Saturday, July 20, 2019

Girish Karnad : The Artist, the citizen and the Question of Truth.

  • Introduction:-

                                               Girish Karnad is one of the influential playwrights in modern time. His drama has become employed imagination, innovation and craftsmanship. He received Jnanapith award, honored by Padma Bhushan. He also won the Sahitya Akademi award. Girish Karnad wants to be a modern poet, but he is destined to become a playwright. Many work has been done in the field of drama since the 1980 's. Especially, with the advent of playwrights such as Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar, Mohan Rakesh, Badal Sarkar, dramas written in English in India are starting to attract people.

                                              Girish Karnad's Hayarkadana is based on Thomas Mann's "Transposed Heads" story. This is based on the version of the story of vate panchavimshati. (The play of Girish Karnad: the development of Girish Karnad as a playwright) But Karnad is heavily dependent on Thomas Mann 's story. In Hayavadana, Canard wants us to suggest to us that the solution of King Vikram does not solve the problem. In fact, it starts when it seems that the actual problem has been solved. This may be the reason he gave up the version of the veterinarian panchavimshati with the theme of "incest". At the same time, he is also very different from Thomas Man's story.

                                              As a playwright, Girish Karnad 's successful career drama is Yayati. In 1960, Canadians planned to leave India to Oxford, and for three years they were in violation of his parents' hope as a scholar of Rhodes. Therefore play is related to the sacrifice of the old generation of the old generation. Unlike other play, Priya Adarkar first translated the play. This has served this purpose until I feel Girish Karnad needs to translate in 2008. In fact, he does not want to touch the drama, this is his "youth" work (when he was 22 years old), so now the script translation is Dr. Satyadev Dubey, Dr. Shreeram Lagoo, CR Simha's recommendation Correction and fulfillment.

  • What is Truth ?

                                              According to my points of view Truth create terrible condition for wrong person but before i want to say that Truth is terrible. True people facing lost of problem. Even I can find truth character in Indian literature who leave family for Truth. For example, Harichandra and Taramati. We know story about their life and family.What do you think about them ? Is it doing right for truth ? We all are living in illusion of truth. Truth hasn't own definition because It's things of experience and feelings. We don't know what is real & Unreal ? What is truth & False ? but when we will talk fact about power, past events and history at that time we criticize by them and Sometime they create wrong issue in front of us. So Which is path proper for us.? 

  • Hindu Hater:-

                                                    Girish Raghunathan Karnad played roll as a Karnataka films, as a actor and  director, writer and playwright, critic also during his life. His death at the age of 81 and his funeral held in Kalapalli Electro Dahargah at Bengaluru without rituals. In Indian tradition has many rituals for funeral. He abominated towards Hinduism, It's followers. Karnad who was expresses an unfavorable opinion to the biggest political parties and caste for example, he was publicly opposed to the BJP and Sangh Parivar and one upon a  time he referred Narendra Modi as a " Dangerous Man". It's difficult task to speak  against particular political person. He also ignored Indian cultures, traditions openly. I think we need to  this types of person because they said reality of specific parties and community but Our Society focus only bad side of him. 

                                               ' Tughlaq ' play base on the life of Mahammad Bin Tughlaq and delhi saltanat. This play represented the story of Muslim ruler who known for imbecilities. Here Karnad compare story of Jawaharlal Nehru and Tughlaq. Both are as misunderstood geniuses. In Krnataka's celebrated " Tipu Jayanti" also. He talked on Tipu sultan's history and ruler times. Without known Karnataka's people celebrated festival. They don't know Who is tipu ?. It's chief problem of society.

  • Social Media :-

                                               We are living in digital era so that we confuse to decide what's fact & reality ? Sometime we make mistake to chose reality. Nowadats news channels purchased by some one that's-why channel also follows on  them side. Same as happening with Girish Karnard's life. When he died at that time social media talking about his awards and  qualification. They don't say about his talents and critic writing. So here question is that What's roll of social media ? are they said about reality ? or Talking only post truth for spreed channel. We tied to scrolling news, at the end of scrolling we can't get reality.