Saturday, December 28, 2019

Workshop on Cultural studies by Dr. Kalyani ma'am

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Welcome to my blog...

                                                       As a part of literature and as a part of topic for Gset- Net exam, Cultural studies became central topic nowadays, so that Department of English organized one day workshop on "Cultural studies" which conducted by Dr. Kalyani ma'am who came from Kerela. So here I share my views which based on my understanding and experiences so let's start together our learning journey... 

                                                 According to my knowledge Dr. Kalyani Vallath is a one of the women who played best role into education system and our classroom because she leads so many UG-PG students through her online courses, lectures,books. It's difficult task for as a married women but I proud of her duties and masterpieces. She has good communication skill and looks also while she entered into our class and shared her knowledge with us humorous way at that time she broken all types of definition of traditional teachers. She is extra ordinary personality. She completed PhD in 2008 on " Children cinema".

  • How Literature help us to earning money ?

                                                Ma'am also talked about how literature shape and help to fulfill desire. She mentioned that there were students earned through editor, writer or extraordinary skill, creativity and get more benefits, power and money. There were they made creative logo or wrote quotes of literature on T- shirt,mug and get money. She added that money play vital role in our life. Through money we helping other people and create relationship also but ma'am pointed one another thing that without passion we never satisfied ourselves so become passionate before earning money.

  • Cultural studies:-

                                                  Cultural studies is vast subject so we can't conclude into only one-day but according to my understanding that Cultural studies is analysis of contemporary fields with specific parameter. Cultures not as fixed, bounded, stable, and discrete entities, but rather as constantly interacting and changing sets of practices and processes. In cultural studies generally focused on following points,

  1. Interdisciplinary ( Ex. Geography, Atmosphere)
  2. Relate to larger society  ( Ex. India as Multi Community-Culture)
  3. Political Dynamic and Mass media ( Ex. Power of media and Political person)
  4. Transforms into individual experience  ( Social reality, Incident )
  5. Draw on Social theory, Philosophy, history,linguistics and media.  

                                                  So that Cultural studies not only study about one filed but also it working on individual to world wide factors.

  • Layman about Cultural studies:-

                                                   I am not sure that which types of laymanise into cultural studies but I have to try to justify it. Cultural studies included so many layers like Frankfurt school which group of philosopher and social scientist. Moreover Cultural studies work with critical theory, Hegelian dialectical method, Enlightenment, New left in Britain, Stuart hall, Encoding & Decoding, Archaeology &Genealogy...etc. Through this techniques may be we can understand cultural studies properly. There were various layman's examples given by ma'am which connected strongly with ideas of  Matthew Arnold, Stuart hall, Raymond William, E.P. Thompson, Louis Althusser, Roland Barth's, Michel Foucault...etc. India has multi community so I think there were various cultures, traditions and conditions so there were one culture became cow or buffalo  more valuable things and another side same things became beef  and eaten things into  culture.  

  •  Interview- Cultural studies...:-

                                                If asked me to explain cultural studies in the Interview so may be I will introduce that cultural studies is mixture of methodologies and theories and It's study of all own and other country's culture, popular literature, particular value, habitual forms, beliefs and daily life. It's revealed politics behind the certain  things. Culture is  whole way of life.

  • Unforgettable examples:-

                                                Kalyani ma'am shared own experiences and real examples of her daily routine life. In the study of point " New left" ma'am connected nowadays rap culture clearly. Another thing that when she explain about culture ordinary at that time she gave example of selfie culture and gave her experiences during travels from various places. There were she faced lots of problem of foods and languages ( Ex. Singapore ). She gave example of press, advertisement and films also. Through this example we know that how coming generation will change culture and society.

                                              Thus at the end of the session we watched interesting videos with some references. In short I have to say that she has good teaching-learning skill, tone of voice, marvelous expressions, expert to  read learner's mind. So at the end we get new useful knowledge and get enjoyed a lot.

Thank you...

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