Sunday, September 16, 2018

Introductory Thinking activity

Q.1) Write something about your favorite Teacher.

                                      Most of the time I was disgusted many of the Teacher during my school and collage life because When I studied, I can't understand important of teacher in my life. Another matter is that I don't like their behaviors and teaching learning method. But here I tell you one favorite teacher, the advice of which is to give my life back again to shaping by them. So here We are discussion about my favorite teacher " Deepakbhai Keshavbhai Chauhan". He is not only my teacher but he also role play of my guide, friends, parents and he also behave with me like as a students. Below are some reasons why is he my favorite teacher?

  • I like dear sir because...
  • His attitude and good behavior with students,staff teachers and parents.
  • He has power of knowledge.
  • He can able to explain any topic deeply.
  • He has good habits of learning.
  • He was always telling a fault or bluff
  • He  do work for students even holiday.
  • He has skill of Identify and read mind of students without telling.
  • Mostly he give motivational speech and he talk often about our aim and dream.
  • He has extraordinary skill and he do more extra activity rather than study.
  • He is active person for helping to economical and emotionally.

I have say that, teacher has not only one role in the school but he has more responsibility. In past chanakya says that

Q.2) How are you as students? Think and write.

                                        Even if you become a master, you will remain a students because When We are learning something at that time We became a students. So here I explain about as a students bellow.:

  • Today I am feeling glad because I have inseparable teachers.
  • I Like also drowning sketch, watching action movies, playing ground game.
  • I believe that education is most powerful weapon rather than another thing, So also I conversation with my self to turn away and i will pay attention for achieve to my goal.  
  • Students are power of the teacher. So Always I supported to teacher in the class.
  • My ambition is that I will try to become ideal  student one of them.
  • I have role model of good teacher, so I decide to became a super powerful teacher. 
  •  I believe in my self
So I like thought of Vivekananda, he says that,

Q.-3) What is the difference between the education system in past and today's time? Take help of your parents to write  this.


                                       Education is the process of learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Education system was becoming stronger from ancient civilization period itself. During civilization period people need to study writing and reading to transmit knowledge from person to person and from generation to generation.

  • Past education system:-

                                         Today's education system is very stronger than past system because In the Past education system People learnt through Guru ashram. During that time many types of problem in the society like as religious, gender and poverty...etc.

  • Which types education...?
  • Vedas knowledge
  • Physical education 
  • Training of war

  • Present education system:-
                                   We live in technological Ara and modern Ara. Many changing today's in education system. Even Today Government help to education system like as furniture, scholarship, buildings, appropriate teacher...etc. let's see some point...

  • make money
  • Financial growth
  • gives degrees
  • education for jobs
  •  important of society values
  • practical education
  • about technology

  • Future education system:-
                                               New changes is still taken in the education filed to make some changes. Government authorities are also responsible for it and they ready to take proper action to make some useful changes in the education system. Future education system will give more importance to technical and professional education than moral education. Give more importance to countries development. Give more training for students, to build up professional qualities.


Thank you...

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