Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Film Screening : Charlie Chaplin

Thinking Activity : On movie "Charlie Chalin in Modern Times..."

                                             Charlie Chaplin’s films are mostly minimum use of language. During his time known age of ‘Silent era film’. So He said many things and critical view without language. It means that he try to say in movie through facial expression, body languages, gesture – posture. So I can say that his films like as Controversy film. He was played roll as an actor, comedian, Director and critics also who working in motion pictures spanned from 1914 to 1967. 

                                             Charlie Chaplin and Hitler both are lived in same era. Both have Similarity in looks and wearing in Cloth. But Different things are that Hitler Known likes as, violence man and hunter man because he believed and his motto was that, ‘Victory, Revolution and development of the country will be achieve through cut head of people rather than change head of people.’ So that people remember Hitler as a criminal. According to my opinion he was a good leader and he has knowledge how to rule on people? But History prove that, always Victory achieve by change of mind. Do you agree with this point? Another side Charlie Chaplin tries to laugh people by movie. So that people don’t forgot him as comedian. 

                                             Once upon a time America has known as Country for Art and ability people. In present time America has famous for land of liberty, land for business. So that it is appropriate ‘Status of Liberty’ for America. If you have skills, Creative mind, Idea of development , American government also help a lot and always give some space for that rather than another country. Am I right?
                                             Many times Department of English organized academic movie screening. So that Nowadays We will learn in sem-3 Paper no. 9 ‘Modernist English Literature’ by Pro. Dilip Barad Sir Who decide to See movie “ Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times” for better understanding. 

                                                  In this movie I find that Chaplin has ability to tell tragic story with comic way. He used highly Comic tone in the movie. Mostly we will go to watch comedy film for entertainments but here we observed film for purpose of literature. I can find Chaplin interpreted all the things and problem of that day with critical way. He tried to satire on Economical system, Industrialization and political system. We can say that It is Anti- Capitalist Film. Moreover he put Critical observation on Mechanical life and Industrialization and what was dream or desire of Society’s people? It means that in the movie reflected spirit of times and Chaplin’s days’.

                                           ‘Charlie Chaplin in Modern times’ movie Started with Certificate of British board and full screen image of watch. I think it was represented importance of time and it was connection between clock and leg of human. Mostly Our routine life depended on artificial marker like as, Calendar and time. According to my point of view that joblessness, Poverty and homelessness will be inspire to become thief, Cheater and Criminal also. Do you believe it? I will give you example; When Students completed study and get all degrees although they haven’t job. So that they try to join anything for money, family, food and home. We clearly find terrorist people very intellectual and Smart because they will come from educational field. Why are they joining there? One reason is jobless. 

                                              I liked opening of film also because Movie started with ringing clock- running Sheep – Coming crowd of people like as Sheep also. It is nice organization by director. Another thing I can found development of technology and machine like as, CCTV Camera, Automatic machine for eating food. It is symbol of Industrialization and madness for machinery. How technologies help us? And how it’s harmful? There are good example and experiment in the film. In this movie I saw controlled by capitalist people on laborer. They don’t do work but also give only order and sit in front of CCTV Camera. Laborer has no time for deep breath.

                                               One scene is ‘flag of red color’. Our hero picks up flag at that time crowd come behind him and he became leader of group but we know that police caught him and he closed into jail. Many comic scenes in cell. One is when police searching for smuggled ‘nose-powder.’ It’s very interesting part. There was a one scene in the prison of knitting. When woman had not freedom for writing or express their opinions or feelings they were doing knitting also. It was also symbolism. 

                                        Another part of the movie is ‘The gamin…’ in that part story of motherless little sisters and story of one of the unemployed father. Her father also died by shooting gun on the street then the law takes charges of orphans. The picture of newspaper reading is reflected American condition and image of nation that day. He saved police from jailer people and he met minister and his wife during that time I can find difference between rich and poor people there. In the jail Sheriff (like as Mayor) gave letter for get work & job. Same as I can find in movie ‘Shree 420’. In this movie hero has ‘medal of honesty.’ Here I will compare also certificate of Uni. 

                                        Next part of the movie has central theme is loneliness and hungry. She became thief for food who was stole a loaf of bread and run away from shop. But our hero saved her life and he went to jail again. Both are imagine for little home and food. In the movie I can find food normally like as, Chicken, eggs, bread, fruit, grapes, milk of cow, loaf, banana…etc. It was food culture of American society. 

                                         Last part of the movie both are get steady (permanent) job in cafe but police found them and both are run away from there. Here I can find that camera don’t close up of women body. It means that during that time society and people haven’t hunger for women body. So this film is example of beyond modern female working. At the End of movie very symbolic way like as “Dawn”. It is symbol of new days and also hopes. Both are walking on the road. Road also passed through mountain which indicates happy journey. 

Some interesting subtitles and sentences put by Directed like as,

Thanks to Pro. Dilip Barad sir for organizing this movie screening session and thanks for give ideas of new way looking of movie.

I hope you will enjoy reading my blog.

Thank you…

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