Sunday, February 9, 2020

MOOC:- powerful tools for teaching and learning

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  • What is Web 2.0? :-

If you want to know or enroll that types of courses, click here..

                                                 Are you overwhelmed by the tidal wave of new technology tools available for teachers and learners? Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools can help channel that flood into a manageable power source for student engagement and motivation in your classroom! This course is designed to provide teachers with strategies to effectively integrate Web 2.0 technologies into their instruction.

                                                You will learn how to use these tools effectively in your classroom through unique problem-based scenarios that will help you understand how to choose the best Web 2.0 tool. Our approach focuses on the task rather than the tool in an effort to improve communication, collaboration, presentation, creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking in your learners. You will take part in robust exchange of practical ideas while participating in online discussion forums and share your experiences and learn from fellow teachers about best practices with Web 2.0 tools in your content area.

                                              I joined few week again course of Powerful web tools for teaching and learning through Cursera. Firstly there were given overview of tasks of four weeks and through software automatically given task after one week completed. There were some index put like

  1.  Getting started
  2.  Communication tools
  3.  Communication Scenarios
  4.  Reading materials
  5. Explore more tools
  6. Activities
  7. Discussion Prompt
  8. Quiz

  • Getting Started:-

                                                   In this columns first video Sarah McNeil from Houston University talked about using technology in teaching and learning. Moreover, how teachers and trainers can harness the power of free,easy to use online tools to engage and motivate theirs learners. She talked about strategies and approach. In the second video explore about what is Web 1.0 or 2.0 tools ? In the third video about an Analogy for Web 2.0 Tools and in the last video dissuasion about text box story.

 Communication tools:-

                                                   In this part I notify that,  There were categorized Web 2.0 tools in to 8 parts which using the 21 century skills frameworks. These all tools generally focus on communication tools, nature of communication task, communication issue,...etc. 

  • Google sites:-

                                                 There were one Web tools mentioned like, Google sites which helps to teacher or students for the share information, mostly, in text and picture  by creating website.

                                                  Websites exist to share information, broadcast the news, help people connect, and more… right? A teacher can create a solid classroom website for their class to do the same things by picking and choosing from some of the options below:

  • Contact information - so students can get in touch
  • Class Announcements - to share what’s going on
  • Shoutouts - to recognize hard work
  • Grades or Mastery Tracking - to share progress
  • Study Guides - to promote study habits
  • Classwork / Homework - for kids to keep up
  • Extra Credit or Accelerated - for kids to advance themselves
  • Helpful Links (content, videos, tools) - to expand opportunities
  • Search: Google Sites function as mini-search engines for any content, information, or pages you create within the site. 
                                                That makes finding a resource incredibly efficient. I name individual pages accordingly so that if a student wants to learn more over the weekend or remediate a struggling skill, they can type keywords into the search box and find what they need.
  • Drive:-

  •                                          For example, when I use playlists in class to direct my kids to the daily agenda, I make quick edits to a Google Doc in my account, and it updates for all students to see when they access it. Another way you could use this to your advantage is by having one folder in Drive where you put your curriculum, videos, or whatever you intend to share and embed.

  • Podomatic & Podcasts:-

                                                   It's allows to presentation and sharing of audio information. Through Podomatric  as per my experience listening skill improve so this web tools helps to improving basic listening skill.

                                                    Do you feel that it’s impossible to understand native speakers? Or do you think native speakers talk too fast, break too many grammar rules, use slang and difficult vocabulary that you never learned in class?

                                                  Podcasts!! If you have never heard of a podcast, it is an audio file that you can listen to or download from the Internet. But, more importantly, listening to podcasts is an effective, convenient way to improve your English listening skills!
  • Podcasts can help you:

# Improve your listening skills
# Become familiar with different accents and styles of speech
# Build your vocabulary with the real, modern English we use today
#Understand native speakers, even when they speak quickly

  • Benefit and feature:-

# Available on your smartphone, computer, or laptop
# Easy to listen to anytime, anywhere (at home, on the bus, in your car, at your desk)
# Usually available with a transcript so you can read while you listen (pssst… did you know Speak Confident English’s Wednesday Lessons are available on podcast with transcripts? They are!)
# Focused on every possible topic, which means you can always find something interesting (Common podcast topics include comedy, music, history, science, technology, culture, stories, life advice, how to information, current events, and interviews.)
# Slower speaking speed
# Clearer pronunciation
# Explanations of idioms, phrasal verbs, or key expressions
# Highlighted grammar rules

  • Here are 6 native English podcasts I highly recommend:

This American Life. Get ready to laugh, cry, be surprised, and learn something new. Every week focuses on a new topic and includes stories from real American’s.
Science Friday. If you love science and technology, then this is the podcast for you.
RadioLab. Perfect for you if you’re curious about philosophy, science, and human nature.
Stuff You Missed in History Class. Do you love history? If yes, then don’t miss this podcast.
StoryCorps. Every Friday, this radio program makes me cry. Beautiful, real-life stories from everyday people. On this podcast, you will definitely hear a variety of regional accents from the United States and various pronunciation styles. It is best suited for advanced learners.
Serial. This is the MOST POPULAR podcast of all time. Just listen to the first episode of Season 1 and you’ll see why. This show is full of intrigue and mystery. And it’s a true story.

  • Step:-1)

  • Step:-2)

  • Step:-3)

  • Related apps:-

1) Audible.. audio book
2) Spotify.... Listen to your favorite music &podcast
3) Google Podcasts...Discover free & trending podcast
4) Podcast Addict

  • Poll Everywhere:-

                                                 Through this tools students in the class can respond individually and using their mobile devices like cell phones. The poll can be displayed directly in the presentation so the teacher and the students can view immediate Facebook.

                                                 Poll Everywhere is a dynamic online polling platform that allows students to vote on custom teacher-generated polls through text messaging (SMS), smartphone, or computer by visiting this website. With a free educator account with Poll Everywhere, polls can receive up to 40 votes, enough to accommodate most classrooms. There are two types of poll questions that can be used in the classroom: multiple choice or open text. Teachers can easily generate polls to be deployed individually or as a series of questions. All polls can also receive submissions through a combination of devices. Students can text message, vote online with a smartphone, handheld device, tablet, laptop, or computer.
  • Google Docs and Google hangout:-

                                                   When more than two people want to establish communication back and forth, it's said to be multiple way communication. These tools provide interaction between multiple parties that could be synchronous or asynchronous.

Thank you...

  • References:-




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