Sunday, August 4, 2019

Transcendentalism : Anti-transcendentalism in the novel " Scarlet letter "

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Here I want to Share my view on following questions. So let's start our journey of learning together...

  • Meaning of Transcendentalism :-

                                                Transcendentalism is a movement of writers and philosophers at New England in 19th century who were loosely bound together by attachment to an idealistic system of thought which based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of humanity, and the supremacy of insight over experience for the revelation of the deepest truths.

                                                In German transcendentalism (especially as it was refracted by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Carlyle), Platonism and Neoplatonism, the Indian and Chinese scriptures, and the writings of such mystics as Emanuel Swedenborg and Jakob Böhme were sources to which the New England Transcendentalists turned in their search for a liberating philosophy.

  • Meaning of anti- Transcendentalism:-

                                                Anti-Transcendentalism was an opposition movement to the Transcendentalist. The Transcendentalist were writers who supported the beauty of Nature, the kindness of Humans and a distrust in government.

  • The Scarlet Letter :-

                                                'The Scarlet Letter' was historical fiction which written by american Writer Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is a story of Hester Prynne. In the novel central theme is that legalism,sin and guilt. It's also reflected puritan thought and mind of society during that time through Characters. It inspired numerous film, television, and stage adaptations also. So here I notify that this important philosophical and aesthetic movement plays a vital role in Hawthorne's novel.

  • Transcendentalism in 'The Scarlet Letter' :-

                                               Transcendentalism one of the central thought is that Nature. Here Nature means of accessing this divine spirit, while rejecting all forms of social limitation from formal education to organized religion. Civilization, the transcendentalists argue does nothing more than difficult task and reform the individual's spiritual, mental, and emotional development, taking him away from God and from himself. In the novel the story of Hester Prynne and her struggling life with the punishment. She determination at the hands of the Puritan society. During that time colony  enthusiasm for purifying society through a illiberal interpretation of Christian scriptures. This novel criticize Hester's spiritual and emotional growth as she endures and eventually transcends her outcast state.

1)  Sin of Adultery :-
                                                Here in the novel Hester's life used figurative way and literally on the ignored of the Puritan society with Pearl. Hester also prove to her daughter during her affair. They are banished from the Church and society. Puritan Society were not accepted into any respectable way. They misbehave with her. 

                                                  Even puritan community believed in that reformed all the human soul and spirit from social institutions, from schools to hospitals to churches. They also made hypocrites for better society. Such hypocrisy can be seen in the poor and sick whom Hester helps.

2) Society:-

                                                 We know that Society sometimes take decision with blinding, deforming, and devouring force. So here question is that What reasons to them is the individual ? Why society take interest in her personal life? who has capacity to remain potential, divine or free ?. Hester and Pearl both are lived as social outcasts who can't attend Church services and social function. Same happening with her daughter, Pearl is not accepted by the Puritan school and also Children are kidding her because her mother's adultery. 

3) Religion :-

                                                 Transcendentalists don't believe in organized certain religion. For the transcendentalists, God cannot be confined to a single name or religion. The deity, for them, is far bigger, and can be understood through reading the sacred texts of all faiths and taking from their teachings that which resonates in the soul. Above all, one develops a sense of the sacred and the moral by turning inward.

  • Anti-transcendentalism in ' The Scarlet letter '  :-

                                                 ' The Scarlet letter ' novel think about an anti-transcendental things. May be this novel focus on incorporates evil and changing of the community. In the novel I notify that Person of the puritan society more suffering from moral problem rather than another problem. During that time society denied aggressive and sexual impulses. In the novel character of Hester Prynne doing sin of adultery.  As a result of  sexual perversion is that Hester became mother of Pearl but Society never accept her. She also refused to say who is father of child ? Roger Chilling worth  is another example of the evil who is incorporated in the novel ' The Scarlet Letter '.