Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thinking activity : Education and Technology

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

                                                               Once upon a time education system working into jungle or Ashram but today we know that invention of technology and internet we learn easily through small device off mobile.
                                                                As a point of view Nelson Mandela that Education is a one of the weapon which able to change the world but nowadays all the things happen through technology or digitization so may be How education system escape from technology ? According to my opinion that not only education system help to change the world but also we need to technology. Through technology education system become more better and faster.. anyway so this task given by Prof. Dilip barad sir as a part of new literature. For the more information about this task you can click here. Moreover this task also helpful to understand new theory and education system.

Video:- 1) Changing Paradigms by Ken Robinson.

                                                The Country on earth at the moment is reforming public education. There are so many types reasons responsible. One of the reason is economic. Here I have one question increase into my mind that How do we educate our children to take their place in the economies of the 21st century. How do we do that? How do you do that?

                                                    Normally, Ken Robinson has given whinges about the educational system without presenting even one creative, usable solution to the problems that he reports -- problems that every one of us is acutely aware of. Anyone can criticize the system but few can fix it. 

                                                     In this video Ken Robinson focused on changing education system, economic and role of culture. Moreover he added that only degree and certificate is not justify ability but there skill and representation  also more important. According to my point o view nowadays educational institute like a store & shop and teachers are playing role of shopkeeper but here question is that what happen about student ? They sometimes pay fees and getting certificate. In some cases  doesn't become part of education process. As a result students learning outcome got difference way.Here I agree with idea of ken Robinson because If used technology in education system so that my be learning outcome get better rather than traditional method so why education is not provided with help of technology ?  

Video:- 2) and 3) are by Sugata Mitra on SOLE and Future Learning.

                                                “Instead of giving people a menu of academic disciplines, we should give them a menu of problems and challenges that the world is facing.”

                                                 Sugata Mitra's concept on school in the cloud so here question is how possible make school in the cloud? So there are learning lab. Through resources students are explore their knowledge each other. moreover he gave concept of SOLE. It's means Self Organized Learning Environments. In this video more focused on threat of examination. He notify one experiment where he put one computer into wall and shared their behavior or feeling. Sugata Mitra's focused on that students don't need gather at school or collage but they do collaboratively work. He added that examining system must be based on logical or that question should be used into regular life also. Another thing that If students has knowledge of technology so may be there are no need to teacher. They all learn through technology without going school.

Video:- 4) Use of Videos in Education by Salman Khan.

                                                  Salman Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy. He talked on the need to create alternative access to classroom content and how videos can be used to flip a classroom. While showing the power of interactive exercises, Salman argues for a change in the teaching paradigm: Using technology to "humanize" the classroom by flipping the traditional classroom script  given to students video lectures to watch at home and do "homework" in the classroom with the teacher as a facilitator, coach and mentor.

                                                  The Khan Academy and Salman Khan has also shared some 2,200 video courses and reaching more than a million learners monthly. In his lecture he given his vision for interactive, self-paced, evolved learning. get Abstract suggests his inspired, and inspiring, lecture to corporate learning specialists and other educators.

                                                    Normally students believe that Mathematics, science, geography....etc subject never learn through video or online courses but Khan academy prove that. Moreover flip learning also flexible for the students because of they learn through flip whenever or wherever. I think audio- visual also more helpful to understand heavy subject. I am learning basic grammar course by khan academy app. There are all courses freely available also so that no need to give excuse of premium.

Video:- 5) Audio track by Marc Prensky on Digital Natives and Immigrants.

                                                 ‘Digital natives’  born after the 1980s but now comfortable in the digital age there are one reason for comfortable is that they all are growing up with using technology when ‘digital immigrants’who born before 1980s and they fearful for the using technology. ‘Digital immigrants’ put into the older crew. they weren’t raised in a digital environment. The term digital immigrant applies to individuals who were born before the spread of the digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age. Digital natives are the opposite of digital immigrants, they have been interacting with technology from childhood. According to Prensky, digital natives are the generation of young people who are “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet.

Nowadays students are become more digital native rather than digital immigrated because of they have all kind of digital platform and also spending time by them.

Video:- 6,7,8) These are by David Crystal. He speaks about the influence of technology on English language. 

                                                  David Crystal is a one of the known British linguist. He mentioned one this in his video that new technology had influence of  English Language which he prove and give example of printing press and telephone. Through that example he established that how both the things change communication and speaking style. At last part of he attention on  Radio, television and Internet which change domain. He also added that through technology we increase English language for example Whats app, Facebook, you tube...etc.

                                                 Here David Crystal focused on effect of technology with English language but generally people used social media so I can't say that all the user used properly English language but they used short form there. It's not appropriate for the English language. Even teacher talked about Globalization into classroom but he/she not allow to used mobile into classroom.

                                                 Moreover, He discussed on texting message is best way for language learning but I am not agree with this idea because of technology provided voice tap or voice recorder so user only speak and software record voice then transferred  into letter.

Thank you...

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