Saturday, December 28, 2019

Workshop on Cultural studies by Dr. Kalyani ma'am

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                                                       As a part of literature and as a part of topic for Gset- Net exam, Cultural studies became central topic nowadays, so that Department of English organized one day workshop on "Cultural studies" which conducted by Dr. Kalyani ma'am who came from Kerela. So here I share my views which based on my understanding and experiences so let's start together our learning journey... 

                                                 According to my knowledge Dr. Kalyani Vallath is a one of the women who played best role into education system and our classroom because she leads so many UG-PG students through her online courses, lectures,books. It's difficult task for as a married women but I proud of her duties and masterpieces. She has good communication skill and looks also while she entered into our class and shared her knowledge with us humorous way at that time she broken all types of definition of traditional teachers. She is extra ordinary personality. She completed PhD in 2008 on " Children cinema".

  • How Literature help us to earning money ?

                                                Ma'am also talked about how literature shape and help to fulfill desire. She mentioned that there were students earned through editor, writer or extraordinary skill, creativity and get more benefits, power and money. There were they made creative logo or wrote quotes of literature on T- shirt,mug and get money. She added that money play vital role in our life. Through money we helping other people and create relationship also but ma'am pointed one another thing that without passion we never satisfied ourselves so become passionate before earning money.

  • Cultural studies:-

                                                  Cultural studies is vast subject so we can't conclude into only one-day but according to my understanding that Cultural studies is analysis of contemporary fields with specific parameter. Cultures not as fixed, bounded, stable, and discrete entities, but rather as constantly interacting and changing sets of practices and processes. In cultural studies generally focused on following points,

  1. Interdisciplinary ( Ex. Geography, Atmosphere)
  2. Relate to larger society  ( Ex. India as Multi Community-Culture)
  3. Political Dynamic and Mass media ( Ex. Power of media and Political person)
  4. Transforms into individual experience  ( Social reality, Incident )
  5. Draw on Social theory, Philosophy, history,linguistics and media.  

                                                  So that Cultural studies not only study about one filed but also it working on individual to world wide factors.

  • Layman about Cultural studies:-

                                                   I am not sure that which types of laymanise into cultural studies but I have to try to justify it. Cultural studies included so many layers like Frankfurt school which group of philosopher and social scientist. Moreover Cultural studies work with critical theory, Hegelian dialectical method, Enlightenment, New left in Britain, Stuart hall, Encoding & Decoding, Archaeology &Genealogy...etc. Through this techniques may be we can understand cultural studies properly. There were various layman's examples given by ma'am which connected strongly with ideas of  Matthew Arnold, Stuart hall, Raymond William, E.P. Thompson, Louis Althusser, Roland Barth's, Michel Foucault...etc. India has multi community so I think there were various cultures, traditions and conditions so there were one culture became cow or buffalo  more valuable things and another side same things became beef  and eaten things into  culture.  

  •  Interview- Cultural studies...:-

                                                If asked me to explain cultural studies in the Interview so may be I will introduce that cultural studies is mixture of methodologies and theories and It's study of all own and other country's culture, popular literature, particular value, habitual forms, beliefs and daily life. It's revealed politics behind the certain  things. Culture is  whole way of life.

  • Unforgettable examples:-

                                                Kalyani ma'am shared own experiences and real examples of her daily routine life. In the study of point " New left" ma'am connected nowadays rap culture clearly. Another thing that when she explain about culture ordinary at that time she gave example of selfie culture and gave her experiences during travels from various places. There were she faced lots of problem of foods and languages ( Ex. Singapore ). She gave example of press, advertisement and films also. Through this example we know that how coming generation will change culture and society.

                                              Thus at the end of the session we watched interesting videos with some references. In short I have to say that she has good teaching-learning skill, tone of voice, marvelous expressions, expert to  read learner's mind. So at the end we get new useful knowledge and get enjoyed a lot.

Thank you...

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Language Lab review

Hello reader !

                                                 As a part of ELT paper and language learning study, This task given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir. For the for information click here, I am lucky that department of English has active language lab and useful software. Somewhere language lab still remain into dead condition but somewhere they don't  know about how to used language lab for specifically students improvements. During  this time Prof. Dilip Barad sir always inspired and give support to us for improving language through language lab, blog writing and various kind of activities. He also introduced about various types of software, hardware and vivid structure of language lab. Moreover Sir shared his experiences when he went to visiting others language lab. 

                                               If I am not wrong so that Language lab is a one of the software which was a concept of improving basic grammar, four basic skill and soft skill which developed by Globarena. While helping educational institutions to increase their faculty’s effectiveness, improve course ware and spread their reach, Globarena’s solutions help corporate to get right talent and increase productivity. Professionals and students also benefit vastly as their skill level and employ-ability get a massive boost. Thus Globarena has kept true to the founders vision of social responsibility of making quality education available to multitude of students and lateral learners who aspire to improve their employ ability in the global marketplace.

                                                  When First time I sit to learnt at that time I faced so many problem then language learning software became as a part of my habit. Through Globarena software I learnt basic English grammar, soft skill, phonetics and pronunciation of difficult words and about four basic skills.

Strong Points of Language learning software:-

  1.  Language learning software become more helpful to improving basic four skills because of there were appropriate way doing treatment on learner by software. Moreover, I think we haven't specific native speaker who connect with us in 24/7 regularly for improving ourselves but through this software I learnt so many new things without native English speaker or without any payment.
  2. Language learning software also provided basic English grammar with interesting activities. We know that nowadays exam normally asking basic question which related to English Grammar into exam of government jobs. So that this software become more useful for that perspective also. Moreover, We learn without teacher there and another benefit is that there are feature of verify answer, show answer and reset....etc. Through this option we have to know that when we do mistake and also Software gave chance for solved mistake again and again.
  3. Language learning software has variety of activities like as, fill the blank, join "A" with "B", write name beside the pictures, complete the sentences, recording the words...etc. May be Without this software it's difficult to manage for the teacher  into the classroom. Moreover, This activity strongly made bridge to learner for achieve next level. 
  4. I like one more things from language learning software is that there were I get new vocabulary or similar words from dialogues and phonetics section which more useful to make wealthy language and that's always proved by language learning software.
  5. One more interesting thing in language learning software is that there were given diagram of the words which help to learner where and when put stress or remain silent word during pronunciation. There were given vivid list of words and we can repeat again and again also. Through out this process and practice may be improving pronunciation of all kind of the words.
Some Weakness of Language learning Software:-

  1. One of the disadvantage of language learning software is that this software is costly so that everyone or every institute may be doesn't able to purchase.
  2. Moreover, This software working into only computer or laptop so here one question is that everywhere we can't remain with PC or Laptop rather than mobile. Sometime this software installed specific version's PC or may be into latest version's computer don't support.
  3. If one time we learnt all the things trough this software then this software become useless so that no longer advantages of the software.
  4. Here I share my one experience, this software working with specific set up so If We write right answer or some kind of similar word although software display that your answer is incorrect. Ex. I wrote into first level about picture. There were given picture so I Wrote:- "This is a Table". That's the correct sentence as grammatically but software's answer is that, " This is a Desk " here Desk is similar word of table. So sometime learner become discourage because of this type of set up.
  5. Another thing is that When I was working on level of phonetics so that there were a struggle a lot to pronounce the words correctly. I was again and again listen, record and repeat my voice then compared. This is more difficult part of language learning software for me.
  6. One general disadvantage is that this software installed into only one PC of language lab at department so that sometime I didn't get chance to spend more time there. If possible to installed into all the PC of the language lab so that may be all learner will be learn all the features with appropriate way and doing more practice.
Self Analysis:-

  1. This is great experience for me because first time I learnt so many things within few days through this software. I have improved myself into vocabulary, Basic Grammar, basic four skill but I have not improve more speaking skill because of there were only given activity of words and repetition whom I listen words then spoke but If There were put features of calling or live communication  with expert so may be I improving my speaking skill a lot.
  2. Moreover, I know about myself that I need to improving more vocabulary and spelling correction because sometime I was writing wrong words or doing spelling mistake also. So that I know very well way about my self that which types of topic off language whose I weak more.
  3. If I get chance as a language software designer so may be I will put more feature which based of study level or based on learners age. During  working on this software I felt that there were some level given  like for primary children. So that I also add update option which become more helpful to next generation.
Five new words:-

This following words became difficult for me to understand and pronounce also.

Namo E- Tab Review:-

Benefits of  Namo e - Tab software:-

  1. In the mobile language software there were providing various kind of new features rather than PC's language software. There were new features like games, stories or magazines, Audio-video...etc. According to my point of view that through this features I learnt new things with entertainment.
  2. Another advantage was that Mobile is always remain into everyone's pocket, so that We can carry on easily rather than PC or laptop. Moreover, We learn whatever, wherever and whenever. So I more preferred to mobile software rather than Computer for language learning software.
  3. Through mobile we communicated with experts lively. It's not happen in PC language software and there were  given also choice about communicator. 
  4. One more feature I liked into mobile language app was that there were provided transcript with video clip. Sometime we missing some words or we don't get proper ideas or pronunciation of speaker so that through transcript learner get proper understanding with good way.
Negative side of Namo e-Tab software:- 

  1.  I faced difficulty to search and join to language lab software into mobile Namo app. There were not proper sequence to join that course.
  2. There were no given column of language lab so that sometimes learner doesn't enter proper way in language learning software. Thus learner become discourage for used this app or software.
  3. In the mobile software, there were not given classification of pronunciation of the words which happen into PC's language learning software. 
  4. In the mobile difficult way we learnt all activity because of there were small screen but in The PC I saw questions and answer both as only one display.

                                                Thus, I have to say that Language lab is useful software for learner which improving basic learning skill, basic grammar, soft skill...etc. I can't conclude that one is better and other is bad software but both has strong or weak points so that without waste of time If you want to learn and improve your language skill so you can used both the software because everything never competed on the earth.

Thank you....

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

One night @ the call center by Chetan Bhagat

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This task given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir, For the more information click here,
  • Social realism:-

                                                   Chetan Bhagat is known as contemporary writer who focuses on generally youth and social issue. One thing I notify that his novel leads us reality of society and problem of youth and relationship. Normally when young generation grown as much fast at that time they have lot of problem like, jobless, love affair, carrier, status…etc. They confused so that they sometime doesn’t take proper decision then they face frustration. Here in the novel Chetan Bhagat has ability to read the mind of youth and society very well way so he becomes lovable and readable writer. In the novel call center as a play role of society and there the all characters as presenter of social mindset. Moreover youth have desire of freedom from all boundaries. Youth also sometime broke social parameter for achievement. In the novel youth didn’t like to work under the boss and few characters suffered from marriage and family relationship so somehow struggle for their unfulfilled dreams. Thus in the novel all types of social scenario captured by the writer.

  • Globalization:-

                                                 We can’t escapes from the effect of globalization because surrounding the world all factors influence by globalization. Thomas Friedman said that “The world is flat; Globalization is the integration of capital, technology and information across national borders, in a way that is creating a single global market and to some degree, a global market.” It’s both the side effect on world level. I can’t say only positive effect happen at global stage because its negative impact happens also. In the novel one of the references notifies that homogenization of worker who works at call center. There were more link point about globalization is issue of language, development of technology and struggle between man and woman for equality which represented by various characters into the novel. So that in the novel characters affected by globalization.
  • Self help book:-

                                                Generally we leant from mistake and past memories. Some time history also take record o mistake which may be become helpful to stop once again do mistake. When we do some kind of mistake, only that time we talked with ourselves and find the help. In the novel one reference that “call from the god” there were all characters realized their mistake and they felt guilty. They think that one more get a chance for solve their mistake. I think in the novel I found that god or anyone never come to solve your mistake but we have to solve our problem by ourselves.

Thank you...

Thursday, December 12, 2019


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                                                 This task given by Vaidehi Ma'am for the learn difference between lead and feature writing and to cultivate interest in writing. For the further information related to the task, click here...

  • What is Journalism?:-

                                                Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It is also the product of these activities.

                                              Journalism can be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable characteristics and practices. These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication, they are what make it indispensable to democratic societies. History reveals that the more democratic a society, the more news and information it tends to have. ( Work cite:- )

  • Difference between Media, mass media and journalism:-

  • What is feature writing ?:-

                                               Feature writing is a part of journalism which make to creative story for mass media. Moreover Its explore information of certain subject with deep way. According to me that It has feature of deep study with present interesting way. Generally in the mass media mix up facts and views but both are difference things.

  • About Feature story:-

                                              Feature story sometimes become a news but I think it's not for only human entertainment. It's like case study or research type working. The feature story work as innovative story, It permit to exchange some clue or part but it's focus on reader's interest and try to give powerful conclusion.

  • Example:-

                                                 Here I put one video whose central themes on poor people or corruption but You can find during watching the video that how feature writing work here. Through good arrangement of words how they make to be fool people. At the end of the video we feel that this all kind off problem solve just now but we know that even today people are suffering their promises. 

Thank you...

Monday, December 9, 2019

Known the Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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                                                 This task was given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir for the further information about author Chimamanda and she talked on The Danger of Single story, We should All be Feminist and Importance of Post truth Era. If you want to know more about this task, So you can click here,
  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:-

                                                Her work has been translated into over thirty languages and has appeared in various publications, including The New Yorker, Granta, The O. Henry Prize Stories, the Financial Times, and Zoetrope. She is the author of the novels Purple Hibiscus, which won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award; Half of a Yellow Sun, which won the Orange Prize and was a National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist and a New York Times Notable Book; and Americanah, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award and was named one of The New York Times Top Ten Best Books of 2013. Ms. Adichie is also the author of the story collection The Thing Around Your Neck.

                                               Ms. Adichie has been invited to speak around the world. Her 2009 TED Talk, The Danger of A Single Story, is now one of the most-viewed TED Talks of all time. Her 2012 talk We Should All Be Feminists has a started a worldwide conversation about feminism, and was published as a book in 2014. Her most recent book, Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, was published in March 2017. A recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, Ms. Adichie divides her time between the United States and Nigeria.( Cite:- )

                                                In the first video more focused on importance of story and literature. Chimamanda explained her background interesting way and she also shared her experiences. I think she became first reader than she became known writer so readings generally leads to creative writing. Same thing happen with her. She progressed towards writing literature but she faced problem of racism because of She has black skin and came from middle class family. In the beginning of the video she mentioned briefly about her childhood. Moreover She is female writer so that she faced tolerate from society and history also prove that tings somewhere. I think writing became more difficult task for herself but she proves herself with proudly as a writer. She mentioned one another thing was that she went to America how she faced problem there.
                                                In the second video she talked on female characters and feminism. She focused on reality of the world so that she remains into our mind. She shared as a black skin woman which types of problem and issues facing by her? Through the gender there were taken differences into caring and growing. She shared her school experience where she rejected as a monitor into the class.

Into the third video she talked about students of Harvard and Cambridge University where she talked about writing journey. She guided that If we have skill of writing so that without hesitate try to write and try to broken every boundary. At the end I have to say that as a black skin she representation of black culture through herself.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Arundhati Roy's novel

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                                                 Sometimes syllabus make us rigid or may be bind the boundary beyond us so that this task given for broken all those types of boundary and providing platform for explore ourselves. So that here task given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir, For the more information about this task please click here,

  • Arundhati Roy's life...

                                                 Here I think no need to give introduction about her basic information because It's available on internet or website but I try to focus on chief part of her life, According to Encyclopedia of Britannia...

                                                 Roy’s father was a Bengali tea planter, and her mother was a Christian of Syrian descent who challenged Indian's inheritance laws by successfully suing for the right of Christian women to receive an equal share of their fathers’ estates. Though trained as an architect, Roy had little interest in design; she dreamed instead of a writing career. After a series of odd jobs, including artist and aerobics instructor, she wrote and costarred in the film In Which Annie Gives It to Those Ones (1989) and later penned scripts for the film Electric Moon (1992) and several television dramas.

                                                   The films earned Roy a devoted following, but her literary career was interrupted by controversy. In 1995 she wrote two newspaper articles claiming that Shekhar kapur's film Bandit Queen exploited Phoolan Devi's one of India’s most wanted criminals in the early 1980s and a heroine of the oppressed. The columns caused an uproar, including a court case, and Roy retreated from the public and returned to the novel she had begun to write.

  •  About her Work...                                                  

                                                  Moreover She is well known Indian author and Political activist who has also famous for her two best seller novel like ass " God of small Things" and " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness". In 1997 she is winner of " Man Booker Prize".

Generally, she focused into her work on Indian political system. Her one of the famous novel " The God of small things" is a something like as biographical novel and shared her delightful experiences. For the more information watch following video...

                                                 In the second novel " The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" she try to justify mentality of Indian society or mind of people. The novel weaves together stories of people navigating some of the darkest and most violent episodes of modern Indian history, from land reform that dispossessed poor farmers to the 2002 Godhra train burning and Kashmir insurgency. Roy's characters run the gamut of Indian society and include an intersex woman (hijra), a rebellious architect, and her landlord who is a supervisor in the intelligence service.The narrative spans across decades and locations, but primarily takes place in Delhi and Kashmir. Here following video based on her novel which may be helpful to better understanding.

Thank you...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thinking activity : Education and Technology

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

                                                               Once upon a time education system working into jungle or Ashram but today we know that invention of technology and internet we learn easily through small device off mobile.
                                                                As a point of view Nelson Mandela that Education is a one of the weapon which able to change the world but nowadays all the things happen through technology or digitization so may be How education system escape from technology ? According to my opinion that not only education system help to change the world but also we need to technology. Through technology education system become more better and faster.. anyway so this task given by Prof. Dilip barad sir as a part of new literature. For the more information about this task you can click here. Moreover this task also helpful to understand new theory and education system.

Video:- 1) Changing Paradigms by Ken Robinson.

                                                The Country on earth at the moment is reforming public education. There are so many types reasons responsible. One of the reason is economic. Here I have one question increase into my mind that How do we educate our children to take their place in the economies of the 21st century. How do we do that? How do you do that?

                                                    Normally, Ken Robinson has given whinges about the educational system without presenting even one creative, usable solution to the problems that he reports -- problems that every one of us is acutely aware of. Anyone can criticize the system but few can fix it. 

                                                     In this video Ken Robinson focused on changing education system, economic and role of culture. Moreover he added that only degree and certificate is not justify ability but there skill and representation  also more important. According to my point o view nowadays educational institute like a store & shop and teachers are playing role of shopkeeper but here question is that what happen about student ? They sometimes pay fees and getting certificate. In some cases  doesn't become part of education process. As a result students learning outcome got difference way.Here I agree with idea of ken Robinson because If used technology in education system so that my be learning outcome get better rather than traditional method so why education is not provided with help of technology ?  

Video:- 2) and 3) are by Sugata Mitra on SOLE and Future Learning.

                                                “Instead of giving people a menu of academic disciplines, we should give them a menu of problems and challenges that the world is facing.”

                                                 Sugata Mitra's concept on school in the cloud so here question is how possible make school in the cloud? So there are learning lab. Through resources students are explore their knowledge each other. moreover he gave concept of SOLE. It's means Self Organized Learning Environments. In this video more focused on threat of examination. He notify one experiment where he put one computer into wall and shared their behavior or feeling. Sugata Mitra's focused on that students don't need gather at school or collage but they do collaboratively work. He added that examining system must be based on logical or that question should be used into regular life also. Another thing that If students has knowledge of technology so may be there are no need to teacher. They all learn through technology without going school.

Video:- 4) Use of Videos in Education by Salman Khan.

                                                  Salman Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy. He talked on the need to create alternative access to classroom content and how videos can be used to flip a classroom. While showing the power of interactive exercises, Salman argues for a change in the teaching paradigm: Using technology to "humanize" the classroom by flipping the traditional classroom script  given to students video lectures to watch at home and do "homework" in the classroom with the teacher as a facilitator, coach and mentor.

                                                  The Khan Academy and Salman Khan has also shared some 2,200 video courses and reaching more than a million learners monthly. In his lecture he given his vision for interactive, self-paced, evolved learning. get Abstract suggests his inspired, and inspiring, lecture to corporate learning specialists and other educators.

                                                    Normally students believe that Mathematics, science, geography....etc subject never learn through video or online courses but Khan academy prove that. Moreover flip learning also flexible for the students because of they learn through flip whenever or wherever. I think audio- visual also more helpful to understand heavy subject. I am learning basic grammar course by khan academy app. There are all courses freely available also so that no need to give excuse of premium.

Video:- 5) Audio track by Marc Prensky on Digital Natives and Immigrants.

                                                 ‘Digital natives’  born after the 1980s but now comfortable in the digital age there are one reason for comfortable is that they all are growing up with using technology when ‘digital immigrants’who born before 1980s and they fearful for the using technology. ‘Digital immigrants’ put into the older crew. they weren’t raised in a digital environment. The term digital immigrant applies to individuals who were born before the spread of the digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age. Digital natives are the opposite of digital immigrants, they have been interacting with technology from childhood. According to Prensky, digital natives are the generation of young people who are “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet.

Nowadays students are become more digital native rather than digital immigrated because of they have all kind of digital platform and also spending time by them.

Video:- 6,7,8) These are by David Crystal. He speaks about the influence of technology on English language. 

                                                  David Crystal is a one of the known British linguist. He mentioned one this in his video that new technology had influence of  English Language which he prove and give example of printing press and telephone. Through that example he established that how both the things change communication and speaking style. At last part of he attention on  Radio, television and Internet which change domain. He also added that through technology we increase English language for example Whats app, Facebook, you tube...etc.

                                                 Here David Crystal focused on effect of technology with English language but generally people used social media so I can't say that all the user used properly English language but they used short form there. It's not appropriate for the English language. Even teacher talked about Globalization into classroom but he/she not allow to used mobile into classroom.

                                                 Moreover, He discussed on texting message is best way for language learning but I am not agree with this idea because of technology provided voice tap or voice recorder so user only speak and software record voice then transferred  into letter.

Thank you...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Quality and Authenticity of web Resources

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  • What is Research ?

                                                According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods.”

  • Types of research:-
1) Basic research
2) Applied research
3) Problem oriented research
4) Problem solving research
5) Qualitative research

  • Difference between Search and Research:-

                                                According to my point of view that search is a way of discovering some kind of without specific objective but research is a method of searching new thing with specific purpose and also systematic way. So there are minor difference between there.

                                                Nowadays we know that technology more helpful to search anything whenever, whatever, wherever and I have to say that today world on the screen of mobile so that research doing easily by scholar but here one problem is that sometime they doing crime of copyright also.

                                                Few day ago department of English was organised useful workshop on research, methodology and plagiarism. There were discussion about How to check and identify authentic web resource ? by Prof. Dilip Barad sir. He also explain about what is authentic internet sources and how we can identify. There were discussed on Quantitative assumptions which mentioned some parameters also. I  found some web or site which was not able to achieve parameters that way which we looking that workshop.

  • Turnitin:-

                                                 Turnitin is a one of the site which focus on plagiarism, streamline grading. Moreover, It is a site of evaluation of sources which normally used by students. It's more helpful for students and research scholar because of there are given feature of evaluation through rubric standard way. However it more helpful in improving our research paper or assignments. Here are I put some parameters for to identify authentic resource like as,

1) Authority
2) Educational Value
3) Intent
4) Originality
5) Quality

  • Wikipedia:-

                                                 Wikipedia is a platform which provide freely information with simple language. It's one of the primary site for any information nowadays but it's not authentic source for research because there are anyone edit information that platform and another reason is that this site fail to achieve major standard of rubric evaluation but generally students more visit this site.

                                                 At the end of the workshop sir also given task us to apply the rubric evaluation on site which we used again and again for academic way. Here I mentioned s site of  which evaluate by me based on rubric evaluation and also given description which may be help to you for better understanding. 

                                                 Thus this workshop also remain fruitful for me because nowadays I also work on research paper and assignments so It's more helpful for me. This productive session also focus on awareness of Qualitative content, originality and plagiarism.

Thank you...

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Grain of Wheat

Hello Reader !

Welcome to my blog...

  • A Grain of Wheat:-

                                                A Grain of Wheat is a novel by Kenyan novelist James Ngugi. first published in 1967 by Heinemann. The title is taken from the Gospel According to St. John, 12:24. The novel weaves together several stories set during the state of emergency in Kenya's struggle for independence (1952–59) ( Wiki.)

  • Robinson Crusoe:-

                                                The novel Robinson Crusoe tells the story of a young and impulsive Englishman that defies his parents' wishes and takes to the seas seeking adventure. The young Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked and castaway on a remote tropical island for 28 years. The story may be based on the true-life events of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway who survived four years on a Pacific island, or Henry Pitman, a political rebel surgeon castaway from a Caribbean penal colony. This classic tale of adventure features cannibals, captives, and mutineers. Some regard it as the very first modern novel written in the English language, launching the publishing industry. (

                                               Colonialism is a practice of the powerful over the less powerful. It is defined as an occupation of workers territory by a stronger nation or state for “political domination” “economic exploitation” and “civilizing mission.” Through these novels these three authors deal with imperialism, racism, class and cultural conflict to show how colonialism creates false illusion to believe that the West is “self” and the East is “other”; one is “superior” other is “subaltern”. Representation is an important aspect of colonialism and according to Edward Said representations of the Orient both visual and textual is a kind of illusion not real rather than biased and constructed by “Western Ideology.”Colonial representation is a discourse that relates with power and domination. It is productive and quickly spreads throughout the whole society to dominate the subaltern or the colonized.

                                                In Robinson Crusoe representation of colonialism is clearly reflected through the relationship between the colonized and colonizer, representation of a colonized land and people, and representation of colonialism from the viewpoint of trade, commerce and buildings empire. Crusoe is the representation of a colonial figure and colonial mind in this fiction, and Friday is a symbol of all those natives who were dominated in the age of “European imperialism”. Friday is so obedient, grateful and faithful to Crusoe that he never realizes that this man, who saved his life, is not only helps him from his good will but his main purpose was to make him a devoted slave. Crusoe and Friday live harmoniously on the island, but the methods with which Crusoe enslave Friday also link him to colonial history.

A Grain of Wheat " novel representation of African people struggle for identity. Through character of Mumbi justify African culture and lifestyle. This novel concern also on native colonial people. In the novel villagers do preparation of celebration of Kenya's independence day whose call Uhuru day. There were reflection of conflict of east and African with western community which believed that they all civilized rather than black people. They behaved with them as a master and ruler so that western culture try to overpower on them. Same happen into Robinson Crusoe novel. There were Friday was a slave and black person whose name & identity given by Crusoe who ruled on him. It was common native representation into both the novel.

Thank you...

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Introductory thinking activity: Mass Media and communication

                                                 Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.

                                                My favorite Mass Media platform for the communication or sharing my views are Social Media Platforms. Once upon a time there were people used birds or letter for each other communication but we know that there were taken more time to received message. Sometime not get letter so that type of problem faced by them. Nowadays Mass Media play whooping role for the communication among country or nation.

                                                I would more like Whats-app, Facebook or YouTube which used by me into present time. I think after the invention of internet, there are all the things easy for isolated too. Here I put my point of views on my favorite social media.

# Whats app:-

                                               Whats app is a one of the easy platform which may be each and every person has account. Through whats app I connect normally with so many relative, classmate or group and sharing new things each other within one second. It's provide some facility like as Image, text message, video call, recording, audio-video clip, Gifs file, Documents, contact, camera,location, status, Whats app web...etc. There are place for communication where anybody can share with everyone. Some time through whats-app many company working and progress their business. So I prefer Whats app rather than other social media. I have to mention that this app has some limitations but it's easy for communication.

# Facebook:-

                                               According to my point of view that Facebook means book of faces. If I look as educational perspective so that so many teacher or professor who makes learning easy, interesting or accessible with the help of Facebook. Moreover Facebook is a global platform which join each other person to nation. Through this app teacher or students communicate each other, and also another person comment on there. I think there are wide place to every one for communication. One more thing I notify that we can't go each and every place, school or Uni. but through Facebook we know what happen into the world. There are some teachers who teaches lessons in the class then share related concept on Facebook and sometime also live telecast on their page.

# You Tube:-

                                                Sometime You tube more helpful for better understanding of books or novels. You Tube or Flip learning more helpful for not only entertainment but also for learning new thing where we learn without going any classics and without payment. It's platform also help to earn money also. We know that audio- video more appropriate to learning's new topics. We also create channel and sharing our talents there. It's provide You Tube music, You Tube TV, You Tube Original...etc.

                                                If we talking about benefits of Social Media so I mention one more thing that I can't say about safety of persons privacy or data. Moreover without internet we can't communicate each other so internet is basic necessary for social media.

Thank you...

Monday, September 30, 2019

29th Rang Mohan Youth Mahotsav 2019

Hello reader!
Welcome to my blog...

                                                Today I am talking about one of the academic function which was waiting by youth. Which Is...?....Yes...Youth festival. So let's start without waste of time.... 

                                                We had celebrated 29 rang mohan youth mahotsav during 25 to 28 at Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar university which was hosted by Sport department. This kind of academic festival help a lot into improve hidden skill of students because this type of festival give stage to students for make carrier. In this festival various events included like as folk song, Bhajan, Western song, Solo song, Drama, Mimicry, One play act...etc.

                                              This task given by Prof. Dilip barad sir for looking different way all the things and events. During those day I able to attended following types of events.

  • First day ( 25-9-2019):-

#Art of Journey (Kalayatra) :-

                                                  Kalayatra is a democratic movement for ‘art conservation’ which involves everyone, from young students to travelers to corporate organizations in an endeavor to document, appreciate and understand indigenous Indian art and artisan community.

                                                  There were Kalayatra started from Samaldas Arts college to ground of Sheth College, Sardarnagar. This youth festival attributed to 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji. There were many colleges and students became a part of art journey with different themes like as,

#Theme of Kalayatra:-

- Swami Sahjanand College of Commerce and arts performed with the theme of " My life is my Message",
- The KPES college and M.J. college performed with theme of divine journey of  Mohan to Mahatma  and Simon go back.
- M.B.A. department Presented theme of new India, Digital India,,Invest India, Clean India, Hange rapids, religion,green India
- Samaldas Arts college performed with the theme of " Where am I ?"

  • Second day ( 26-9-2019):-

                                                There were an outstanding folk orchestra performed by GTU students then Dilipsinh gohil given welcoming speech with full of passion. In this welcome function cabinet chief minister of Education system Bhupendrasinh Chudasma given speech which related that function. He also connected with youth, education and Gandhi. There were remain present famous artist like Mayabhai Ahir, Kirtidan Gadhvi, Dhirubhai Sarvaiya and Abhaysinh Rathod. They all were performed own art and ability. We get lot of enjoy during that time.They all appreciated to us with humor way. Yuvraj saheb also give supportive speech then Vice chancellor Mahipatsinh Chavda sir given thanking speech and suggest to open events with Passion. 

                                                 After lunch events started with certain schedule. I was not present each and every events but Where I was present, I give review only about that.

# Bhajan:-

                                               This event started may be 2:30 at new court hall. There were I listen various bhajan which related with Mahatma Gandhi with various voice. There were one of the students of English department Nasim Gaha presented bhajan " Vaishnavajan to tene re Kahiye...". It's nice experience.

# Quiz and Poetry making Competition:-

                                                 Quiz Competition held by department of English. There were I think more students participant because I confused that how can we managed  them? but we divided in group. There were Bhavnesh, Hina and Divya participated into Department off English. Poetry making competition organized same time at department of English. There were various subject given to participant for writing poem on. So here I put photo of subject below...

# Folk dance and Mimicry:-

                                                  Folk dance was more interesting events. It's difficult to performed. This events performed at amphi theater still late night. There were represented  identity of various culture though clothe and folk song and dance.

                                                 Mimicry was very remarkable events. This events performed at Atal auditorium. Most of the Mimicry on voice of birds, animals, famous dialogue and popular person.

  • Third day ( 27-9-2019):-

# Poster Making:-

                                               Early morning 8 to 10:30  at external department started event of Poster making. There were I was also participant. That day early morning heavy rain disturb all artist mind but competition was remain  started without problem.In that event they gave subject like, Gandhi jayanti 150, 29 rang yuva Mahotsav 2019, Save girl, Girl abortion. I make poster subject on Gandhi jayanti 150.

# Clay Modeling:-

                                                   This event started may be 11 to 1;30 at external department. I was also participant into that event. There were given subject like, Fruit basket, Rural & village area, Dancer. I work subject on fruit basket before that made I try to make dancer girl but I was not able to make face from clay so I destroyed her then make fruit basket. It's nice experience for me because first time I shape fruit from clay.

  • Fourth day ( 28-9-2019):-

                                                 That day I was more busy so I didn't able to attended more events but I saw exhibition of previous day and some skit.

# Skit:-

                                                  Skit competition organised at Atal Auditorium. There were  I get more enjoy rather then another place because there were good sound system and chair so audience always full of take interest went there.

                                                  In the skit I notify some theme which repeated there like  How to be Corruption? play admirable role of modern Naradmuni ( College code 5), Delivery of emotion and relationship, Burning Ravan, Political satire, Trippal Tallak, Problem of light and water in to society so Where is development ? About Abhinandan and nationalism ( 10), Face app, rules of Halmet, Himadas and abortion ( 25), How socia meadia created trouble in daily life ? ( 30), Modern Mahabharat with Court and advocate, Issue of without Adharcard (40), Chandrayan, M.S.dhoni and abhinandan with nationalism, Notbandhi and run away vijay malya , LGBT and rap (43), Terrorism, Dhabudi mata, work loading on teacher, powerless bharatmata....etc. There were department of English performed on theme of LGBT. They all very well performed.There were gave me one chance for poetry recitation. It's unforgettable memory.

# Abolishes and results:-

                                                At the end of this festival as chief guest remain present  Vibhavriben Dave, Digubha gadhvi, Meranbhai, Yuvrajshinh. They all were shared own experiences and own art and one trailer relieved about gujrati movie then results declared by Himalbhai Pandya. 

                                                  At the end of the fourth day we learnt some kind of new thing and get new spirit of learning. So thank to Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University to organized that festival with appropriate way and thanks to all department and colleges which supporting there and specially thanks to all participant and audience to help & Participated there.

Thank you...