Sunday, September 1, 2019

August: Patriotism and Religious Fervour

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Welcome to my bog...

Here  task given by Prof. Dilip Barad Sir So I put here link for more information about the Task:-

  • Shitla Saatam:-
                                                       Shitla Saatam is concept of Indian culture and tradition. Normally this festival celebrates in Shravan Mahina as an Indian religion calendar. It’s a part of folk deity. Generally at that time southern region and peninsula celebrate and believing into many faith. Even in Gujarat’s villages also celebrate as a part of religious festival. I heard one mythical story through my grandfather that ‘Shitlah’ is one of the goddess who something happening to stop pox disease which is complex of viral diseases in human beings and also animals.

                                                     Normally people known through marked chiefly by eruptions of the skin and mucous membranes. In the animal we find Sheep pox and rabbit pox which are spread by airborne infections particles that are inhaled. Another thing here notify that this goddess sit on the Donkey who known dim intelligence and stubborn creature.We mostly know the donkey in religious contexts as having been the choice animal of Christ when he entered Jerusalem, in order to show his humility. In Greek mythology, tribute is paid to the good instincts of the donkey when Apollo decreed that Midas should be given donkey’s ears so he could clearly hear the beauty of the god’s music.

  • Concept of worshiping:-

                                                  India has multi religions so as a religions country people also convince through religion events rather than science. May be during past time science was not developed so that people thought about that how they connect science through religion? For that purpose may be Shitlasataam started. People has not another way they have only way of religion So they worshiped of Shitlamata fo pox disease. 

  • Cold food:-

                                                 During the ancient time Society had not any kind of medicine for specific disease So they were choose religion as a part of solution of any disease. In order to prevent themselves from disease they believed in worshiping goddess Sitla . As a part society still worshiping goddess and celebrate that day with cold food. 

                                                  When we know that vaccine against smallpox was already invented by Edward Jenner, Why we believe in ancient tradition?. Normally one day ago people made some kind of food in Gujarat like khir, thepla, raitu,puri...etc. as a part of celebration. Why we don't eat fresh food and hot food? If we eat hot food so what happen with us ?

  • Religion vs. Science:-

                                                 We all lining into digital era which fully develop through science and technology so that according to my point of view Nowadays people should have sense of looking religion festival another way but they don’t question ask and they don’t search reality behind any festival. But we used to see Shitlasaatam as religious festival which was generated in our mind. 

                                                    We say with proud that we are living into modern age but our mind not living into rational thinking. Sometime we confuse that that is truth? Religion or science? On the many occasions we see the conflicts between religion and science. Here one of the best examples is that Shitlasatam.
  • Inoculation vs. vaccination:-

                                                Invention of vaccination we control on small pox. Vaccination is the more commonly used term which actually consists of a "safe" injection of a sample taken from a cow suffering from cowpox I think nowadays no need to follow that tradition.

                                                  Inoculation known as Tikah which was put to practice in may be 17th century in India but that type operation only for Brahmin community. In this method when small pox were came to maturity at that time by taking a pus and dipping these in the point of pretty large sharp needle. There were puncturing also invite bacteria. In order to succeed operation four collars of water were thrown on the patient which was fall down into fever.

                                                Nowadays we know that prevention of small pox is possible because of vaccine. Still people more believed in religion rather than scientific invention. Today, Society new breed of nationalist have connected the idea of eating cold food as it was a practice to overcome deficiency of vitamin B12.

                                                 For many centuries, smallpox devastated mankind. In modern times we do not have to worry about it thanks to the remarkable work of Edward Jenner and later developments from his endeavors. With the rapid pace of vaccine development in recent decades, the historic origins of immunization are often forgotten. Unfortunately, since the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the threat of biological warfare and bio terrorism has reemerged. Smallpox has been identified as a possible agent of bio terrorism. It seems prudent to review the history of a disease known to few people in the 21st century.

                                                  Edward Jenner is well known around the world for his innovative contribution to immunization and the ultimate eradication of smallpox . Jenner's work is widely regarded as the foundation of immunology—despite the fact that he was neither the first to suggest that infection with cowpox conferred specific immunity to smallpox nor the first to attempt cowpox inoculation for this purpose.

Thank you...

  • References:-


  1. Well portrayal of releted images and concept. It will be more better if you use some beliefs and superstition which connected with this festival...

  2. Thank you for suggest me...I will add

  3. Patriotism and Religious Fervour it is Mind-blowing Ideas in context of nationalism and it's five parts like, Ethnic nationalism, civil nationalism, cultural nationalism, Liberation, and Post colonial nationalism. So, if you want to add some information than our concept is clear.

  4. Well explained and good usage of images.
