Saturday, July 6, 2019

Movie Screening: The Great Dictator

                                             As a part of the modern literature We saw movie of " The Great Dictator" by Charlie Chaplin at department of English. We get lot of enjoyed and learn something new from the movie.

  •  How destroyed history?
                                             Charlie Chaplin And Hitler both are born in same as one country. Only different of two days in the time of birth Both are similar in height,tooth brush mustache, both are famous also but different between them was one was laughing of the world and another was crying of the world. Here Chaplin try to criticize Hitler and his system through comic way. Chaplin try to destroyed history of Europium country. He was great director, writer, producer and actor also.

  • What's means of Dictator?
According to Oxford Dictionary...

                                             "someone who rules a country with complete power, has complete control over the armed forces, and destroys any political opposition."

                                             "a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people."

                                            "a person who gives orders and behaves as if they have complete power."

  • About the Title of Movie:-

                                                As a part of the modern literature We watched movie of Charlie Chaplin "The Great Dictator." This movies directer, Producer, Writer, Starring, actor, Music by and production all had done by only one man by Charlie Chaplin. It's difficult task but he has good ability to arrangement all the things. This movie released in 1940 at Network. In this movie Chaplin plays both leading roles as a ruthless fascist dictator and a persecuted Jewish Barber also.

  • Representation:-
                                               " The Great Dictator" movie represented Satire on political system, Historically significant & reflection of World War and aesthetically elements. Another side that I found feminism also. How woman and Jew people bearing by central power and system. Moreover I found in movie Some condition of hospital and crash of Plane during that time. Here I connected with nowadays times also. Mostly nowadays we suffering lot problem same as that time.    

  • Ghetto & Shetto:-
                                               ''Ghetto" is area and market of Jewish people in Europe which hews were permitted to live there. In many times ghettos were places of terrible poverty and during periods of population growth. Here in the movie I could find they had narrow streets and small, crowded houses rather than another. Same as In nowadays poor, low caste people even villages don't have comfortable houses. Shetto is for rich people area.

  • Love and Woman voice:-

                                          In the movie Barber falls in love with a neighbor and beautiful girl 'Hannah' and both are try to resist against military forces. Why both are fights with them? because they all are faced some trouble of the system. In the movie both are love each-other. Hannah was a planed to marry with him but both saw to flesh back then they remembering some thing like rules of love. They can't love each other freely. So many times increased question that Why government take interest in public's personal life ? here I found Woman mostly working for man and She work in shop of barber and she also goes to selling potato. In the last scene one man tonsured woman but She can't do anything.

  • Insanity:-

                                             Chaplin presented in the movie insanity of Hitler and his followers. How are they tonsured of jew people ? Yahudi was wealthy people rather than Jew so that they misbehave in front of them.Same as condition I can found in film of 'Mother India'. Every human had power to fight for liberty but Who was started ? during that time people known Hitler as a monster. Even current time people has insanity for political people. Nowadays Society can't ask question against power?

  • Parody:-

According to Oxford Dictionary...

                                           "...writing, music, art, speech, etc. that intentionally copies the style of someone famous or copies a particular situation, making the features or qualities of the original more noticeable in a way that is humorous..."
                                              So here We can find that Hitler and his follower how to make fun through language and with creation some situation. Thus Chaplin very well represented parody in this movie.

  • Fascism and Nationalism:-
                                            Fascism is mirror of our society, government,religion also. Nowadays we know that speech of Mahua Moitra very famous.

                                          Nationalism was played vital role to became people foolish. When political party feel that their party's  has week power at that time they used argument of nationalism. So Our society believed in respect nation that's why they can't speak against nationalism. Every political people has own style to be fool people. Some has powerful speech So they used that. They won confidence of society through his ability. In the movie people always raised their hand for respect Hitler and loudly said, " Hey, Henkell". Thus each people and political party loved fame and their name.

  • Selfie zone:- 
                                              Here Chaplin try to interpreted behaviors, styles and habits of political person. Hitler was also loved Camera. Whenever he goes in public space always he takes with cameraman. In the movie one scene that he take photo with child. He try to behave that he loved children. When Napolian's Came at that time he demanded cameraman. Same as we can find in present time Many political people don't miss to chance of photography. They arrange every thing before they came.Whenever and wherever they will go with cameraman. Sometime question by people that they launched work and plan for specially photography.  Chaplin satire that Thus Every political person lived in own personal selfie zone. 

  • Justify by People:-
                                            In the movie any punishment given by powerful people. There are no court. During rules of Hitler has not court for justify. If you speak against them then they justify. It is not right way of justification.

  • Devaluation of Art:- 
                                         Here I can find that both Artist were waiting of Hitler for drawing posture and sculpt but Hitler spend few miniatures them then he goes. So Here he don't value of Artist and art. As have time of Hitler at that time they work. We know that art comes from heart. So here Both artist felt boring there. When Hitler passed on the street at that time two sculpt beside the road but he can't saw. Both Sculpt are symbolically used by Chaplin in the movie.

  • Famous Speech:-

                                        At the end of the movie great speech given by Chaplin. Each and every words used with significantly.All speech full of pasimisiom and anti war. All the words used appropriately. I like one sentence from the speech like ...

                                  " You, the people have the power - the power to create machines.
                                   The power to create happiness!"

                                 "Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people!
                                  Now let us fight to fulfill that promise!
                                  Let us fight to free the world - to do away with national barriers - to do                                          away with greed, with hate and intolerance."

                                "Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will                                      lead to all men's happiness.
                                  in the name of democracy, let us all unite
                                 Source: Musixmatch

I hope you that you get lot enjoyed during read my blog...
Thank you...

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