Saturday, September 29, 2018

"Paradise Lost book IX" by John Milton

                                 Here are task given by sir, So I  will  try to give response according to my abilities of Questions. Let's start...

  • Introduction:
                               Paradise lost  is epic poem like as Hindu religions great epic " Mahabharata and Ramayana". Paradise lost is blank verse by 17th century poet John Milton. This epic written and published in 1667. This book arranged in twelve books.

                               The poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man. In the story of book IX chief character like as Adam, Eve and Satan. 

Q.1) Write critical note on character of Eve.

                             In the epic Adam  is presented greater rather than Eve. She makes logical arguments with Adam and Satan in book IX. Adam and Eve both are separated for a sometimes. They would not be distracted each other. Adam does warn Eve of the envious Satan. Eve replies that She can trust. Adam agree with Eve because he love to her. So he can trust in Eve. Eve argues that Satan will tempt Adam first. Adam having more reason, will be a greater challenge for Satan.

  • Character of Eve:

                                      God creates Eve from Adam's rib to accompany him. She was beautiful, wise, intelligent and spiritually pure. When she sees her own reflection in water she falls in love with her own. Milton draws the character of eve Who relies on Adam. Milton's Eve is the product of 1700, the time of ideology book IX in paradise lost deals  with the rebellion of Eve.

                                    Milton simply follows the thought of his time as to the role of women in society. Adam  believed that a women is supposed to perform domestic duties and she has to encourage and promote her husband to work  better. We find many strong women characters in our Indian literature like as, Ahaliya, Dropadi, Sita, Tara, Mandodari, Savitri...etc. Satan praises her by uttering this line....

                                   " Fairest resemblance of the maker fair."
                                     Milton have creative writing skill. All the characters are superbly delineated. Adam and Eve are tempted by Satan like common people. They are shown being tempted by evils.   

 Q.2)  Whose arguments did you find more convincing?                     

                                 We can see that When Adam  are objectionable from  feminist perspective. Both are logical arguments each other let's see some arguments:

  • "For nothing lovelier can be found in women tha to study household, and good works in her husband to promote."
  • "The wife, where danger or dishonor lurks, Safest and seemliest by her husband stays, Who guards her."

                              Both arguments here are fever of feminist theory. In human being most of time women is supports to men for go ahead. She always saw own habits, like- dislike,in husband that's why Eve arguments with Adam like as,

  • " If this be our condition, thus to dwell in narrow circuit straitened by a Foe, Subtle or violent, we not endued single with like defense wherever met, How are we happy, still in fear of harm? but harm precedes not sin."
  • "Let us not then suspect our happy state left so imperfect by the maker wise as not secure to single or combined. Frail is our happiness, If this be so?''

If  I am Adam in the epic, so I can arguments with  Eve  like as....

  •  "I understand your condition Eve but This mistake by you, So I can't help this condition. You pay punishment or you will do argument with god . you don't argument with me. I remember suggestion of God So I don't eat fruits." 

 If I am Eve in the epic , So I can arguments with Adam like as....

  • "I can convince to  Adam for fulfillment. I am only one girl on the earth So you have Passed time only  with me but may be god give me death so you should not afraid. You can live your remain life. I give you one suggestion that don't eat poison fruit. I do mistake but you don't do this mistake. I go to revenge of the serpent."

If I am Satan in the epic, So I can arguments with Eve like as...

  • " I can give more time for thinking and wondering on the earth. I can more confuse of Eve and Adam I give to chance for choose appropriate option. May be(Adam and Eve) Both are not agree with my logical arguments and live their life themselves. So I can Increased another plan for doing sin." 

Q.3)  How do you look at divine perspective  in the Genesis of the holy bible and human  perspective  in john Milton's Paradise lost book IX ?

                                 We can see that What's deference between Milton's and biblical paradise lost. We can find in Milton's paradise lost is that Milton focus on character of only Adam, Eve and Satan. Milton has written epic like as center of Eve character but In the holy book of bible center character of God.  I think that Adam and God both are important character rather than Eve in the bible but Milton concentrate on character of Eve and Satan rather than Adam and god. He give more powerful voice of Eve and serpent. Bible believe in the story of mythology but here  Milton  tries to became powerful dialogues and literature.

Thank you....

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