Thursday, August 1, 2019

ELT -1 First five essays

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Welcome to my blog.
Here I want to Share my view on questions. So let's start our journey of learning together...

                                                This unit ( ELT ) has described different views on five essays by essayist which Mostly talking about Importance of English language and it's objectives, advantages and disadvantages. So let's start with some questions...

Que.:-1) What is English Language for you ?


                                            According to my opinion nowadays We know that English is becoming as a Global language so that whenever wherever we go during that time English language become useful and needful also. I think, learning English as a international language is the best option for me because according to my point of view we learn English language for economic's perspective that If We have skills of communication and writing in English so that we have more chances for jobs and we are achieving various platform in international level also. English is of course an excellent choice, but I have to say it’s difficult for me to suggest just one language when my successes in life have come from speaking so many more languages than English. I will discuss the languages that have created opportunities for me in life. English language play vital roll in my life because It's bonding a bridge between two people,culture and country. If I know about English Language So I get more knowledge about literature and English books.

Que.:-2) What kind of challenges you are facing and have faced while learning this language ?


                                                 Here I want to Share my view regarding this question that When we learn new Language that time we struggle a lot because we don't know about it's structure, rules of grammar, vocabulary and we do mistake in write spelling. So I have faced many challenges while learning English language like as, I know about grammar structure but I can't apply proper way during writing and speaking. Another challenge I do mistake in pronunciation that's why create misunderstand to another person. When I try to write some particular topic during that moments I do misspell in sentence.Sometime I can't listen some English words properly in lecture and English video.

Que.:-3) Write in brief your understanding about any one essay.


                                             Here I want to talk about Essay-4 " Socio Cultural Dimensions : English as Second Language" by Rekha Aslam. In this essay Rekha Aslam depicts from history of English language. India has variety of different languages, cultures and religions So I can say that India is Multi linguistic & Multicultural country. It means that there are people have different vocabulary and structure. So my point is that When we learn English as a second Language in India, It's difficult task for each community. Here I put briefly point overviews of this essay: 

# How Translation Made major roll in language ?
# First Language:- Mother tongue
# Second Language :- Alternative tongue
# Foreign Language :- English
# Translation :- 
                        1) Semantic Translation
                        2) Literal Translation
# How to justify Indian culture in English Language ?

Que.:-4) According to you which Position English Language should be given ?


                                                I think, English is more easy language in writing and understanding rather than another language. Some time I understand English conversation but I don't know its formula. So that  why do not talked English  language same as mother tongue ?. When we communicate in mother tongue at that time we have vocabulary, formula and atmosphere. But when we learnt another language there are new things for learner. Are you satisfied from your mother language? I think 'no'  If you spread your knowledge and get new ideas so It's necessary to learn English as a second Language.

Que.:-5) How you see your future with English Language ?


                                                I think that If I have mastery in English language so may be I find more opportunities. Another thing is that Government invite foreign company for job So there are became hopeful English for me. Routine life and Mobile to Machinery everywhere used  English. So Live for better Life it's useful language. Half of the world's literature written in English language so If you able to Spread your thoughts It's  give appropriate platform for sharing and carring.

I hope you enjoy  lot in read my blog...

Thank you...


  1. Nicely written and good answers of all questions. Nice blog Lalji bhai.

  2. Very well written all the answers with good examples. 👏👏

  3. Well written Lalji Bhai with good gif.....

  4. Well written with using effective image and GIF.

  5. Thanks for your precious view through this blog.🙂

  6. Good Job Lalji! There is a lot of improvement in your language. Still you need to work on errors. Keep Writing!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
