Sunday, August 11, 2019

Shashi Tharror : Dark Era & Reparation from British Raj

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Here given task by Dilip Barad sir , So the link is given below:

Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

  • About Shashi Tharror:-

                                                       Shashi Tharror was born in 9, March,1956. He was an Indian Politician, Writer and former career international diplomat. He  is serving also nowadays  as member of Parliament in Lok Sabha from Kerela since 2009. Tharoor has been a columnist in each of India's three best-known English-language newspapers, most recently for The Hindu (2001–2008) and in a weekly column, "Shashi on Sunday," in the Times of India (January 2007 – December 2008). 

                                                   Shashi Tharoor's non-fiction work An Era Of Darkness, published in the UK as Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India, arising out of a speech he delivered at the Oxford Union, was published in 2016. It sold over 50,000 copies in eight hardback reprints within six months of publication. The UK edition rose to Number 1 in the London Evening Standard bestseller lists. Since then, he has published two other non-fiction books: Why I Am A Hindu (2018) and The Paradoxical Prime Minister (2018), both of which have been published in the Indian subcontinent by Aleph Book Company.

  • " An Era off Darkness ":-

                                                 In the " An Era of Darkness " Shashi Tharoor mostly doing arguments to established about British colonial rites whose violence experience for Indian society.Here I notify that most off the his work represented on British exploitation of India so that he carried the day for Tharoor in an Oxford debate not too long ago.

                                                May be Tharoor's point is that there was nothing make some one in British rule of our country. What India had suffer something difficult or painful under them. According to Tharoor an era of darkness for India which suffered through wars, made man famines,racism,deportation..etc. So here Tharoor's debate became popular. We very well know that British government everything was doing for increased own wealth from India but they gave us new more things.

  • Ngugi Wa Thiongo's views...:-

                                                 Decolonising the Mind is a collection of essays about language and its constructive role in national culture, history, and identity. The book, which advocates for linguistic decolonization, is one of Ngũgĩ’s best-known and most-cited non-fiction publications, helping to cement him as a pre-eminent voice theorizing the “language debate” in post-colonial studies.

                                                Ngũgĩ describes the book as “a summary of some of the issues in which I have been passionately involved for the last twenty years of my practice in fiction, theater, criticism, and in teaching of literature…” Decolonizing the Mind is split into four essays: “The Language of African Literature,” “The Language of African Theater,” “The Language of African Fiction,” and “The Quest for Relevance.”

                                                  Another word Imperialism continues to control the economic politics and cultural of Africa. African society struggle a lot for liberate their economy, politics and culture. We know that Africa still living as obviously economic and political despite. In Africa mostly people speak in English, french, Portuguese. Here Ngugi , the detrimental impact of colonization and imperialism extend all the way down to the very language that is used by particular authors.

  • " The Black Prince ":-

                                                  Edward never became king - he died before his father, Edward III - he is remembered as a great medieval military hero, with notable victories against the French in the Hundred Years War.

                                                  Edward was born on 15 June 1330 at Woodstock in Oxford shire, the eldest son of Edward III. He was created prince of Wales in 1343. He showed military brilliance at an early age, playing a key role in the defeat of the French army at the Battle of Crecy when he was only 16. In 1355, he was appointed his father's lieutenant in Gascony and the following year led another significant victory against the French at Poitier, taking the French king prisoner.

                                                     In the movie prince Duleepsingh play roll as a protagonist. One thing I noticed that this movie also focus on how British government ruled on India. Movie reflected good side of British government though providing so many things for prince but Prince always prefers conman life. Mother of the princes also hate British government and people. She didn't like their manner of hospitality. Normally movie working surrounding nationalism,colonialism,reflect British's manner,clothe,food,Christianity...etc.