Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Learning Of E.A. Poe's Short story by Dr. Jay Mehta

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Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

                                                 Sometime we get more knowledge through expert so that's authentic & better learning process for learners because expert has deep knowledge and good skill for interpretation. So that type of guest lecture organized by Department off English. We attended guest lectures by Dr.Jay Mehta during 16 Aug. to 18 Aug. 2019. He has good style to teaching.

  • Poe's horror and Detective Stories:-

1) The Tell- The Heart:

                                              In this story narrator was unnamed who tell the story and at the end he accepts his crime. Normally in the story one character of an old man who has one artificial eye which becomes victim of his murder. After murder of old man narrator feel something like own death. His heartbeat becomes very fast and he remaining in fear. At the end of the story some strain remain unclear in reader's mind. It's interesting story.

2) The Black Cat:

                                               Here the title also indicate about story because black color connected with fear,death and something happening bad things and animal of cat also symbolize to wrong happen. So here all elements becoming around pet animal cat. Mostly people take care & love cat but here the black cat hated by narrator. Unknowingly he kills his wife and behind that murder for reason is the black cat. Here I like sense of narrator that How he hides her wife into wall. At the end of the story prove him as a murderer by death body of black cat. It's good narrative story & terrible story like as ' Monkey's Paw '.

3) The Fall of House:

                                                In this story also unnamed narrator Who arrives at house of Roderick Usher. ' The fall of House ' is central of hallucination. Generally story working  around his sister who suffer through the catalepsy. Roderick and narrator both are remain in illusion that she is died and they buries her body in his house but really she is not dead. At the end of terrible story Medline stands besides her brother then both are falling down and Rodrick also dies but his house also remain splits. In the story open all the layers at the end.

4) The Cask of Amontillado:

                                                  'The Cask of Amontillado' - You might be thinking, 'Great. I don't even understand the title - how am I supposed to understand this story?' So before we can start exploring Edgar Allan Poe's famous short story, we first need to define a couple of words in his title. Amontillado is a very specific kind of Spanish sherry, sherry being a fortified wine. And a cask is a barrel. So if we put that all together, this story could be called 'The Barrel of Sherry,' but 'The Cask of Amontillado' has a much better ring, don't you think?

5) The Purloined Letter:

                                                  It's story creates the mysterious condition and detective story because here create suspense through letter. A letter has been stolen from the boudoir of an unnamed woman by the unscrupulous Minister D—. It is said to contain compromising information. D— was in the room, saw the letter, and switched it for a letter of no importance. He has been blackmailing his victim.( Wikipedia )

6) The Gold Bug:

                                              "The Gold-Bug" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in 1843. The plot follows William Legrand, who was bitten by a gold-colored bug. His servant Jupiter fears that Legrand is going insane and goes to Legrand's friend, an unnamed narrator, who agrees to visit his old friend. Legrand pulls the other two into an adventure after deciphering a secret message that will lead to a buried treasure. ( Wikipedia )

  • Feedback & Method:-

                                                We attended three days session at Department of English by Dr. Jay Mehta. If I talk about teaching learning method of expert,Scholar and Lecturer of Dr. Jay Mehta Sir, So I have to say with pleasure that He has admirable skill of story telling because when he tells short story at that time We all travels with story and Characters. I felt that I am doing all things same as story's characters. He also explains with examples of personal experiences,Current Issues,Movies and Vivid Psychological theory..etc. I like one point from him that He uses almost gesture and  posture during his lecture which makes class lively and interesting. I learn So many new things from him. There are one of the point is that I improve my vocabulary in the class because he writes each difficult and new words on the board. At the end of the last session We get more knowledge about how to write poem ? because he shares some tips and his poem and we also share there. So I have to give one metaphor for him that he is one of the ' King of Sayari ' which makes more special. It was an amazing experience to study under him.

                                               Thus, Thanks to Prof. Dilip Barad sir for Organizing expert lecture and Thanks to Dr. Jay Mehta for involved to interact with us and spending valuable time there. Specially thanks to students of Department of English for take personally interest there.

Thank you...


  1. Covered all topics with brevity. Well drafted.

  2. Well organized and well discuss everything with interesting photo collage...well done...πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
