to more add that Sir has deep knowledge about background because sir talked with all information with proof or authenticity. That day sit talked on Macaulay's education system and act of 1835 or Charter act. 

                                                  During that day, after recess Pro. Atanu sir talked on interesting methodology like, grammar translation method, function approach..etc. That day Pro. Atanu sir also given group tasks based on poetry. May be  class divided in to Five - six groups. There were tasks like filling gaps to proper words with appropriate rhyme schemes. That activity remain fantastic and second day remain more lively rather tan first day.

  • Third day:-

                                                   On the last day we have no more time to interacted with sir because after recess organizes combine session. any way... last day we discussed on three major things like Testing, Evaluation and Assessment. Before that lecture, I believed that those three words used similarly but Sir skillfully created minor different between that three words. 

                                                  More over Pro. Atanu sir explained about types of testing like,

  1.  Proficiency test ( based on language),
  2.  Achievement test ( completed level),
  3.  Diagnostic test( known ability and weakness),
  4. Placement tests( without country boundary, online courses), 
  5. Norm- referenced test ( deign of institution),
  6.  Criterion- referenced test ( very high level test).

 Before recess we completed one group task which based on rubric evaluation.

  • Combine session:-

                                                 I think combine session started at 3 o'clock with new subject. There were Pro. Atanu sir talked briefly about history of English studies foundation, Institutionalized power, Educational Initiatives, Linguistic Explorations, Visual culture: Film studies, Asian Literature...etc. I have to mentioned that during last topic I leaved class for emergency work so after that what happen ? I don't know. 

                                                 Thus, We enjoyed a lot during those day and also know new words, full forms of the specific words and knowledge about English language. This three days remain fruitful for me so thanks to Pro. Dilip barad sir for organizing this glorious session and thanks to Pro. Atanu Bhattacharya for interaction with us and shared your knowledge with us.

Thank you...

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