Thursday, July 11, 2019

HImal Pandy : YOLO

  • What is life ?

    The Bible says,

                            "God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, that                                                    whoever believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life."

Here I want to say that Life is whopping topic. We can't conclude it in one bowl because  Life always connected with emotions, experiences and ending results. Each and every person face different types of struggles. I remember one thought of Kajal Oza Vaidya, She said,

                           " Every person has own storage of story and experience ". 

Before,I talk about life, I want to say that What is Definition of life ? I listen many time by people, that is game played by god. Do you agree with this point ? 

                                                  "Life is a fight, Life is a story.

                                                    Life is a song, Life is a dream.

                                                    Life is an illusion, Life is nothing but passion.

                                                    Life is love. Love is a puzzle and what not.

                                                    But most of all Life is what you make it."

                                               Our session starred with brief introduction of Himal Pandya which given by Prof. Dilip Barad Sir. Hemal Pandya is poet, writer, Motivational Speaker also. He has good Skill of Interaction. He also talked on "YOLO" and Some real incidents of his life. His motive was that " Zindagi nahi milegi Dubara". It means that live your life with happiness. 

  • Nick Vujicic:-

                                               He explained with example of Nick Vujicic. His famous motivation video " No Arms, No Legs, No Worries...". We don't think that without leg and hand, We can't do anything. But this person become great motivational Speaker and he lives happy life with his family. He is father of two children. So my question is that Why we are become demotivate ? Why people prefer suicide ? Nick has not some body part although he lives happy life. What is condition of his parents during that time ? Can you imagine ? I will hope you can get some inspiration from Nick.

                                                We can see condition of Peng in the picture. He has whooping business in China. How is it possible ? What's about condition of family and parents ?. His life story very serious but interesting. When we will feel that it's not other people's pain but own pain so that we can help other people. It means that We have need to empathy and Sympathy. Himal Pandya. well explain different between Sympathy and Empathy. When Peng started his business, he decided to open

                                                " Half man, Half Price store..."

  • Life like as Movie:-
                                             We can compare life with movie screening. In movie we find that hero struggle a lot at last breath but he/she can't preface suicide and discourage. We know that many things rotation in life like's, some part of enjoyable and some part struggle in life. Normally we used money for useless things. If we promise with ourselves, May be help a lot other needed person.

  • Current Example:-
                                                  Himal Pandya is one of the best example from them. He shared with us lots of struggle of his life. He started his story from Rajkot. When he was remain 9 days in comma. He faced 17 Shock and three operation into hospital. Here I don't put all the things of him. generally 'Shock' give invitation of death but Here shock is important for his life. He talked about of One couple when he was principle in 2008.  

  • Satisfaction :-

                                             One of the best way for better life is satisfaction from life. Normally we don't satisfied with life.We have more ambition. When it don't fulfill so that we choose wrong ways. We should say thanks to other for helping. While we  haven't mobile at that we feel some thing bad. but we don't think that we have another thing rather than mobile. It means that we can't understood which things we have. Same as became in relationship. We don't know who is packing our parachute ? We do good, We get good result but we do bad, We get bad. It is may be theory of 'Karma'. We all are living for bread and butter and  we live for life carving so why we dis-motivate ?

  • Conclusion:-

                                            At the end of the session Himal Pandya talked on one  story of two students and padrovershi. It's well motivational story. He gave one message that We should have one shoulder for crying and he added one ' Hayati no Dakhlo". at the he sung a poem of Dhruv Bhatt " Ochintu koy mane...." We get lot of enjoyed and learnt something new that day. So let's live our life without depression and do help a lot other.

Thank you...

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