Monday, September 2, 2019

Flipped learning : Existentialism

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                                             Here this task has given to students by Prof. Dilip Barad sir for better understanding of post colonial mind and literature. Another objects is that  we achieve deep knowledge about absurdity and existentialism through flipped learning. Here I will try to summaries about whole videos with my point of views. So without wasted time let’s start together  our journey of learning…

                                                 “Existentialism” is a term that is belongs to intellectual history. Its definition is thus to some extent one of historical convenience. 

                                               This term was adopted as a self-description by Jean-Paul Sartre and through the wide dissemination of the postwar literary and philosophical output of Sartre and his associates notably Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Albert Camus who existentialism became identified with a cultural movement that flourished in Europe in the 1940 to 1950.

Video no.:-1)

  • Individual freedom:-
                                                 Existentialism in the broader sense is a 20th century philosophy so that it’s focus on the analysis of existence from the specific field or world. The notion that the human beings first try to exist from all belief then they try to individually spends lifetime reforming their essence or nature. 

                                                 Existentialism also work with some logic and philosophy which help to us finding self and meaning of life through free will, choice and responsibility. If I am not wrong everybody is passing throughout daily life but at that time our choice happen something base on experiences, influences, belief...etc. So that here personal choice becoming like unique that is without necessity but existentialism  follow that every person has own choice and forced to choose without help of ethnic rules and impact o traditions.

Video no.:-2)

  • Absurdity & Replacement:-

                                                  Absurdity also connected with certain demand and reorganization. Generally absurd person who wants to live only for what he can be sure of and absurd sometime creating contrast between human reason and unreasonable universe. 

                                               According to Albert Camus counter the notion that proper acceptance of the absurd entails suicide and he said that its philosophical problem and he mentions that the source of replacement is best way for that. Camus also explains absurdity through myth of Sisyphus.

Video no.:-3)

  • Suicide vs. Escapism:-

                                                 Here Albert Camus the leap of faith as ‘Philosophical Suicide’ because he rejected both this and physical suicide. 

                                                According to Camus at the end any person prefer to embraces to absurd condition and freewill which give one opportunity to known real meaning of life. Suicide is way of escapism rather than doing struggle. It means that existentialist tries to put faith as solution which leads us escapism.

Video no.:-4)

  • Dadaism:-

                                                  ‘Dada’ is a colloquial French term for hobby horse but there are Dadaism is artistic movement for modern art during World War 1. Its object was that ridicule the meaninglessness of the modern World and Its also impacted of surrealism, pop art and punk rock which went to against the standards of society. It was against capitalism and war. It was noticeable movement for free from the different types of obstacles.

Video no.:-5)

  • Desire & liberalization:-

                                                Sometime pop up question in our mind that why we live here? What is purpose of living? I think one of the answers is that living for find meaning of life.

                                                It’s remain everybody’s inner anxiety but existentialism also give goggle of think rationally life which suggest us choose own interpretation of meaning of life rather than another and also taking personal responsibility for life.

Video no.:- 7)
  • Nihilism & Existentialism:-

                                                 In this video talking about philosophical movement which help to understand real meaning of life. Mostly we can see that people praying and begging in front of god for their meaningful life. It means that they give something special force or attention to god rather than human being and themselves.

                                                 In shortly I would like to say that Nihilism means nothing whereas into world has real existence and Existentialism means that generate something new through experiments and experiences. There are small difference between nihilism and existentialism. 

Video no.:-8)

  • Rules & Ubermensch:-

                                                  We know that everybody has unconscious desire to rule on other. Here I want to mentioned that Fried-rich Nietzsche say that what is aspect of all are behave like one way or under same rule? because each person different to another so it's impossible task so that According to my point of view it's no need to rules.

                                                  If we make own rule for ourselves,not for other. So Ubermensch was suitable example for that. Nietzsche also used same character  zarathustra in his book.

Video no.:-9)

  • Reason behind like Existentialism:-

                                                 I like existentialism behind two reason responsible. One reason is that it's challenge to our mind for deep thinking. When we believe in this literary term at that time It's demand to raise question,test then leads to result. Normally common person of society don't think deeply. They all are depend on belief, religion's guru. Another reason is that It's leads to us refreshment and something new invention. I want to add one more thing that If I think as a existentialist so I live my life with reality.

Video no.:- 10) 

  • Find Real meaning:-

                                                   In this video Existentialism to Existentialism focus on what is realty behind reality  moreover it's try to find real meaning of life and give to answer Why am I here ? Who am I ?...etc. If you are waiting like Vladimir and Estrogen for Godot who came and change your life So I have suggest you that no one can give you real meaning of your life so think own way for your life.

  • I Like... & Learning outcome:-

                                                   I like video number nine rather than another because that video is help a lot in better understanding of Existentialism and there are open window for thinker some kind of new way. I have to say that Flipped learning is best way of study because it's save more time of whole person and also give more time to think. We can pause and note down during watching video rather than lecture method. My some classmate don't like to learn through flipped but I say honestly that I get lot enjoy and I get something new information.

Thank you...


  1. Deep description and all videos very well summarize. Tnx for sharing with me.

  2. Thank you Prinjal....I learn from Dilip Barad sir that " Sharing is Carrying..."

  3. Well summarise all videos with using of effective images...good explanation.

  4. Well written and explained with good GIFs.

  5. Very well explained all the videos with various GIF and well summarise all the points..its indeed a good one..😊

  6. Well furnished blog with minute details and use of appropriate gifs.

  7. Well written with appropriate examples and very interesting language 😄
