Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Pre-Task of Frankenstein...

This Pre task given by Dr. Heena ma'am before watching movie...

Que.:-1) When did you have a dream ?

                             Psychologist Sigmund Freud talked about conscious and unconscious mind. but here I do not discuss about his theory of dream. Generally I can say that dream is reflection of uncompleted desire for anythings, place and man. Mostly I don't remember completely  each and every dream in our mind but normally We have some part of dream. Many Physiologist interpreted each dream and  they also connected with evidence.

                            I don't remember perfect time of my dream but probably last month I have one dream. Another things is that I saw one dream many time and also repeated same place and condition often in dream. but here I can't say about that dream.

Que.:-2) What did you see in your dream?

                           Many time I feel that it was really ! When I wake up at that time I realized that It was illusion.  Here briefly, I will talk about one dream. Which type of dream do you like to read ? May be, fantasy ? Ok... I say some part of my dream. My dream started with the trouble... ' I wondering in the  forest alone with some curiosity but In the jungle I can't saw animal, birds even sound of any insects. I felt fear but I walking in jungle continuously. At the end of the forest I saw One white horse and deep valley and waterfall, I try to touch and sat on horse. This horse has power of saw future. Its also tell me that,' you passed this valley and get gifts..' then I crossed valley with difficulties than I met one fairy queen . She was beautiful and sensible, I think about married with her but she said don't think about herself and she added If you want to married with me so you would be  transfer yourself in our world and forget all past time....Then I agree with her. When I talked with her at that time one monster came and pick up herself ....then I arose early morning quickly but I can't found fairy queen...

Que.:-3) Based on your dream if you are asked to create something, What type of creation would be there?

                 I do not create Fairy queen because If I create fairy queen, So I became father of her. but I want to like create another monster. I also made the monster have supernatural powerful rather than another monster. My another creation is that I create monster's wife. Then I can free fairy queen from monster's hands and married with her.

Que.:-4) The creation will be ugly or beautiful? If ugly,Why ? If beautiful, Why?

                                    My creation also looking beautiful rather than another. I think that it is not important beauty or ugliness rather than attitude and behavior. I also believe in " Beauty comes from heart, not from skin. So I prefer to create heartily beautiful creation.  

Que.:-5) What are your interpretations for the word ' monster'?

                                    According to my Opinion, 'Monster' word interpretations is like as, not bad looking man but cruelty person, to treat some one very badly, different kind of figure, a person who behave cruel and do evil acts. 

Que.:-6) Have you ever visited such kind of places which has some connections with horror and terror ?

                                 I don't believe in ghost and monster but I also listen about that type story and places through parents and grandmother. In our village one place, there are live ghost but I passed near this place many time but I can't felt.

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