Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reflective blog on Vishal Bhadani...

Translation Workshop and creative Short -Story with Vishal Bhadani...

                                     This Workshop organized by department of English. Vishal Bhadani is a creative short-story writer. He also published his book ' Fictionalay'. In this book included various types of short story like as, Mythology of rural area, Fictional story, Experimental story and also story of fantasy.

                               Four short story is given by Pro.Dilip sir through g-mail. This Pre-task for reading short-story and  When first time I read short story of Vishal Bhadani at that time I can't understood it, What's say writer in this story ? but When he interpreted connection with place like as, 'Sanosara' and events during that time I realized true concept of story.

  • Pre-task Four Short-Story:-
1) Mara hath ni vat nathi...
2) Museum of Innocence...
3) Sansai ane Ranzana...
4) Vasant...

                                   I had read only three short story of ' Fictionalay'. I also found in three short story that mostly central theme about middle class and common people. He also share his experience with us. He talked about how to write short story ? which type can We used vocabulary, metaphor and symbols? and he gave to steep and suggestion  for write story and Translation. He added that Writing is good habit for literature students.

1) Mara Hath ni vat nathi...

                                   I like this story rather than another because  In this story writer used satire and basic things. He talked about society through body part of human being. We can't control society and solve problem of society. He also used body part like as, palm, hand, fingure...etc. He connected all things with socially symbolically.

2) Museum of Innocence:-

                                    This story is difficult to understand. In this story basic things is that virtues of human and another things is that satire on modern world. The Writer used word 'Istanbul' It is symbolical. In the story chief characters like as, Sarpanch, Jiglo, Kadvi...etc. All story work upon the banyan tree. All characters and things also symbolic .

  • Translation ( second season):-
                                          In this season he talk about how to translation ? How to create related meaning?. He do one activity for translation and gave one common sentence to all students. but we all  have different type comprehension of that sentences. At that time also question increased in our mind that, ' What's correct meaning of that sentences?' He talked about following topic:-

# What's on the Platter?
# The joy of Translation.
# Myths about Translation.
# Some tips a professional as,
   - Translation all kinds documents
   - Never trans. without dictionary
   - Never bluff
   - Read-Re-read after you translate.
   - Read variety of book.
   - Start with favorite genre.
   - Mix all method of translation.

                                              At the end of the workshop We get more knowledge about short story and Translation. All workshop remain interested and enjoyable. So I have to say that specially thank you for Pro. Dilip Barad sir Who Organized this workshop and thanks to Vishal Bhadani to interaction with us.

I hope you that you get enjoy read my blog...

Thank you....

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