Sunday, December 22, 2019

Language Lab review

Hello reader !

                                                 As a part of ELT paper and language learning study, This task given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir. For the for information click here, I am lucky that department of English has active language lab and useful software. Somewhere language lab still remain into dead condition but somewhere they don't  know about how to used language lab for specifically students improvements. During  this time Prof. Dilip Barad sir always inspired and give support to us for improving language through language lab, blog writing and various kind of activities. He also introduced about various types of software, hardware and vivid structure of language lab. Moreover Sir shared his experiences when he went to visiting others language lab. 

                                               If I am not wrong so that Language lab is a one of the software which was a concept of improving basic grammar, four basic skill and soft skill which developed by Globarena. While helping educational institutions to increase their faculty’s effectiveness, improve course ware and spread their reach, Globarena’s solutions help corporate to get right talent and increase productivity. Professionals and students also benefit vastly as their skill level and employ-ability get a massive boost. Thus Globarena has kept true to the founders vision of social responsibility of making quality education available to multitude of students and lateral learners who aspire to improve their employ ability in the global marketplace.

                                                  When First time I sit to learnt at that time I faced so many problem then language learning software became as a part of my habit. Through Globarena software I learnt basic English grammar, soft skill, phonetics and pronunciation of difficult words and about four basic skills.

Strong Points of Language learning software:-

  1.  Language learning software become more helpful to improving basic four skills because of there were appropriate way doing treatment on learner by software. Moreover, I think we haven't specific native speaker who connect with us in 24/7 regularly for improving ourselves but through this software I learnt so many new things without native English speaker or without any payment.
  2. Language learning software also provided basic English grammar with interesting activities. We know that nowadays exam normally asking basic question which related to English Grammar into exam of government jobs. So that this software become more useful for that perspective also. Moreover, We learn without teacher there and another benefit is that there are feature of verify answer, show answer and reset....etc. Through this option we have to know that when we do mistake and also Software gave chance for solved mistake again and again.
  3. Language learning software has variety of activities like as, fill the blank, join "A" with "B", write name beside the pictures, complete the sentences, recording the words...etc. May be Without this software it's difficult to manage for the teacher  into the classroom. Moreover, This activity strongly made bridge to learner for achieve next level. 
  4. I like one more things from language learning software is that there were I get new vocabulary or similar words from dialogues and phonetics section which more useful to make wealthy language and that's always proved by language learning software.
  5. One more interesting thing in language learning software is that there were given diagram of the words which help to learner where and when put stress or remain silent word during pronunciation. There were given vivid list of words and we can repeat again and again also. Through out this process and practice may be improving pronunciation of all kind of the words.
Some Weakness of Language learning Software:-

  1. One of the disadvantage of language learning software is that this software is costly so that everyone or every institute may be doesn't able to purchase.
  2. Moreover, This software working into only computer or laptop so here one question is that everywhere we can't remain with PC or Laptop rather than mobile. Sometime this software installed specific version's PC or may be into latest version's computer don't support.
  3. If one time we learnt all the things trough this software then this software become useless so that no longer advantages of the software.
  4. Here I share my one experience, this software working with specific set up so If We write right answer or some kind of similar word although software display that your answer is incorrect. Ex. I wrote into first level about picture. There were given picture so I Wrote:- "This is a Table". That's the correct sentence as grammatically but software's answer is that, " This is a Desk " here Desk is similar word of table. So sometime learner become discourage because of this type of set up.
  5. Another thing is that When I was working on level of phonetics so that there were a struggle a lot to pronounce the words correctly. I was again and again listen, record and repeat my voice then compared. This is more difficult part of language learning software for me.
  6. One general disadvantage is that this software installed into only one PC of language lab at department so that sometime I didn't get chance to spend more time there. If possible to installed into all the PC of the language lab so that may be all learner will be learn all the features with appropriate way and doing more practice.
Self Analysis:-

  1. This is great experience for me because first time I learnt so many things within few days through this software. I have improved myself into vocabulary, Basic Grammar, basic four skill but I have not improve more speaking skill because of there were only given activity of words and repetition whom I listen words then spoke but If There were put features of calling or live communication  with expert so may be I improving my speaking skill a lot.
  2. Moreover, I know about myself that I need to improving more vocabulary and spelling correction because sometime I was writing wrong words or doing spelling mistake also. So that I know very well way about my self that which types of topic off language whose I weak more.
  3. If I get chance as a language software designer so may be I will put more feature which based of study level or based on learners age. During  working on this software I felt that there were some level given  like for primary children. So that I also add update option which become more helpful to next generation.
Five new words:-

This following words became difficult for me to understand and pronounce also.

Namo E- Tab Review:-

Benefits of  Namo e - Tab software:-

  1. In the mobile language software there were providing various kind of new features rather than PC's language software. There were new features like games, stories or magazines, Audio-video...etc. According to my point of view that through this features I learnt new things with entertainment.
  2. Another advantage was that Mobile is always remain into everyone's pocket, so that We can carry on easily rather than PC or laptop. Moreover, We learn whatever, wherever and whenever. So I more preferred to mobile software rather than Computer for language learning software.
  3. Through mobile we communicated with experts lively. It's not happen in PC language software and there were  given also choice about communicator. 
  4. One more feature I liked into mobile language app was that there were provided transcript with video clip. Sometime we missing some words or we don't get proper ideas or pronunciation of speaker so that through transcript learner get proper understanding with good way.
Negative side of Namo e-Tab software:- 

  1.  I faced difficulty to search and join to language lab software into mobile Namo app. There were not proper sequence to join that course.
  2. There were no given column of language lab so that sometimes learner doesn't enter proper way in language learning software. Thus learner become discourage for used this app or software.
  3. In the mobile software, there were not given classification of pronunciation of the words which happen into PC's language learning software. 
  4. In the mobile difficult way we learnt all activity because of there were small screen but in The PC I saw questions and answer both as only one display.

                                                Thus, I have to say that Language lab is useful software for learner which improving basic learning skill, basic grammar, soft skill...etc. I can't conclude that one is better and other is bad software but both has strong or weak points so that without waste of time If you want to learn and improve your language skill so you can used both the software because everything never competed on the earth.

Thank you....


  1. Nice blog, very nice information. Best school management design and development company, Lainlab offers multimedia language lab software equipment for student benefit and training. Visit our website for classroom management software.
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