Sunday, January 12, 2020

The sage of Tarungiri and seven Old Seekers by Manoj das

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Manoj das:-

Manoj Das is a poet, novelist and journalist. He writes in Oriya and English language. He was given Padma Shri award in 2001. There are many awards to his credit. He is the follower of Aurobindo. He teaches English literature presently.


Here  the title suggest two things like...
1) The sage...( Saints )
2) The seekers ( Receiver )

Sage means very highest pious man. He is a man of wisdom. He has gone up in spirituality. He can guide people. There are some people who follow some sages. They wished to solve their problem by seeking sage. They would follow the right path.

About theme:-

This story related to fake spirituality. It presents fall a froad of the same like Tukan Baba. Such people attract the innocent people and cheat them. People are cheated because of their weak psyche. This is the theme of the story.

Writers imagination:-

Tarungiri is the name of the cave on the mountain. It is 300 miles away in the north from narrator town. we don't know any such place in reality. The Hindu people have most of the religious places on the north and the Himalaya is the place is the writers imagination.


There are  2 adjective ' seven' and 'old'. The figure of seven has always important in the Hindu culture for example seven notes, seven days,seven riches,... it is the holy figures so here it is adjective use to a such good feeling.

Old has always value so that old things are more important here. 'Old' adjective indicate the age of person. when a man become old, it means man of respect. They have values and the experience of the years. They are are wise people.

So, when all these three ' seven',' old ',  and ' seekers'. We begin to think high  of them but alas! It is a tragedy. They are not such people. The greater  tragedy is that  they have become blind. They believe in so called sages not only the Baba but also the Seekers are also exposed.

Seven people:-

There are seven people like, Nakul,lall,kharna, Mishra, Tapan and others. They're friends at Mr. Jeckyle's house. They pass time evening. They are old all of them and also retired from there. The subject of weeping comes out. Tapan is reminded Baba ' Tukan baba'.

 He tells them that the Baba weeps continuously. He has magic with his blessing so problems are solved. It is a great thing to see baba on moon at night. The friends are attracted to this Baba. They asked Tapan to take to the place. Baba doesn't come out on normal days. He keeps himself shut in the cave. The old beared Baba gives darshan on only full moon nights.

They visit the cave but to there shock,  baba comes out smiling. They had expected him as weeping because of search contradictory situation. They are confused. The couldn't do anything. The Baba goes into the cave. All of them naraate this experience to  Tapan's friends Meghanand. He was Rishipal and he inform that they missed a great chance. He told that in 20 years only one time the Baba smiles in such condition. If anybody touches his feet so that all his desire are fulfilled.

The friends four meghananda to bring out the the smiling Baba. He warns not to do such things but two friends go inside the cave. Baba is so horribly angry that hall is suck. They are pushed down but Tapan restraid himself. He thought it better to next 20 years but soon he realise what   who happened after 20 years.  He understood that they would be cheated again in disappointment. Being cheated he begins to climb down to him.

The name Tukan Baba. It self suggest False Baba. If he is after a cheater that people also are responsible for at them. Such Baba are created by foolish. The story is comic. The writer had made satire on  such kind  of sage Baba and seekers. All of them have been wonderfully exposed. This is a good story indicated contemporary situation.

Thank you...

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