Friday, November 22, 2019

Quality and Authenticity of web Resources

Hello Reader!

Welcome to my blog...

  • What is Research ?

                                                According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods.”

  • Types of research:-
1) Basic research
2) Applied research
3) Problem oriented research
4) Problem solving research
5) Qualitative research

  • Difference between Search and Research:-

                                                According to my point of view that search is a way of discovering some kind of without specific objective but research is a method of searching new thing with specific purpose and also systematic way. So there are minor difference between there.

                                                Nowadays we know that technology more helpful to search anything whenever, whatever, wherever and I have to say that today world on the screen of mobile so that research doing easily by scholar but here one problem is that sometime they doing crime of copyright also.

                                                Few day ago department of English was organised useful workshop on research, methodology and plagiarism. There were discussion about How to check and identify authentic web resource ? by Prof. Dilip Barad sir. He also explain about what is authentic internet sources and how we can identify. There were discussed on Quantitative assumptions which mentioned some parameters also. I  found some web or site which was not able to achieve parameters that way which we looking that workshop.

  • Turnitin:-

                                                 Turnitin is a one of the site which focus on plagiarism, streamline grading. Moreover, It is a site of evaluation of sources which normally used by students. It's more helpful for students and research scholar because of there are given feature of evaluation through rubric standard way. However it more helpful in improving our research paper or assignments. Here are I put some parameters for to identify authentic resource like as,

1) Authority
2) Educational Value
3) Intent
4) Originality
5) Quality

  • Wikipedia:-

                                                 Wikipedia is a platform which provide freely information with simple language. It's one of the primary site for any information nowadays but it's not authentic source for research because there are anyone edit information that platform and another reason is that this site fail to achieve major standard of rubric evaluation but generally students more visit this site.

                                                 At the end of the workshop sir also given task us to apply the rubric evaluation on site which we used again and again for academic way. Here I mentioned s site of  which evaluate by me based on rubric evaluation and also given description which may be help to you for better understanding. 

                                                 Thus this workshop also remain fruitful for me because nowadays I also work on research paper and assignments so It's more helpful for me. This productive session also focus on awareness of Qualitative content, originality and plagiarism.

Thank you...


  1. Good work and very very useful your blog

  2. Very well drafted and useful for us!! Thank you for sharing your precious ideas and thoughts!!!!🤗🙂😀

  3. Well written with relatable photos of live discussion keep writing.
