Monday, February 3, 2020

The Sense of Ending by Julian Barnes

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                                                Pro. Dilip Barad sir often say us that " must read original text..." When I started to read beginning of " The Sense of ending" at that time I confused that what happen..? then I closed book few days but during those day Pro. Dilip Barad sir read original texts with humorous way and my reading journey started once again. 

                                               Here I want to say that Julian Barns is master of narrative structure because his narration technique sometime leads to me sleeplessness at night. So I suggest that you must read original text. When you read one book again and again at that time you got new things new way. If you want to see beauty of this text so don't read summery. After fruitful discussion of this novel, I think this novel created new sense of the students. So for the more information about this task, click here...

If you want to read original texts, click here...

The Sense of Ending... If you want to know about briefly this texts so you visit following links...

# Characters...
# Themes....
Book review...

Que.:-1) Julian Barnes reference to ‘accumulation’ and ‘responsibility’ is an attempt to secularize Hindu Karmic philosophy in rational language to make it understandable to the generation of 21st century. How far do you agree with it.


                                                    I read so many news related suicide into nowadays newspaper and also character study into literature journey, Sometime I mentally met similar that types of characters often. Even  renaissance literature to modern literature suicide played vital role. When I talked about suicide How can I forget Albert Camus and theory of existentialism ?because Camus also talked about Philosophical suicide which mentioned that Who is follow way of suicide ? may be They escape from various kind of responsibility and If you ask me so I say that Struggling man has no any hope because he/she put her/his self still last breath and fight against problem. If I look  as a view of existentialist escape or doing suicide is sign of looser but Anonymous said that...

Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.


                                               So here Someone said suicide is something like bad thing and another side suicide is great things which prove by some great writers who also choose self ending through suicide.

                                            According to my point of view, The Sense of Ending leads us secret of Adrin's suicide which broken ideology of moral values and social boundary. From my point of view that I can't say clearly, Why  Robson and Adrian do suicide? but It's fact that both characters suicide by own self. After losing important things generally we understand value of that thing. So We can't stop for to do suicide anyone. In the history has records of suicide  by own way like, Virginia Woolf, Earnest Hemingway, Gerord...etc.

Que.:-2) Barnes dramatizes this chain of responsibility against a backdrop of class difference : Justify your answer. (See answer in ‘Class Difference print out or in the interview on this weblink) Julian Barnes center in not to discuss ‘class difference’ or ‘culture’. They are rather shifted on the periphery of his discourse that centers on ‘memory’, ‘history’, ‘time’ and ‘quest for truth’. Illustrate with your reading of ‘The Sense of an Ending’.


                                                  As per I think existentialist way so they never believe into memory because their fundamental key is that " They do experiment or experience" then believed.  so here sometime memory established by some one for specific purpose into our mind, so we can't reliable on. Here I put some statements which spoken by great person.

  • “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”

― Mark Twain

  • “Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.”
― Steven Wright

                                                 In the novel History and Memory helped to connect dots. I notify that we have to more entertainment for highlight  happy life style but we never do specially planned for become sorrowful. Why ? because as per my observation generally we have more memory about bad happening, struggle - condition, beak up....etc. Why not remember us more happy moments rather than sorrowful condition ? any way... but Sometime memory make fake history and it's narrated also different way, However Someone talked about herself/himself, may be it's lie also. Thus, Napoleon Bonaparte said,

"History is set of lies agreed upon."

" I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past"
- Thomas Jefferson

Que.:- 3) How do you decipher the equation: b= s - vx/=a1 or a2+v+a1 X s = b?


                                                     Here in the novel used math formula by writer for creating new secret and I feel that Writer has knowledge of Mathematics which reflected through above puzzle or formulas. Here as per my observation that, In the first formula ( b= s - vx/= a1)...

  • b= s - vx/=a1 

b= Baby ( Adrian's son / end result/ Innocent person)
s = Sarah Ford ( Responsible for result )
v = Veronica ( true lover/ lost desire )
a1 = Adrian( Responsible for result/ guilt)

                                                 Who is responsible of mental retardation son ?, It's result of  physical relationship between Adrian and Sarah ford. Veronica loved to Adrian but she didn't known reality, May be she known reality of her mother and Adrian so that Adrian leads to suicide.

  • a2+v+a1 X s = b?

                                                In the second formula, I believe that Tonny suggested to Adrian for the meeting Sarah Ford before making physical relationship with Veronica, but may be at that time Adrian fallen in love into Sarah Ford then their relationship leads to them suicide, another reason of his suicide was born child as mentally illness.

Que.:-4) Adrian's diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. Why did Sarah Ford own it? Why was it in the Possession of Veronica?


                                               Sarah Ford was a mother of veronica who loved Adrian but Adrian fall in love with Sarah and both made physical relation each other. As my observation Tony sent a letter to Adrian for met Sarah who known very well Veronica but Adrian fallen in love Sarah Ford so may be as a love on Sarah, he gave diary to Sarah but after the death of Sarah and Adrian, that diary remain under the possession of Veronica.

Que.:-5) What is the meaning of Phrase " Blood Money" in Veronica's reply email ?


                                               " Blood money " also connected with murder or death. Do you think behind Adrian suicide that types of reason responsible ? In the novel If I am not wrong this reference of " Blood money " came into second part which part work on philosophy theory. This reference leads to reader memory of Veronica's mother who gave two documents and 500 pound to her, Moreover another reference in the novel scene of Adrian's diary. Why Sarah put 500 pond for Tony? I think, it's all thing happen surrounding Adrian's death. In the novel She gave answer of first email into very few words which can be referred to his question that What reason to leave 500 pound for her ? Which may be not make sense of blood money. Here I can't say with confidently that only for that reason this reference used by writer, Moreover here I interpret that 500 pound means son of Adrian as blood money or sexual relationship.

Thank you...

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