Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Postcolonial Studies:Film Screening: Midnight's Children and The Reluctant fundamentalist

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Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

Here is task given as a post colonial studies by Prof. Dilip Barad Sir,

  • "The Black Prince ":-

                                                    'The Black Prince' was a well famous an international historical drama. This movie's also directed by Kavi Raz and starring by Satinder Sartaj, Amanda Root, Jason Flemyng, Atul Sharma and Rup Magon. This film reflected Post colonial voice of literature,society and reality. When Firstly I looking this movie, I think It's like biographical movie. Generally this movie based on last king Maharaja Duleep Singh who leads Sikh empire. His pet name ' The Black Prince of Perthshire '  which given by Victoria.

A) Historical background of Punjab:-

                                                 We know that " First Impression is last Impression." So here movie started with saying history with map and portrait of King. After the death of his father, Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the previous ruler of the Sikh empire, Maharaja Duleep Singh is placed on the throne at the age of five. In 1849, when Punjab is annexed to British India, the young prince is removed from the throne and separated from his mother. He is put under the guardianship of British surgeon Dr. John Login. At the age of 15, Duleep Singh is sent to England where he meets Queen Victoria. A relationship between the two develops.  Duleep Singh is eventually able to reestablish contact with his mother and as a result begins to reconnect with the culture of his birth. Duleep attempts to return to India to reclaim his kingdom, but is continually thwarted by British colonial politics.

B) Hated of British Government by Sikh :-

                                              In the movie spoken short and critic dialogues by each Characters. When Maharani sahiba met queen Victoria at that time she speak with disgust like, Britisher only offered tea not for food. Kavi Raz’s film solely rests on Duleep’s longing and liberation. 

                                                  It’s his tragic story that’s heart-breaking more than the snail-paced execution, stoic portrayal by Sartaaj and ineffective writing. The film needed a competent actor in the lead role as the moment you take Shabana Azmi away, it ceases to hold your interest. As a feisty queen, who is appalled by her son’s indifference to his country, she proves for the umpteenth time, why she is one of our finest actors, ever. Amanda Root and Jason Flemyng do a fine job as well.Given the period drama’s slow moving pace and melancholic nature, it could have perhaps worked better as a tele-series. An episodic retelling could have been more impact.

C) Motherhood:-

                                                 In the movie I have to find that Here mother is not play as a  roll of  Indian motherhood but She played roll as a Villon because she has desire for take revenge against British Government So in the movie she remembering and tell her son about past. Here I have to say that Childhood more impact on child rather than motherhood.

  • Midnight's Children:-

                                               " Midnight's Children" was a canadian-british film in 2012 which adaptation of Salman Rushdie's 1981 novel of same name here. This movie's screen play by Rushdie and directed by Deepa Mehta. The film began Principal photography in Colombo in 2011. Movie shooting kept as a secret as Mehta feared protested by Islamic Fundamentalist.

A) Opening:-

                                                We know that each directer has own style to narrative and open mouth of movie so here Deepa Mehta used to put reality of Indira Gandhi. The film opened with time off 1917 when the year of Indira Gandhi and apply emergency in India. Over all good film but I have one question that Opening of the movie with narration of Protagonist but Why Protagonist of the film narrated history of that time before thirty years when he was not in her mother's womb ? Mostly film Symbolize ' Nose ' surrounding all elements. What is important of Nose there ? Why need only nose ? Well, I don't know here about my all questions, May be I must read novel to better understanding of that thoughts.

                                                In the film  central soul is that the story about children who was born in the stoke of the Midnight during 14th Aug. 1947 with magical power. Here question is that What is fault of that children which born midnight ? In the movie normally everything happening between two characters Saleem & Shiva. Saleem Sinai play roll as a Protagonist who belong to rich family Same in opposite side Shiva belong to poor family who later joined the Army then he fought in battle of Pakistan and Bangladesh which fought for free Bangladesh from Pakistan.  

B) Hybridity and Identity:-

                                                   When I saw movie at that time I notify that In the movie also reflected hybridity of Culture and Identity also. In the movie one Dialogue by Saleem,

" Let rich to be poor and poor to be rich..."

                                                 In the movie I can saw that How destiny play vital roll in both characters life. Let me know that Saleem was the son of British man William methwold and poor family's lady Marathian. Another character Shiva who born as a son of Ahemad Sinai and Amina. But in the movie Mary & Joe both are try to revolt against them so Here Mary played great roll who was nurse in hospital, She exchanged both baby boy with each-other. She was remained present around when  all thing happening by her mistake.

                                                   Another example of Hybridity was that Saleem went to Pakistan and also Shiva joined in Army at that time we can find condition of partition of India and Pakistan. In the movie after war Saleem came back to India and marry with Parvati who beloved of Shiva so She gave birth of child. Here I can find again hybridization.

C) Post colonial Hybridization:-

                                                    Here I notify that Saleem was the best example of Hybrid person because who was a son of colonizer father and poor Indian mother. Same as another example of character of Shiva who the Son of Muslim parents but his name upon Indian family and God.

D) Sexual Perversion & Skin Color:-

                                                We can connected also present time that each person suffering from sexual perversion so that in the movie sexual relationship between white skin person Methworld with black skin Indian poor lady. Another example white skin Saleem made sexual relation with black skin girl Parvati which also connected us with book " The Black Skin , White Mask. "

E) Magic Realism :-

                                              In the movie referred some elements with Snake. People pet snake . Another thing is that in the movie Saleem has power of Smell to feeling. Same as Parvati has power of doing absent anythings with " Abrakadabra ". 

  • "Reluctant Fundamentalist::-

                                                   " Reluctant Fundamentalist " was political thriller drama film in 2012 whose based on novel of Mohsin Hamid, ' The Reluctant Fundamentalist ' in 2007. This movie directed by Mira Nair and starring by Riz Ahmed and Kate Hudson. ' The Reluctant fundamentalist ' is a post events of 9/11 film. The movie about the impact on one man of the Al QAaida attacks and the American reaction to them.

A) Opening :-

                                                   Here in the movie opening with like as interview which taken by American CIA agent Boby Lincoln for reason of abduction of American Professor at Lahore. Boby came at Lahore then he taling interview of Changez khan in Coffee shop which may be involved in abduction or matter in 9/11.

B) Flashback Technique:-

                                                  Here Mira Nair has good used of that technique because it's impossible during interview time.Each question has scene of flashback. In the movie we travel with them from Pakistan to America. Movie's title also suggest different view like as one view as fundamentalist is as terrorism and another view is business fundamentalist. 

 C) Achievement & Identity :-

                                                 In the movie hero has sense of business, he was young,handsome and intellectual. In America he was lived good luxurious life with his beloved Erica who beautiful and artist photographer. Many time we felt that our destiny leave us and when people more achieve then suddenly loss same happen with Changez Khan Suddenly he fall after the attack on WTC tower. All people and American government looking towards as terrorist. There are he insulted by FBI team and american fellows. Only one his beloved has own native but at the knowing all the she refused him. He came back motherland at Pakistan and he started job as a lecturer.  

D) Islamophobia:-

                                              When American agent take his interview at that time he blamed him like as you gave training of terrorism of the University students through lecture which is post truth. We can't say through religion that Islam always terrorist but society often attention on that. People always think that Only Muslim drinking wind and eating beef but it's not truth because we know reality now. But at the end of the movie Changez Khan wants to freedom from Business. He had ambition of live simple,peaceful life with family.  

E) Language of Camera & Background:-

                                                 In the movie without conversation How can audience understand real concept So that Camera movement also important there. When the scene of attacked on WTC Tower at that time camera focus on face of Changez Khan rather than live telecast. In the movie Some notable background place like Taj hotale, Istumbal, Turkey, WTC tower, Lahore...etc. Some time used academic background like University, Science Lab...etc.

F) Generation Gap :-

                                                 Most of the scene of movie work like frame within a frame. In the movie I notify that there are conflict between father and son for corporate world and Market fundamental. Here Father was poet and symbols of corporate and Indian father hood but Changez Khan represented as hot blood of young and symbol of achievement and growing as conman man. When he was america he don't celebrate even Eid.

G) Humanity vs Corporate :-

                                                When Changez Khan leaved job at America then he came back Pakistan.  When he joined as a lecturer in Lahore University  at that time he spoke about that..." Pakistani Dream " Here question is that what is Pakistani dream ? Terrorism ? any way. Another thing when any person loss every thing at that time they follow religion So here Changez gave references of Quran. Mostly people used community religion, castle and emotion  for blaming community.

H) Post colonial elements:-

                                                 Post colonial elements in the movie is that how western countries watched the particular Muslim person and How they connected with terrorism. In the movie reflected may be angle way of looking American society against Pakistani. It's more problematic nowadays also but no one raise own voice against power.

  • References :-


  1. Such a worthy writing.... keep writing with that interesting points 😁😁
