Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Pre-Task of Frankenstein...

This Pre task given by Dr. Heena ma'am before watching movie...

Que.:-1) When did you have a dream ?

                             Psychologist Sigmund Freud talked about conscious and unconscious mind. but here I do not discuss about his theory of dream. Generally I can say that dream is reflection of uncompleted desire for anythings, place and man. Mostly I don't remember completely  each and every dream in our mind but normally We have some part of dream. Many Physiologist interpreted each dream and  they also connected with evidence.

                            I don't remember perfect time of my dream but probably last month I have one dream. Another things is that I saw one dream many time and also repeated same place and condition often in dream. but here I can't say about that dream.

Que.:-2) What did you see in your dream?

                           Many time I feel that it was really ! When I wake up at that time I realized that It was illusion.  Here briefly, I will talk about one dream. Which type of dream do you like to read ? May be, fantasy ? Ok... I say some part of my dream. My dream started with the trouble... ' I wondering in the  forest alone with some curiosity but In the jungle I can't saw animal, birds even sound of any insects. I felt fear but I walking in jungle continuously. At the end of the forest I saw One white horse and deep valley and waterfall, I try to touch and sat on horse. This horse has power of saw future. Its also tell me that,' you passed this valley and get gifts..' then I crossed valley with difficulties than I met one fairy queen . She was beautiful and sensible, I think about married with her but she said don't think about herself and she added If you want to married with me so you would be  transfer yourself in our world and forget all past time....Then I agree with her. When I talked with her at that time one monster came and pick up herself ....then I arose early morning quickly but I can't found fairy queen...

Que.:-3) Based on your dream if you are asked to create something, What type of creation would be there?

                 I do not create Fairy queen because If I create fairy queen, So I became father of her. but I want to like create another monster. I also made the monster have supernatural powerful rather than another monster. My another creation is that I create monster's wife. Then I can free fairy queen from monster's hands and married with her.

Que.:-4) The creation will be ugly or beautiful? If ugly,Why ? If beautiful, Why?

                                    My creation also looking beautiful rather than another. I think that it is not important beauty or ugliness rather than attitude and behavior. I also believe in " Beauty comes from heart, not from skin. So I prefer to create heartily beautiful creation.  

Que.:-5) What are your interpretations for the word ' monster'?

                                    According to my Opinion, 'Monster' word interpretations is like as, not bad looking man but cruelty person, to treat some one very badly, different kind of figure, a person who behave cruel and do evil acts. 

Que.:-6) Have you ever visited such kind of places which has some connections with horror and terror ?

                                 I don't believe in ghost and monster but I also listen about that type story and places through parents and grandmother. In our village one place, there are live ghost but I passed near this place many time but I can't felt.

Reflective blog on Vishal Bhadani...

Translation Workshop and creative Short -Story with Vishal Bhadani...

                                     This Workshop organized by department of English. Vishal Bhadani is a creative short-story writer. He also published his book ' Fictionalay'. In this book included various types of short story like as, Mythology of rural area, Fictional story, Experimental story and also story of fantasy.

                               Four short story is given by Pro.Dilip sir through g-mail. This Pre-task for reading short-story and  When first time I read short story of Vishal Bhadani at that time I can't understood it, What's say writer in this story ? but When he interpreted connection with place like as, 'Sanosara' and events during that time I realized true concept of story.

  • Pre-task Four Short-Story:-
1) Mara hath ni vat nathi...
2) Museum of Innocence...
3) Sansai ane Ranzana...
4) Vasant...

                                   I had read only three short story of ' Fictionalay'. I also found in three short story that mostly central theme about middle class and common people. He also share his experience with us. He talked about how to write short story ? which type can We used vocabulary, metaphor and symbols? and he gave to steep and suggestion  for write story and Translation. He added that Writing is good habit for literature students.

1) Mara Hath ni vat nathi...

                                   I like this story rather than another because  In this story writer used satire and basic things. He talked about society through body part of human being. We can't control society and solve problem of society. He also used body part like as, palm, hand, fingure...etc. He connected all things with socially symbolically.

2) Museum of Innocence:-

                                    This story is difficult to understand. In this story basic things is that virtues of human and another things is that satire on modern world. The Writer used word 'Istanbul' It is symbolical. In the story chief characters like as, Sarpanch, Jiglo, Kadvi...etc. All story work upon the banyan tree. All characters and things also symbolic .

  • Translation ( second season):-
                                          In this season he talk about how to translation ? How to create related meaning?. He do one activity for translation and gave one common sentence to all students. but we all  have different type comprehension of that sentences. At that time also question increased in our mind that, ' What's correct meaning of that sentences?' He talked about following topic:-

# What's on the Platter?
# The joy of Translation.
# Myths about Translation.
# Some tips a professional as,
   - Translation all kinds documents
   - Never trans. without dictionary
   - Never bluff
   - Read-Re-read after you translate.
   - Read variety of book.
   - Start with favorite genre.
   - Mix all method of translation.

                                              At the end of the workshop We get more knowledge about short story and Translation. All workshop remain interested and enjoyable. So I have to say that specially thank you for Pro. Dilip Barad sir Who Organized this workshop and thanks to Vishal Bhadani to interaction with us.

I hope you that you get enjoy read my blog...

Thank you....

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Reflective blog on brief interaction...

Interaction with France Professors: Pro. Saeed Paivandi and Pro. Fantanini Christine...

May be, I hope you that you will enjoying read this blog....
                                      I have to say with glad that I am lucky because Our department many time organized famous guest lectures but We don't know, When both professor came to visit of our department. It is surprise guest lecture arranged by Dilip sir. 

                                       Pro. Saeed Paivandi and Pro. Fantanini Chistine both are came from University of Lorraine in France. They also specially visited for department of Economic and Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University therefore by chance they visited our department and interaction with students. First of  Pro. Kishor Joshi gave basic information of both guest and he also Pro. of department of Economic. They also talk about Education System,Society and their tradition, ratio of female and male in education of France.

                                       Moreover, They talked about different vivid tradition and culture of France, various stream and also discussion about World top 10 University, problem of economical crises, class and gender conflict in education system. We can saw  even India faced same as problem of France education system. 

                                      Pro. Christine's views were contrasting rather than Pro. Saeed. She shared her experience with us and She said that economical crises among the various classes and she added that middle class more faces difficulty of economical crises. She gave information with numerical proof for better understanding.

                                     Pro. Saeed thoughts very interesting. Firstly He spoke about his personal details like as, he came to France for learning France language and lived as foreigner in France. He added in speech that he seldom nearly looked culture of France country and some France movements also, At the end he conclude that violence not a way of solution of any problems. So We can stand up bravely in front of all types difficulty.

                                     At the end of the interaction, We have got more knowledge and understood condition of  France to compare with India system. This Interaction remain very interesting and both Professors talked  freely about France system. So specially thanks to Dilip sir for organized this interaction and also thanks to Both Professor and Pro. Kishor Joshi...

Thank you...

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lord Byron

Here is ours answer of  group activity which is given by our Vaidehi Ma'am,

  • His Life:-
                                          Lord Byron was born in 1788. George Gordon Byron, sixth Lord Byron, was as proud of his ancestry as he was his poetry. The poet's father was a rake and scoundrel. He married a Scottish heiress, Miss Gordon of Gight, whose money he was not long in squandering. Though the poet was  born in London, his early years were passed in Aberdeen, his mother's native place. As the age of ten, he succeeded his grand-uncle in the titl

                                     He was educated at Harrow and Cambridge,  where he showed himself to be heir to the ancestral nature, dark and passionate but relieved by humour and affection. 

  • Journey of Lord Byron:-

  • A Second generation Romantic poet.
  • A Revolutionary and a fan of Napoleon.
  • His father Captain John [ Mad Jack Byron]
  • His Mother Catherine.

                                                   They Separated after Byron's birth. His father then had an affair with his own sister. Aged nine his nursemaid, May Gay, preached Calvinism to him by night and play tricks upon his person.Aged ten he inherited his title and returned to the family seat of New stead only to discover. It was a ruin. He then went to Harrow. Where he formed relationships' too romantic to last' with younger boys.

                                                    Byron graduated from Trinity College Cambridge. As a nobleman he did not have to attend lectures or sit examinations forbidden by college regulations from keeping a dog, Byron kept a bear. After graduating Byron went to London,  organized prize fights and bought the freedom of a prostitute.

                                                   He then undertook the grand tour; became sympathetic to the Greek fight for freedom; swam the Hellespont; started to write' Child Harold's Pilgrimage' and collected souvenir costumes. He became one of the most celebrated men in Europe and was sought after socially and sexually.

                                                  He had affair with the married lady Caroline Lamb. She would dress as a page and visit him in his rooms. She was anorexic and Byron's friends called her " The Mad Skeleton". She had cut herself when obtaining it. When he ended the affair she stalked him, cut herself at a party to gain his attention and burned an effigy of him.

He had many relationships including affairs with:

a] Lady Jane Elizabeth countess of oxford.
b] Lady Frances Webster.
c] Augusta Leigh , his half sister.

                                                 He felt guilty and wanted to fly from his dissolute life. To  pay off his debts and in an attempt to reform he proposed by post to the " golden dolly" Annabella.

                                                 On his way to the wedding he stopped and wrote a letter calling it off his half sister persuaded him not to send it. His best man tried to persuade the vicar to cancel the ceremony claiming Byron was a " monster of cruelty".

                                                 The vicar said it was too late when his daughter, Augusta Ada, was born Annabella took the child to her parents. Neither saw Byron again. He was accused of being syphilitic and insane and having committed sodomy and incest.

                                                 He left England and started an affair with Marry Shelly's step sister Claire Clairmant. At Geneva he met Percy Shelley who signed himself into hotel's under  the name " Atheist" and the destination"hell". They exchanged roses Byron stayed at the Villa Diodati where Mary Shelly wrote " Frankenstein".

                                                 Claire became pregnant. Byron looked after the child, Allegra, but wanted nothing more to do with Claire. 

                                                 Byron then went to Italy and fell " most painfully in love " with Teresa Guiccioli. She was "as lovely as dawn and warm as noon".  She was also nineteen  and married. When she was ill he bought poison, intending to die with her. She survived.

                                                 Byron then joined the revolutionary forces in Italy. While living in Count Guiccioli's house, he slept with Guiccioli's wife and imported guns to overthrow him. 

                                                 He wrote " Don Juan" and a further can to of " Child Harold" in which women are the sexual predators. Byron then formed the 'Byron Brigade' and went to fight for Greek freedom from the Turks.

                                                 He fell in love with fifteen year old Greek boy the love was not returned. He caught a fever was bled and died. He asked that his boy be not"hacked or be sent to England ". His wishes were ignored. His lungs were left in Greece- the rest of him was pickled and sent to England. His body was refused burial in West minister Abbey- his friends claimed that had the body been lain in the Abbey his corpse would have risen and walked out.

  • Character and psyche:-

          I am such a strange mélange of good and evil that it would be difficult to describe me.

                                              As a boy, Byron's character is described as a "mixture of affectionate sweetness and playfulness, by which it was impossible not to be attached", although he also exhibited "silent rages, moody sullenness and revenge" with a precocious bent for attachment and obsession.

  • Byronic hero:-

                                           The Byronic hero presents an idealised, but flawed character whose attributes include: great talent; great passion; a distaste for society and social institutions; a lack of respect for rank and privilege (although possessing both); being thwarted in love by social constraint or death; rebellion; exile; an unsavory secret past; arrogance; overconfidence or lack of foresight; and, ultimately, a self-destructive manner. These types of characters have since become ubiquitous in literature and politics.

  • famous quote:-

“Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleasure.”
                                                                                         —Lord Byron
  •  Popular Poems:-

A]  'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers'

                                                  After receiving a scathing review of his first volume of poetry, Hours of Idleness, in 1808, Byron retaliated with the satirical poem "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." The poem attacked the literary community with wit and satire, and gained him his first literary recognition. Upon turning 21, Byron took his seat in the House of Lords. A year later, with John Hobhouse, he embarked on a grand tour through the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, visiting Portugal, Spain, Malta, Albania, Greece and Turkey.

B] 'Child Harold's Pilgrimage'

                                           It was during his journey, filled with inspiration, he began writing "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage," a poem of a young man's reflections on travel in foreign lands.

                                                  C] 'Don Juan'

                                         In October 1816, Byron and John Hobhouse sailed for Italy. Along the way he continued his lustful ways with several women and portrayed these experiences in his greatest poem, "Don Juan." The poem was a witty and satirical change from the melancholy of "Childe Harold" and revealed other sides of Byron's personality. He would go on to write 16 cantos before his death and leave the poem unfinished.

  • Principal work:-

1]Manfred 1817
2]Cain 1821
3]Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice 1821
4]Sardanapalus 1821
5]The Two Foscari 1821
6]Heaven and Earth 1823

7]Werner (1823)The Deformed Transformed 1824
9]Hours of Idleness (poetry) 1807
10]English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (satire) 1809
11]Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: A Romaunt (poetry) 1812
12]The Bride of Abydos: A Turkish Tale (poetry) 1813
13]The Giaour: A Fragment of a Turkish Tale (poetry) 1813
14]Waltz: An Apostrophic Hymn (poetry) 1813
15]The Corsair (poetry) 1814
16]Lara (poetry) 1814
17]Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte (poetry) 1814
18]Hebrew Melodies (poetry) 1815
19]Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto the Third (poetry) 1816
20]Parisina (poetry) 1816

Works Cited

Editors, The website. 19 1 2019.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

I.A. Richard's Figurative Language: Thinking activity

Here is my answer of thinking activity which is given by our professor Dilip Barad sir,

                                     I.A.Richard famous for theory  of practical theory. He also known for experiment in  his university. He thinks that behind this was to make students aware about concept of poet and poem. He wants that students should focus on the material and understood in much better way without any basic knowledge. 

                                    Here I am going to discuses about one of the  famous Gujarati  poem of Ravji Patel.  In this poem has used high level and contradictory language and also poem represent more theme  with figurative language. I hope you all will enjoy reading this blog.

About Ravji Patel:-

                         He was born in Bhatpur village (now in Anand district, Gujarat) on 15 November 1939. His family was a native of Vallavpura village in Kheda district. He completed his primary education from his village, Vallavpura and moved to Ahmedabad for further education. He completed his S.S.C from Navchetan High School, Ahmedabad. Then he joined City Arts College, but he could only study up to the second year of college and dropped out owing to financial difficulties. He worked briefly at various places like mills, libraries, newspapers and universities. After staying in Amirgadh and Anand for few months, he died in Ahmedabad on 8 August 1968 due to tuberculosis and mental disorder. He married Mahalakshmi in 1960.

The way to sing:-

મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….
મારી વે’લ શંગારો વીરા, શગને સંકોરો
રે અજવાળાં પહેરીને ઊભા શ્વાસ!
મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….

પીળે રે પાંદે લીલા ઘોડા ડૂબ્યા;
ડૂબ્યાં અલકાતાં રાજ, ડૂબ્યાં મલકાતાં કાજ
રે હણહણતી મેં સાંભળી સુવાસ!
મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….

મને રોકે પંછાયો એક ચોકમાં;
અડધા બોલે ઝાલ્યો; અડધો ઝાંઝરથી ઝાલ્યો
મને વાગે સજીવી હળવાશ!
મારી આંખે કંકુના સૂરજ આથમ્યા ….
                                                        – રાવજી પટેલ 


1] Misunderstanding:-

                                                   When we read this poem during that time increase question in our mind that What this poem is taking about and also our mind thinks that  what message this poem gives us. Most of the time We never think connection of outside world. When I read first line of this poem , I think that it is misunderstanding and also difficult to easily understand. We can saw that poet say , ' Mari ankhe kanku na suraj athamiya...'  I never imagine about this scenery scene because I think that How can possible sunset on the eye but here poet say, He saw his death through own eye. What connection between eye and sunset. 

                                                 When We read Word by word this poem there are not get proper meaning in the poem. So this poem very problematic to read word by word. Another thing is that poet used effective and figurative language like as, 'kanku',' vahel','shag',' Anjvala'...etc. May be, Poet used this all this word connected with death and marriage because when people died during that time used all that thing as same as marriage  time. but I can't say this is proper interpretation of poem. Here poet used archetypes things symbolically. Thus, I have say that we automatically put in difficultly to understand the concept of poem.

2] Rhythm and Meter:-

                                              This poem arrange very well and also used interesting vocabulary by poet. This poem is very short and sweet even this poem completed three stanza. All words are carry to feeling, emotion,sense and tone. In this poem follow 'ABCA' rhyme scheme.

3] Metaphor and Visual image:-

                                        In this poem was used symbolical words and metaphor by as, 'kanku','suraj athamiya','vahel sangaro','shagne shankoro','anjvala pehri ubha shvash...'etc. In this poem Poet used mixed metaphor and also personification. Poet also explained his emotion and experience through compare with sunset, Submerged horse...etc.

                              We can saw that poet used vivid visual images and metaphor in poem like as, ' pile re pane lila ghoda doobya' means his death in time of youth.

4] Intention of the poet:-

                                    The poet speaks about with aim which I think what's important of life and time of youth another theme is that feeling of poet like as, painful death. I think that death and marriage both are equal because both of the time became same condition. Thus poet personifies something through poem.

                                      In this way the figurative language used by Ravji Patel. So We cannot understood easily , we have to do experiment on it to understand the language. This poem also problematic poem while we read verbal study. We can find emotive or scientific language in the poem. Another thing's that poet represented culture and manner of India through elements of marriage and death.

Thank you...