Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ode on oneness literature

                                              Each and every things has grown from particular root but when each things started to develop at that time it's became shape of different things. We can see in nature that tree has capacity to produce seeds and every seeds has capacity to fabricate shape of trees. we can apply  same as in human being. Law of the nature same working in each and every places of the earth. Although What different between human being and another?. My point is that We all are one from nature but we are different through Creation. 

                                               Here I want to talk about law of oneness in literature. We  know that one subject connected to another subject like as, philosophy, psychology, geography...etc. It means that all subjects are connected each other. There are all topic presented with different styles but basic purpose has same. How are we becoming different rather than another ? through different personality ? through something new creation ?. For a concept of adding  a charm or to prove some point add for creative in it. Thus we get from discussion that one theme present in different creative forms.


                                                In the modern epic poem of " The waste land " is best example of oneness literature. T.S Eliot used vivid references in the modern poem " The waste land ". He tried to say creative way the central ideas of sexual perversion and spirituality in the poem. He tried to pointed out  oneness of literature  in his essay. Same as in  Northrop Frye used theory of archetype in English literature. When we read English poem at that time  we find poet mostly used figurative language for express symbolic way. They all try to decorate language through oneness of literature. So let's we have look on the oneness of literature  through the similarity between T.S.Eliot's modern epic poem and Anton Chekhov's Short story of " A Joke ". Poem and Story both are leads towards sexual perversion.  He I put one of the stanza from ' The Waste land ' 

" And when we were children, staying at the archduke's,
My Cousin's , he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened.
He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free."

                                              This stanza represented nostalgic about woman Marie. When we read first time that stanza in the mind create one image of fear of Marie for sledding over the mountain. but here her cousin  gave power of encouragement for that. Another image create in mind that her cousin boosted to her for hidden sexual perversion also.

                                              Same as I found in story of Anton Chekhov's " A joke ". Both have common central themes. There are only difference between in story and poem that the name of characters. In the story character of Nadia instead of Marie. Another difference is in the story Nadia's with her friend, not with cousin.  In the story Nadia don't able to decide that she was living in current time or dream. At the end of the story Nadia married with boy. So here question is that It's true love story or reflection of sexual perversion ? 

                                              This type story we can find in movies and TV serials also but all are presented with different versions. May be Chekhov's  short story " A joke " was translated as in Gujarati language " Nanakdi Mazak " in news paper of 'Gujarat Samachar'.

                                               At the end of the discussion I want to say  that all literature's and languages have content as same but way of presenting in creative form.

Thank you...

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