Saturday, January 12, 2019

I.A. Richard's Figurative Language: Thinking activity

Here is my answer of thinking activity which is given by our professor Dilip Barad sir,

                                     I.A.Richard famous for theory  of practical theory. He also known for experiment in  his university. He thinks that behind this was to make students aware about concept of poet and poem. He wants that students should focus on the material and understood in much better way without any basic knowledge. 

                                    Here I am going to discuses about one of the  famous Gujarati  poem of Ravji Patel.  In this poem has used high level and contradictory language and also poem represent more theme  with figurative language. I hope you all will enjoy reading this blog.

About Ravji Patel:-

                         He was born in Bhatpur village (now in Anand district, Gujarat) on 15 November 1939. His family was a native of Vallavpura village in Kheda district. He completed his primary education from his village, Vallavpura and moved to Ahmedabad for further education. He completed his S.S.C from Navchetan High School, Ahmedabad. Then he joined City Arts College, but he could only study up to the second year of college and dropped out owing to financial difficulties. He worked briefly at various places like mills, libraries, newspapers and universities. After staying in Amirgadh and Anand for few months, he died in Ahmedabad on 8 August 1968 due to tuberculosis and mental disorder. He married Mahalakshmi in 1960.

The way to sing:-

મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….
મારી વે’લ શંગારો વીરા, શગને સંકોરો
રે અજવાળાં પહેરીને ઊભા શ્વાસ!
મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….

પીળે રે પાંદે લીલા ઘોડા ડૂબ્યા;
ડૂબ્યાં અલકાતાં રાજ, ડૂબ્યાં મલકાતાં કાજ
રે હણહણતી મેં સાંભળી સુવાસ!
મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….

મને રોકે પંછાયો એક ચોકમાં;
અડધા બોલે ઝાલ્યો; અડધો ઝાંઝરથી ઝાલ્યો
મને વાગે સજીવી હળવાશ!
મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….
                                                        – રાવજી પટેલ 


1] Misunderstanding:-

                                                   When we read this poem during that time increase question in our mind that What this poem is taking about and also our mind thinks that  what message this poem gives us. Most of the time We never think connection of outside world. When I read first line of this poem , I think that it is misunderstanding and also difficult to easily understand. We can saw that poet say , ' Mari ankhe kanku na suraj athamiya...'  I never imagine about this scenery scene because I think that How can possible sunset on the eye but here poet say, He saw his death through own eye. What connection between eye and sunset. 

                                                 When We read Word by word this poem there are not get proper meaning in the poem. So this poem very problematic to read word by word. Another thing is that poet used effective and figurative language like as, 'kanku',' vahel','shag',' Anjvala'...etc. May be, Poet used this all this word connected with death and marriage because when people died during that time used all that thing as same as marriage  time. but I can't say this is proper interpretation of poem. Here poet used archetypes things symbolically. Thus, I have say that we automatically put in difficultly to understand the concept of poem.

2] Rhythm and Meter:-

                                              This poem arrange very well and also used interesting vocabulary by poet. This poem is very short and sweet even this poem completed three stanza. All words are carry to feeling, emotion,sense and tone. In this poem follow 'ABCA' rhyme scheme.

3] Metaphor and Visual image:-

                                        In this poem was used symbolical words and metaphor by as, 'kanku','suraj athamiya','vahel sangaro','shagne shankoro','anjvala pehri ubha shvash...'etc. In this poem Poet used mixed metaphor and also personification. Poet also explained his emotion and experience through compare with sunset, Submerged horse...etc.

                              We can saw that poet used vivid visual images and metaphor in poem like as, ' pile re pane lila ghoda doobya' means his death in time of youth.

4] Intention of the poet:-

                                    The poet speaks about with aim which I think what's important of life and time of youth another theme is that feeling of poet like as, painful death. I think that death and marriage both are equal because both of the time became same condition. Thus poet personifies something through poem.

                                      In this way the figurative language used by Ravji Patel. So We cannot understood easily , we have to do experiment on it to understand the language. This poem also problematic poem while we read verbal study. We can find emotive or scientific language in the poem. Another thing's that poet represented culture and manner of India through elements of marriage and death.

Thank you...                                                                  

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