Friday, August 30, 2019

" Breath" by Samuel Beckett

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Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

This task is given by Prof. Dilip Barad Sir for better understanding absurdity and ridiculousness into the Beckett's play. So here I put link of task which given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir,

                                                Samuel Barclay Beckett's journey of life between 13 April 1906 to 22 December 1989. He was an Irish novelist, playwright, short story writer, theater director, poet, and literary translator. A resident of Paris for most of his adult life and he wrote in both English and French languages.

                                                Beckett's work offers a bleak, tragicomic outlook on human existence, often coupled with black comedy and gallows humor, and became increasingly minimalist in his later career. He is considered one of the last modernist writers and one of the key figures in what Martin Esslin called the "Theatre of the Absurd."

                                               Samuel Beckett was one of the most prominent playwrights of the twentieth century. He wrote only a thirty-second play-let for the stage which created many questions in readers mind.In that py he does not include any actors, text, characters but only play working surrounding  the stage directions. "Breath" also has specific the focus and the only theatrical text considered in this study which demonstrated how the piece became emblematic of the interdisciplinary exchanges that occur in Beckett's later writings, and of the cross-fertilization of the theater with the visual arts.Here the book attends to fifty breath-related artworks through including sculpture, painting, new media,sound art, performance art and contextualizes.Beckett's 'Breath' within the inter-medial and high-modernist discourse thereby contributing to the expanding field of inter-medial Beckett criticism.

  • The script of the play:-


1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.
2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds.


  • Trivial Images:-

  • First Part:-

                                                   When we read some information about Beckett play ' Breath' that it was only thirty second play, I examined with curiosity that How is  it possible? Another question that It's 30 second play or 32nd play ? when I read this experimental play  during that time also generated insignificant images into my mind that what's center of the play ? What's purpose of the write this play ? I think here in the play Beckett try to interpreted journey of life with example of rubbish things and also we connect with concept of  'Nihilism'.

                                                    Here I explained another way that Life is like rubbish thing and also dim-full light. I haven't choice of birth and died. Sometime our ( Rubbish ) beliefs stop to living own way. So that life is combination of Pain and joy like ' Dim Light '.

  • Second Part:-

                                                    When I read second part I heard the crying of a new born baby with something like light. So here I interpreted that When we born from womb of the mother at that time we faced suffering. So I can say that when our life started with struggle before may be come happiness. Moreover suffering also give strength and inner power or spiritual power but at the end this circle repeating often into the life. 

  • Last Part:-

                                                At the end I interpreted that we doing everything for the ability of n entity to interact with physical and mental reality but end of the we felt lacking. Mostly old person chose death rather than living.

  • First Video:-

                                                 During Watching this video or play, I notify one thing that There are clip moving with sound of the flow of breath out from human body for specific reason. Let me know that there are rubbish of like waste medicine and store of waste hospital which reflected happening bad thing certain place and worst life & wealth. Moreover I found symbol of 'swastika' which almost connected with Hitler and his rules. Another way If I want to saw so that It's represented sometimes our belief and religion leads towards rubbish things.

  • Second Video:-

                                                  In this video clip or movie I found so many types of fruits and vegetable. Fruit connected with richness, overindulgence and temptation and earthly pleasure. Another I can say It's connected with Myth. Sometime fruit ride us to luxurious life style which get during our life from nature but human being still never satisfied.

  • Last Video:-

                                                  In the last video working with background sound of child crying. So I think  it's connected with generation the world and earth. Another interpretation is that human being born on the planet as a curse so that may be born as a human being on planet is rubbish thing. Moreover now I have another interpretation in my mind based on back ground sound. May be it's sound of happening rape and paining.

                                                   Thus, I want to say that Here Samuel Beckett has presented reality of life and world. He also explained absurdity through the play " Breath ".

Thank you...
  • References:-

Friday, August 23, 2019

Method of English language teaching unit-3

Hello Reader ! 

Welcome to my blog. 

Here I want to Share my view on following questions. So let's start our journey of learning together...
Here as a part of ELT-1 task given by Vaidehi ma'am, So the link is given below:

  • Difference between approach and method:-

- If I want to say briefly about approach so that It's refers to the way a teacher considers content while deciding how to teach it. While into the method refers to the way a teacher ultimately decides to teach it. for example, as a lecture, an activity, a discussion, etc. You can think of approach as a more general term that encompasses planning and consideration and method as the specific way something is taught.

- Here is a difference between approach and method is that An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody and A method is the process  which used or the steps taken to deal with an issue or a person.
- Approach is the way in which you will approach the piece of literature you are teaching. You may center on the diction, or the theme, or the structure, or the romantic (or modern, etc.) nature of the piece; whatever you choose to teach. Approach is what you are going to teach.

- Method refers to how you are going to teach it: lecture, small-group work, PowerPoint, worksheet, class discussion, etc.  ( from: e-notes )
Que.:-1.) Which method appealed you the most from the above given methods? Give Reasons.


                                                Here I learnt various method like, The grammar translation Method, The Direct Method, Audio lingual method, Total Physical  response, Suggestopedia and The Silent way method. I want to more  appealed more two method first is The Direct Method and second is Total physical Response method. So here I put briefly reasons of both methods:-

  • The Direct Method:-

- We communicate in target language without first Language
- It's natural method but not exclusively
- Useful to develop Oral skills
- It's teach directly
- Learn rules upon the example
- Fluency & Writing skill improve

  • Total Physical Response:-

- Learnt through Physical activities.
- Make healthy body
- Remaining class lively & interesting
- Create Fun atmosphere
- Memories through activities
- Feedback & Correction
- No require age barrier

Que.:-2.) Tell something about your favorite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?


                                                  When I studied in school & collage time during I don't know about that type of methods which used by my teachers but When I studied in course of B.ed there are I learnt about those method's theory with practical way and until I am learning and used also. I can't say that only one method useful in class while I want to say about favorite method so that I will preferred  Total Physical Method because it's mostly using in school and even PG level.  According to my point of view though this method students get knowledge proper way. Another one of the benefit students learnt something new with enjoy. Sometime in PG level it's used difficult task for teachers & Methods.

Que.:-3.) Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.


                                                 It's good question because when I studied into the school, I like Grammar translation Method which used by my English teacher. During that time it's useful but When I went to studied at collage at that time I shocked that there are prof. only reading paragraph then he interpreted in  Gujarati translation after taken long breathe. So there are i don't like The Grammar translation Method. May be there are They should use The direct Method and communication method.

I hope you will enjoy to read my blog... 

Thank you....

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Guest Lecture by Prof. Balaji Rangnathan

Hello Reader ! 

Welcome to my blog!

Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

                                                  According to my point of view Department of English more ahead in organization of various movie screening,expert-guest lecture and academic events rather than other departments. Same I attended guest lecture by Prof. Balaji Rangnathan on Post colonial studies during 19 Aug. to 21 Aug. 2019. This session divided into three days. Nowadays He also serves as a Ph.d guide in Central University of Gujarat.

  • First day ( 19th August, 2019 ):-

                                              First of as a tradition of Department of English we all are warmly welcome of Prof. Balaji sir then for the further introduction given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir. Balaji sir has good method off teaching who involved students through discussion and arguments. He started first day his lecture with definition of Colonialism, Imperialism then Post- colonialism. He also talked about Frantz Fanon's work ' Black skin White Mask '. This text also represented post colonial mind of society through skin color.

  • "Black Skin White Mask ":-

                                                 Here I don't want to talked with details about the text but I try to put some point of overview. This text divided in eight Chapters... :-

1) The Negro & Language ( Discourse ):-

- Phenomenon of Language
- Black-man's two Dimensions
- Creolism
- Forcefully speak French

2) The Woman of Color & the White man:-

- Relation between Woman color and European
- About Authentic love
- I am white man...I am black man...
- Realization of lack
- Hate demands existence
- Questions of the saving Race

3) The Man of color & the White Woman:-

- Acknowledge not ass black but as a white
- Form of Recolonization
- Hegel and Master slave relation

- " I marry white culture, white beauty,white whiteness..."

4) The So- called Dependency complex of Colonial people:-

- How black skin people face problem in Community ?

5) The fact of Blackness:-

6) The Negro & Psychology :-

7) The Negro & Recognition:-

- Negro is Comparison
- Structure of Comparison
- Self Evaluation with ego-ideal

8) By way of Conclusion:-

- Self of supersaturation
- Concerning past
- Context of time
- Content maximum but expression minimum.

                                                At the end of the first day we know more about Frantz Fanon and ' Black skin white mask ' and we know more about his historical knowledge also. He deeply explain about how white has fear of black and black craves to be white and  different language of white - black but at the end of the lecture I felt that desire never chose skin color.

  • Second Day ( 20 Aug. 2019 ) :-

  • Edward Said:-

- Professor of Literature at Columbia Uni.
- Founder of Post-colonial studies
- Known for his book ' Orientalism '
- Famous for Orientalism & Occidental-ism

  • Orientalism :-

- Orient of Chateaubriand & Nerval
- Orient from European invention
- Constructing Image,idea,personality,experience...
- Orientalism began from India
- Vico's observation
- Qualification of Orientalism
- Relation between Occident & Orient
- Distinction between Pure& Political Knowledge

  • 'A Tempest':-

- Two alterations:- 1) Ariel- a Mulatto Slave, 
                                2) Caliban- a black Slave
- An Addition:- Eshu- a black devil god
- Geology in a tempest
- Age of exploration
- Search of new world
- Problem of Identity, Colonialism
- Differences and Similarity between ' A tempest' and ' The Tempest '
- Post colonial voice through language like as,

" Ariel :- Master, I must beg you to spare me this kind og labor.
  Prosparo:- ( Shouting ) Listen, Listen good,There's task to be performed...
  Ariel :- You have promised me my freedom a thousand time and I am still waiting...."

- Marseillaise & Subaltern
- Colonial master
- Dominant language like as,

" Caliban:- Uhuru !

 Prospero :- What did you say ?
 Caliban:- I said, Uhuru...

- Order Language:

" Old vulture with a scrawny neck..."

Prospero:- What would you be without me ?

                                                 At the end of the second Session We learnt about Orientalism and A tempest. Here one thing notify that How western look at middle east, history of Palestine...etc. He also shared different between both work and how Shakespeare's work helped to better understanding of post colonial studies. Another thing is that how Aime Cesaire's re writing leads us the attention of scholars.

  • Third day ( 21 Aug. 2019 ):-
  • Imaginary Homelands:-

                                                      'Imaginary Homelands' is a collection of essays written by Salman Rushdie covering a wide variety of topics. In addition to the title essay, the collection also includes "'Commonwealth Literature' Does Not Exist".Salman Rushdie's “Imaginary Homelands” is an essay that propounds an antiessentialist view of place.( Wikipedia )

                                                       During the last day Balaji sir talked on 'Imaginary Homelands' and Salman Rushdies essays. In that way he almost threw more light on diaspora,state and nation. He added that How people look Salman Rushdie nowadays and those days. Here I put some key point...

- Diaspora
- Approach approach conflict
- Migration & colonial period
- Globalization & Multi multiculturalism
- Idea of Community
- Reflection of Rushdie's mind & self
- Mirror of Nostalgia
- Colonial Capture past
- Nostalgia and memory

  • Feedback & Method:-

                                                I want to say with honestly that It was nice experience for me under his teaching learning process. He has good way of discussion & interaction methods. If I am not wrong that he has deep knowledge of history and even master of each topic because when  I asked one question at that time he explains me various with example of past and current also. I like one of the thing from him that he speaks English with proper pronunciation & fluent way and also frank personality which noticeable thing from him. I notify one another thing that I need to lack of reading of original text for interaction with him. So Here I haven't qualification to give him any Metaphor but although If I have to use Metaphor & buzzword  for him that he is Soul of " Extreme of knowledge" like Dr. Faustus.

                                                In nutshell I would like to thanks Prof. Dilip Barad sir for arranging this guest lecture and thanks to Prof. Balaji sir for inspiring  us new way looking flow of knowledge and once again thanks for spending precious  your time.

Thank you...

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Learning Of E.A. Poe's Short story by Dr. Jay Mehta

Hello Reader ! 

Welcome to my blog

Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

                                                 Sometime we get more knowledge through expert so that's authentic & better learning process for learners because expert has deep knowledge and good skill for interpretation. So that type of guest lecture organized by Department off English. We attended guest lectures by Dr.Jay Mehta during 16 Aug. to 18 Aug. 2019. He has good style to teaching.

  • Poe's horror and Detective Stories:-

1) The Tell- The Heart:

                                              In this story narrator was unnamed who tell the story and at the end he accepts his crime. Normally in the story one character of an old man who has one artificial eye which becomes victim of his murder. After murder of old man narrator feel something like own death. His heartbeat becomes very fast and he remaining in fear. At the end of the story some strain remain unclear in reader's mind. It's interesting story.

2) The Black Cat:

                                               Here the title also indicate about story because black color connected with fear,death and something happening bad things and animal of cat also symbolize to wrong happen. So here all elements becoming around pet animal cat. Mostly people take care & love cat but here the black cat hated by narrator. Unknowingly he kills his wife and behind that murder for reason is the black cat. Here I like sense of narrator that How he hides her wife into wall. At the end of the story prove him as a murderer by death body of black cat. It's good narrative story & terrible story like as ' Monkey's Paw '.

3) The Fall of House:

                                                In this story also unnamed narrator Who arrives at house of Roderick Usher. ' The fall of House ' is central of hallucination. Generally story working  around his sister who suffer through the catalepsy. Roderick and narrator both are remain in illusion that she is died and they buries her body in his house but really she is not dead. At the end of terrible story Medline stands besides her brother then both are falling down and Rodrick also dies but his house also remain splits. In the story open all the layers at the end.

4) The Cask of Amontillado:

                                                  'The Cask of Amontillado' - You might be thinking, 'Great. I don't even understand the title - how am I supposed to understand this story?' So before we can start exploring Edgar Allan Poe's famous short story, we first need to define a couple of words in his title. Amontillado is a very specific kind of Spanish sherry, sherry being a fortified wine. And a cask is a barrel. So if we put that all together, this story could be called 'The Barrel of Sherry,' but 'The Cask of Amontillado' has a much better ring, don't you think?

5) The Purloined Letter:

                                                  It's story creates the mysterious condition and detective story because here create suspense through letter. A letter has been stolen from the boudoir of an unnamed woman by the unscrupulous Minister D—. It is said to contain compromising information. D— was in the room, saw the letter, and switched it for a letter of no importance. He has been blackmailing his victim.( Wikipedia )

6) The Gold Bug:

                                              "The Gold-Bug" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in 1843. The plot follows William Legrand, who was bitten by a gold-colored bug. His servant Jupiter fears that Legrand is going insane and goes to Legrand's friend, an unnamed narrator, who agrees to visit his old friend. Legrand pulls the other two into an adventure after deciphering a secret message that will lead to a buried treasure. ( Wikipedia )

  • Feedback & Method:-

                                                We attended three days session at Department of English by Dr. Jay Mehta. If I talk about teaching learning method of expert,Scholar and Lecturer of Dr. Jay Mehta Sir, So I have to say with pleasure that He has admirable skill of story telling because when he tells short story at that time We all travels with story and Characters. I felt that I am doing all things same as story's characters. He also explains with examples of personal experiences,Current Issues,Movies and Vivid Psychological theory..etc. I like one point from him that He uses almost gesture and  posture during his lecture which makes class lively and interesting. I learn So many new things from him. There are one of the point is that I improve my vocabulary in the class because he writes each difficult and new words on the board. At the end of the last session We get more knowledge about how to write poem ? because he shares some tips and his poem and we also share there. So I have to give one metaphor for him that he is one of the ' King of Sayari ' which makes more special. It was an amazing experience to study under him.

                                               Thus, Thanks to Prof. Dilip Barad sir for Organizing expert lecture and Thanks to Dr. Jay Mehta for involved to interact with us and spending valuable time there. Specially thanks to students of Department of English for take personally interest there.

Thank you...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pre Task: Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories

Hello Reader ! 

Welcome to my blog

Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

Here is task given as a post colonial studies by Jay Mehta Sir,

                                                If we read Edgar Allan Poe's works then we found themes of like mystery and human behavior.Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre. He is widely regarded as a central figure of Romanticism in the United States and of American literature as a whole, and he was one of the country's earliest practitioners of the short story. He is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre and is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career. ( Wikipedia )

  • Pre-Thinking Task :-

Que.:-1). Read the first Gujarati story and listen to the audio recitation of the second story. Observe how the two wordsmiths work wonders through words! (Absolute obsession of alliteration.)


                                                  Both story are wonderful. When I read story of " Mansangh " at that time I confused in first paragraph because there are starting with some conversation between Characters but While I read continuously I felt that I will watch like movie. In the story of " Mansangh " used good narrative style and used of language with effective ways. Here writer has sense of used words because he don't use one more words without need. In this story writer has magic of words.

Que.:-2). List out various adjectives that contribute the most in creating the "pre-established design" or effect that the author intended to create.


                                                 Adjectives are words that are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. For example, red, quick, happy, and obnoxious are adjectives because they can describe things—a red hat, the quick rabbit, a happy duck, an obnoxious person. Adjectives take many forms. Some common adjectives are formed when we add a suffix to a noun or verb. For example, when we add the suffix -ful to the noun beauty,makes the adjective beautiful, and adding the suffix -able to the verb read makes the adjective readable.
Some Adjective I found in the story of " Mansangh "like as

Que.:-3). Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?


                                                When I read short story  during that time I confused  that what is meaning of that Phrases and what is connection here. Here are following type of Phrases I found which difficult to understand context.  

Que.:-4). Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc? Briefly explain their significance in the story.


                                                 In common usage, a figure of speech is a word or phrase that means something more or something other than it seems to say—the opposite of a literal expression. Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to non-living objects.

Here I notify some examples of Personifications and Metaphors so let's see,

                                              A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.

Que.:-5). What is the impact of listening to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?


                                            When I read Short story sometime  I felt kind of sorrowful condition and mystery but in the middle part of the story description of young lady at that time I felt shringar rasa. Another thing is that I don't like listen audio because I don't get properly some words and sentences. I preferred to read story rather than listen audio clip.

Thank you...

Postcolonial Studies:Film Screening: Midnight's Children and The Reluctant fundamentalist

Hello Reader ! 

Welcome to my blog

Here I want to Share my view on following topics. So let's start our journey of learning together...

Here is task given as a post colonial studies by Prof. Dilip Barad Sir,

  • "The Black Prince ":-

                                                    'The Black Prince' was a well famous an international historical drama. This movie's also directed by Kavi Raz and starring by Satinder Sartaj, Amanda Root, Jason Flemyng, Atul Sharma and Rup Magon. This film reflected Post colonial voice of literature,society and reality. When Firstly I looking this movie, I think It's like biographical movie. Generally this movie based on last king Maharaja Duleep Singh who leads Sikh empire. His pet name ' The Black Prince of Perthshire '  which given by Victoria.

A) Historical background of Punjab:-

                                                 We know that " First Impression is last Impression." So here movie started with saying history with map and portrait of King. After the death of his father, Maharajah Ranjit Singh, the previous ruler of the Sikh empire, Maharaja Duleep Singh is placed on the throne at the age of five. In 1849, when Punjab is annexed to British India, the young prince is removed from the throne and separated from his mother. He is put under the guardianship of British surgeon Dr. John Login. At the age of 15, Duleep Singh is sent to England where he meets Queen Victoria. A relationship between the two develops.  Duleep Singh is eventually able to reestablish contact with his mother and as a result begins to reconnect with the culture of his birth. Duleep attempts to return to India to reclaim his kingdom, but is continually thwarted by British colonial politics.

B) Hated of British Government by Sikh :-

                                              In the movie spoken short and critic dialogues by each Characters. When Maharani sahiba met queen Victoria at that time she speak with disgust like, Britisher only offered tea not for food. Kavi Raz’s film solely rests on Duleep’s longing and liberation. 

                                                  It’s his tragic story that’s heart-breaking more than the snail-paced execution, stoic portrayal by Sartaaj and ineffective writing. The film needed a competent actor in the lead role as the moment you take Shabana Azmi away, it ceases to hold your interest. As a feisty queen, who is appalled by her son’s indifference to his country, she proves for the umpteenth time, why she is one of our finest actors, ever. Amanda Root and Jason Flemyng do a fine job as well.Given the period drama’s slow moving pace and melancholic nature, it could have perhaps worked better as a tele-series. An episodic retelling could have been more impact.

C) Motherhood:-

                                                 In the movie I have to find that Here mother is not play as a  roll of  Indian motherhood but She played roll as a Villon because she has desire for take revenge against British Government So in the movie she remembering and tell her son about past. Here I have to say that Childhood more impact on child rather than motherhood.

  • Midnight's Children:-

                                               " Midnight's Children" was a canadian-british film in 2012 which adaptation of Salman Rushdie's 1981 novel of same name here. This movie's screen play by Rushdie and directed by Deepa Mehta. The film began Principal photography in Colombo in 2011. Movie shooting kept as a secret as Mehta feared protested by Islamic Fundamentalist.

A) Opening:-

                                                We know that each directer has own style to narrative and open mouth of movie so here Deepa Mehta used to put reality of Indira Gandhi. The film opened with time off 1917 when the year of Indira Gandhi and apply emergency in India. Over all good film but I have one question that Opening of the movie with narration of Protagonist but Why Protagonist of the film narrated history of that time before thirty years when he was not in her mother's womb ? Mostly film Symbolize ' Nose ' surrounding all elements. What is important of Nose there ? Why need only nose ? Well, I don't know here about my all questions, May be I must read novel to better understanding of that thoughts.

                                                In the film  central soul is that the story about children who was born in the stoke of the Midnight during 14th Aug. 1947 with magical power. Here question is that What is fault of that children which born midnight ? In the movie normally everything happening between two characters Saleem & Shiva. Saleem Sinai play roll as a Protagonist who belong to rich family Same in opposite side Shiva belong to poor family who later joined the Army then he fought in battle of Pakistan and Bangladesh which fought for free Bangladesh from Pakistan.  

B) Hybridity and Identity:-

                                                   When I saw movie at that time I notify that In the movie also reflected hybridity of Culture and Identity also. In the movie one Dialogue by Saleem,

" Let rich to be poor and poor to be rich..."

                                                 In the movie I can saw that How destiny play vital roll in both characters life. Let me know that Saleem was the son of British man William methwold and poor family's lady Marathian. Another character Shiva who born as a son of Ahemad Sinai and Amina. But in the movie Mary & Joe both are try to revolt against them so Here Mary played great roll who was nurse in hospital, She exchanged both baby boy with each-other. She was remained present around when  all thing happening by her mistake.

                                                   Another example of Hybridity was that Saleem went to Pakistan and also Shiva joined in Army at that time we can find condition of partition of India and Pakistan. In the movie after war Saleem came back to India and marry with Parvati who beloved of Shiva so She gave birth of child. Here I can find again hybridization.

C) Post colonial Hybridization:-

                                                    Here I notify that Saleem was the best example of Hybrid person because who was a son of colonizer father and poor Indian mother. Same as another example of character of Shiva who the Son of Muslim parents but his name upon Indian family and God.

D) Sexual Perversion & Skin Color:-

                                                We can connected also present time that each person suffering from sexual perversion so that in the movie sexual relationship between white skin person Methworld with black skin Indian poor lady. Another example white skin Saleem made sexual relation with black skin girl Parvati which also connected us with book " The Black Skin , White Mask. "

E) Magic Realism :-

                                              In the movie referred some elements with Snake. People pet snake . Another thing is that in the movie Saleem has power of Smell to feeling. Same as Parvati has power of doing absent anythings with " Abrakadabra ". 

  • "Reluctant Fundamentalist::-

                                                   " Reluctant Fundamentalist " was political thriller drama film in 2012 whose based on novel of Mohsin Hamid, ' The Reluctant Fundamentalist ' in 2007. This movie directed by Mira Nair and starring by Riz Ahmed and Kate Hudson. ' The Reluctant fundamentalist ' is a post events of 9/11 film. The movie about the impact on one man of the Al QAaida attacks and the American reaction to them.

A) Opening :-

                                                   Here in the movie opening with like as interview which taken by American CIA agent Boby Lincoln for reason of abduction of American Professor at Lahore. Boby came at Lahore then he taling interview of Changez khan in Coffee shop which may be involved in abduction or matter in 9/11.

B) Flashback Technique:-

                                                  Here Mira Nair has good used of that technique because it's impossible during interview time.Each question has scene of flashback. In the movie we travel with them from Pakistan to America. Movie's title also suggest different view like as one view as fundamentalist is as terrorism and another view is business fundamentalist. 

 C) Achievement & Identity :-

                                                 In the movie hero has sense of business, he was young,handsome and intellectual. In America he was lived good luxurious life with his beloved Erica who beautiful and artist photographer. Many time we felt that our destiny leave us and when people more achieve then suddenly loss same happen with Changez Khan Suddenly he fall after the attack on WTC tower. All people and American government looking towards as terrorist. There are he insulted by FBI team and american fellows. Only one his beloved has own native but at the knowing all the she refused him. He came back motherland at Pakistan and he started job as a lecturer.  

D) Islamophobia:-

                                              When American agent take his interview at that time he blamed him like as you gave training of terrorism of the University students through lecture which is post truth. We can't say through religion that Islam always terrorist but society often attention on that. People always think that Only Muslim drinking wind and eating beef but it's not truth because we know reality now. But at the end of the movie Changez Khan wants to freedom from Business. He had ambition of live simple,peaceful life with family.  

E) Language of Camera & Background:-

                                                 In the movie without conversation How can audience understand real concept So that Camera movement also important there. When the scene of attacked on WTC Tower at that time camera focus on face of Changez Khan rather than live telecast. In the movie Some notable background place like Taj hotale, Istumbal, Turkey, WTC tower, Lahore...etc. Some time used academic background like University, Science Lab...etc.

F) Generation Gap :-

                                                 Most of the scene of movie work like frame within a frame. In the movie I notify that there are conflict between father and son for corporate world and Market fundamental. Here Father was poet and symbols of corporate and Indian father hood but Changez Khan represented as hot blood of young and symbol of achievement and growing as conman man. When he was america he don't celebrate even Eid.

G) Humanity vs Corporate :-

                                                When Changez Khan leaved job at America then he came back Pakistan.  When he joined as a lecturer in Lahore University  at that time he spoke about that..." Pakistani Dream " Here question is that what is Pakistani dream ? Terrorism ? any way. Another thing when any person loss every thing at that time they follow religion So here Changez gave references of Quran. Mostly people used community religion, castle and emotion  for blaming community.

H) Post colonial elements:-

                                                 Post colonial elements in the movie is that how western countries watched the particular Muslim person and How they connected with terrorism. In the movie reflected may be angle way of looking American society against Pakistani. It's more problematic nowadays also but no one raise own voice against power.

  • References :-