Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Thinking activity on " The Scarlet Letter " with " Kya Kehna" movie

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Here I want to Share my view on questions. So let's start our journey of learning together...

This blog task is part of academic  movie screening which given by Heena ma'am...

  • About Scarlet Letter:-

                                          ' Scarlet Letter ' was historical fiction by American writer Nathanniel Hawthorne. This novel's setting in puritan  settlement in time of 1642 at Bostan city. This novel concern around some characters like, Hester, Pearl,Roger Chillingworth and Arthur Dimmesdale. Generally all the plots of the novel leads by Heater. She is beautiful young lady whose husband missing for over years then she became mother of Pearl without marriage of anybody so that Society announced of as a " Adultery ". At the end of the novel Dimmesdale climbs on the scaffold and he also confesses in front of everybody of his guilty. This novel try to change meaning of adultery through character of Hester. This novel reprented themes of legalism, sin and guilt.

  • About " Kya Kehna ":-

                                             'Kya Kehna' movie is a 2000 Indian Hindi drama film directed by Kundan Shah.  'Kya Kehna'  film dealt with the taboo issue of pre-marital pregnancy and the views of society.The soundtrack of the film contains 8 songs. The music is given by Rajesh Roshan, with lyrics by Majrooh Sultanpuri. Here Character of Priya same play as a roll on Hester. How as a woman faced struggle of society it's clearly describe here.

Que.:- 1) What are the names of the protagonists in both works ?


                                                   Hester Prynne was the protagonist of the novel because all plots and incidence happening around herself. She was also wearing  of the Scarlet Letter " A ". So that novelist gave that title of the book. At the end of the novel she Struggle a lot in front of Society. In the Novel Hester also married with scholar Chillingworth but She affair with Dimmesdale at America after that she became mother of Pearl.

                                                 Same theme happening in the movie, Priya Bakshi was central character and protagonist of the film. When She was studying in collage at that time she affair with Rahul after that pre- married she became pregnant so that family and society never accepts her. She struggle a lot in front of society. Another different thing is in the movie is that Priya has one friend Ajay who secretly fall in love with Priya and he also help a lot in painful condition. So that it's not happening with Hester.

Que.:-2) What is the role played by Society in Hester's life ?


                                                 In the novel we know that Society never accept adultery of Hester. When Hester does not ready to say about child's father name at that time there reflected mind of puritan people. Moreover, The Puritan Society  forcefully wearing Scarlet Letter of " A ". It's Means that society as a women gave punishment of adultery of herself. But looking in their society we can find that They all are always force that type people to live in specific types of taboo. Puritan Society also ordered to her live in outside of particular town with her daughter Pearl. Thus during that time Society think that Hester was not moral and good women.

Que.:-3) What is the role played by Society in Priya's life ?


                                                 In the movie Pre- married Priya became pregnant. So in the Patriarchal family could not bear that. Same happening with Priya. Firstly Priya's father request to rich family's son of Rahul for married her because her father had question of fame. However, He dined to married with her and he said about abortion. but Priya don't ready to do this. So her struggle started from family, collage and society. She faced many problem during Pregnant time. In the movie society believed that Priya was not good girl.

Que.:-4) Compare and contrast " The Scaffold scene in the Scarlet Letter " and " a year end performance in Kya kehna " in which a group of students performs a play  on Priya and her pregnancy.


                                                  In the novel Hester as a beautiful young women who has came into new world where society divided her self from community and they all in front of her. Another thing is that When Arthur Dimmesdale increased the platform in a half hearted for accept his work of sin. Moreover Hawthorne's try to knowing about Hester's scarlet letter. So that in the novel Scaffold scene was play whopping role.

                                                 In the movie only one scaffold scene when one play performance which played by her collage's students. but we know that after speech of Priya  all audience felt pity for her. She mentioned one point on her speech that woman character do suicide for reason of pregnant it's not right and she connected her own story with there.

Que.:-5) What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to accept their fatherhood? How do you they differ and what are the similarities ?


                                                  In the novel Arthur Dimmesdale had fear of society and religion because he many time talked about morality but when society know reality of Arthur so for him live in society is difficult. In the movie Rahul was playboy type character and he was a student of college. I noticed one things that Rahul don't truly love of Priya but he say that by mistake she became pregnant. Another reason is Rahul came from rich family and Priya came from middle class family so his mother say that she is not appropriate for married with him. But in the novel Dimmesdale is ready to accept her fatherhood after knowing all kind of things. but in the movie Rahul remaining neutral so that I can say that Rahul's love is lust of body, not true love with Priya.

Que.:-6) What is the role played by Rahul's mother in Priya's life ? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on Priya ?


                                                  We know that everybody lives life with some objectives. Here in the movie Rahul's mother has mentality that Priya wants to marry with her son Rahul because Priya wants to high status in society and she has ambition to make of own property and money through marry. We know that rich people live in particular mentality and with fear of loss also.After she know that Priya became pregnant so she denied for married strictly.His mother try to proves that Priya's  is not good girl and her family was not good. Another thing his mother has power and money so that she ability to do anything.

Que.:-7) Write note on the class difference in "Kya Kehna".


                                               Movie also reflected that things through clothes,houses and lifestyle. In the movie Protagonists Rahul belongs to rich family and Priya belongs to middle class family. We know that love has not wall of class but here I can find when Priya became pregnant and he refused to marry with her. It's reflected class difference. Another thing When Rahul came Priya's house at that time all family members sit together without hesitation but when her father and brother went to Rahul's house they didn't sit together.Rich people mostly  fight for pride rather than middle class people.

Que.:-8 ) Why do you think the director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state ? Is it possible in real life ? what are the reasons for your Yes or No ?


                                                 In the movie character of Ajay is good role played but It's not possible in real life because Our society never give permission for there. We know that Movie is reflection of our society but it doesn't means that all such kind of things happening in real life. We can't completed our life even three hours. Many time I feel that when We also help girl without perspective although people talked about us. So we don't became Ajay because I do not help and married with one child of mother like Ajay.

Que.:-9) Write a critical note on the end of the movie and novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given a happy ending ?


                                                End of the novel also applicable because we find in real life example but End of the movie is happy ending, here question is that what happen then married of Priya and Ajay ? It's not described in the movie. We know that our present society not accept when we do something wrong. In the novel Dimmesdale broken sense of guilt and publicly confesses his adultery. Movie is happy ending while novel hasn't. Another thing is that novelist try to present time of puritan society. So that movie put emphasis on the idealization of everything and novel put reality of puritan society.

Que.10) How do you see Hester and Priya as Individuals?


                                               I like in both characters is that both are courageously fight against society. They describe more stronger rather than male.Hester has only one option that birth of child and struggle as a single way but Priya has extra option is abortion but she decide to give birth of baby and became mother of child.One difference is that Hester spends her life for care taker of Pearl while Priya decided to marry with Ajay ans started new journey of life.

I hope you enjoyed a lot read in my blog...

Thank you...