Sunday, September 1, 2019

August: Revolution & Reliion

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Here is task given by Prof. Dilip Barad sir, I put following link for more information about this task,

  • August: Revolution:-

                                             A revolution is a very sharp change made to something new and broken power position.This word comes from Latin and is related to the word revolutio which means is that a turn around. Mostly revolutions are usually political in their nature.So that few people feel unhappy with their lives, some are not happy with whole systems and decisions. They might join together and share their ideas then they try to make something change or new. In the revolutions include fighting, and civil unrest but there are also revolutions that happen without fighting. In August month we also celebrated " Independence Day " at University as a part of national festival. Here I put one following video about difference freedom ehich can be helpful to better understanding.

                                              Seldom past remembering example of  the 'Soviet Union' which was made by a revolution so that they killed millions people and later fell apart in a counter revolution without much fighting and another example of the French Revolution  which was much bloodshed. So here question is that is it right way get freedom of us ? Another question is that Is it celebration of bloodshed or for freedom?. Here for further reading just I put two major revolution.

  • North Revolution:-
                                                When the Japanese surrendered on August 15, the Việt Minh immediately launched the insurrection which they had already prepared for a long time. 'People's Revolutionary Committees' across the countryside took over administrative positions, often acting on their own initiative, while in the cities the Japanese stood by as the Vietnamese took control. On the morning of August 19 the Việt Minh took control of Hanoi, seizing the northern Vietnam in the next few days.

                                                 Tran Trong Kim's government had resigned earlier, on August 13, yielding to Hồ Chí Minh's new Vietnamese Provisional Government. Hồ Chí Minh offered Bảo Đại a position as supreme advisor. Hồ Chí Minh declared independence for the newly established Democratic Republic of Vietnam, headquartered in Hanoi, on September 2, 1945. ( Wiki.)
  • South Revolution:-

                                                 However, when the people celebrated their victory in the north, the Việt Minh faced various problems in the southern part of the country. The south was politically more diverse than the north, and the Việt Minh had been unable to establish the same degree of control there as they had achieved in the north. There were serious divisions in the independence movement in the south, where the Việt Minh, Cao Đài, Hòa Hảo, Trotskyists and other nationalist groups competed for control. On August 25, the Communists established a Provisional Executive Committee with Tran Van Giau at its head. The committee took over public administration in Saigon, but followed Allied orders that the Japanese maintain law and order until Allied troops arrived.( Wiki. )

                                              Thus I have to say that August has not only month of celebration but also month of fighting and blood shed but political people often try to be fool people through admirable language those day.

  • August: religious festival:-
                                                 India has variety of religions,culture and language but when month of August start may be most of religions festival combine in one month. I want to say that August is month of God and Goddess because during that time normally blindly people become as devotee of God and worshiping them. People without known celebrate all religion festival.

                                                August is month of Sharavan based on Indian calendar, Rakhshabandhan, Janmashtmi pateti and Parsi New year, Bakri id, Mokat Guri vrat, ekadashi...etc. Whole festivals are come together with message of ' Unity' because major religions festival celebrated in only one month like as, Shravan mahina or Janmashtmi for worship indian Gods. Another side Bakri id is a Festival of Muslim...etc. Moreover during August rainy season starting so it's festival of farmer.

  • Patriotism vs. Nationalism:-

                                                Nationalism and patriotism are two sides of the same coin but there is a thin line demarcating both the ideologies. Patriotism is the older of the two words with published written evidence dating back to the middle of the 17th century. Patriotism came from adding the suffix of -ism to the existing word patriot, which itself came into English from the French patriote and may be traced back further to the Greek word patrios. It's means “of one’s father”. In U.S. usage nationalism is now perhaps most frequently associated with white nationalism, and has considerably negative connotations. So here I put one following video about difference between Patriotism and Nationalism for better understanding.

                                                Indian nationalism developed as a concept during the Indian independence movement which The movement spanned total of 90 years (1857–1947) fought against the colonial British Raj. Indian nationalism is an instance of territorial nationalism, inclusive of all its people, despite their diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. It continues to strongly influence the politics of India and reflects an opposition to the sectarian strands of Hindu nationalismand Muslim nationalism. So that here I have to say that It's nation within nation. Normally social media and political people spoke through topic of nationalism.

  • Country vs. Nation:-
                                                  The nation is a term of cultural and a political. whereas country is  term of  the geographical and the political. Both are different word but normally people do mistake in understanding. Both these words are often used interchangeably as they are said to be a synonym of one and another. The close insight into both these words tells that they are quite different, especially regarding the usage. The country refers to the particular area, region or the territory that is controlled by its government but the nation refers to the large body of the people, which are united by culture, common descent, and the history. Here I put one poem " Desh ak Rag he " by Bhagwat Ravat.

                                                   Bhagwat Ravat is Hindi poet and essayist. Rawat was born on 13 September 1939 in Teherka village in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh. He did his Bachelor of Arts graduation from Bundelkhand College, Jhansi. He completed his M.A., B.Ed in Bhopal. He died on 25 May 2012 due to kidney failure.Although here he used interesting vocabulary and language. He has good sense of sending message through use of two different words.We know that political person blame to us through speech of opposite nation and country. Ravat compared to country with Rag and he said with critical way all things like as, " I am a Indian ". We all are human, not Indian. People doesn't think universally but separately. So what is need of partition. Here put another example of Harishankar Parsai's poem which talked on clearly. I put following video with full explanation.

Partition by W.H.Auden:-

                                                    'Partition' poem  described a British civil servant who must decide how to divide Indian land between Muslims and Hindus who hate each other. To prevent further conflict between the two groups, the British government has appointed this unnamed functionary to decide which lands will belong to which group. He is not a native of the region and he knows relatively little about its history and they have his maps are outdated although he has two Hindu and two Muslim judges with whom he can consult, the final decisions about how to carve up the territories are ultimately his. His mission is dangerous because neither group is likely to be entirely happy with the choices he makes.

                                                Auden’s poem alludes to the period in the late 1940s when the people of India finally won independence from Britain. However, severe tensions between Hindus and Muslims led to the formation of two separate countries: India (a Hindu state) and Pakistan (a Muslim nation). At least half a million people lost their lives in the conflicts leading up to the creation of these two countries. However, although Auden’s poem obviously deals primarily with this particular situation, the poem is also relevant to many other recent territorial disputes between conflicting religious or ethnic groups.  Thus, although Auden’s poem is set in the 1940s and specifies a particular example of partitioning, the poem remains eerily relevant in the present day.
  • The Boody line:-

                                             This short film “ The Bloody line”  by Ram Madhvani . This poem also based on poem “ Partition” by W.H.Madhvani and one man who was drew a line for partition between India and Pakistan. Even Nowadays we are feeling that It was unpardonable act.This film re imagines a particular morning that may or may not have happened. That’s the thing about the past. There is no single version, plenty of unseen possibilities, and recreating, or ‘fictionalizing’ certain moments, comes with its own set of expectations. Here, a retired British lawyer (Martin Bishop), one of the most famous – or infamous, depending on how you look at it – names of India’s rushed post-independence reforms, has a conversation of significant angst with his wife (Leda Hodgson), almost twenty years after his defining “job”.

Thank you....

  • References :-