Monday, December 2, 2019

Arundhati Roy's novel

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                                                 Sometimes syllabus make us rigid or may be bind the boundary beyond us so that this task given for broken all those types of boundary and providing platform for explore ourselves. So that here task given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir, For the more information about this task please click here,

  • Arundhati Roy's life...

                                                 Here I think no need to give introduction about her basic information because It's available on internet or website but I try to focus on chief part of her life, According to Encyclopedia of Britannia...

                                                 Roy’s father was a Bengali tea planter, and her mother was a Christian of Syrian descent who challenged Indian's inheritance laws by successfully suing for the right of Christian women to receive an equal share of their fathers’ estates. Though trained as an architect, Roy had little interest in design; she dreamed instead of a writing career. After a series of odd jobs, including artist and aerobics instructor, she wrote and costarred in the film In Which Annie Gives It to Those Ones (1989) and later penned scripts for the film Electric Moon (1992) and several television dramas.

                                                   The films earned Roy a devoted following, but her literary career was interrupted by controversy. In 1995 she wrote two newspaper articles claiming that Shekhar kapur's film Bandit Queen exploited Phoolan Devi's one of India’s most wanted criminals in the early 1980s and a heroine of the oppressed. The columns caused an uproar, including a court case, and Roy retreated from the public and returned to the novel she had begun to write.

  •  About her Work...                                                  

                                                  Moreover She is well known Indian author and Political activist who has also famous for her two best seller novel like ass " God of small Things" and " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness". In 1997 she is winner of " Man Booker Prize".

Generally, she focused into her work on Indian political system. Her one of the famous novel " The God of small things" is a something like as biographical novel and shared her delightful experiences. For the more information watch following video...

                                                 In the second novel " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" she try to justify mentality of Indian society or mind of people. The novel weaves together stories of people navigating some of the darkest and most violent episodes of modern Indian history, from land reform that dispossessed poor farmers to the 2002 Godhra train burning and Kashmir insurgency. Roy's characters run the gamut of Indian society and include an intersex woman (hijra), a rebellious architect, and her landlord who is a supervisor in the intelligence service.The narrative spans across decades and locations, but primarily takes place in Delhi and Kashmir. Here following video based on her novel which may be helpful to better understanding.

Thank you...

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