Saturday, September 29, 2018

"Paradise Lost book IX" by John Milton

                                 Here are task given by sir, So I  will  try to give response according to my abilities of Questions. Let's start...

  • Introduction:
                               Paradise lost  is epic poem like as Hindu religions great epic " Mahabharata and Ramayana". Paradise lost is blank verse by 17th century poet John Milton. This epic written and published in 1667. This book arranged in twelve books.

                               The poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man. In the story of book IX chief character like as Adam, Eve and Satan. 

Q.1) Write critical note on character of Eve.

                             In the epic Adam  is presented greater rather than Eve. She makes logical arguments with Adam and Satan in book IX. Adam and Eve both are separated for a sometimes. They would not be distracted each other. Adam does warn Eve of the envious Satan. Eve replies that She can trust. Adam agree with Eve because he love to her. So he can trust in Eve. Eve argues that Satan will tempt Adam first. Adam having more reason, will be a greater challenge for Satan.

  • Character of Eve:

                                      God creates Eve from Adam's rib to accompany him. She was beautiful, wise, intelligent and spiritually pure. When she sees her own reflection in water she falls in love with her own. Milton draws the character of eve Who relies on Adam. Milton's Eve is the product of 1700, the time of ideology book IX in paradise lost deals  with the rebellion of Eve.

                                    Milton simply follows the thought of his time as to the role of women in society. Adam  believed that a women is supposed to perform domestic duties and she has to encourage and promote her husband to work  better. We find many strong women characters in our Indian literature like as, Ahaliya, Dropadi, Sita, Tara, Mandodari, Savitri...etc. Satan praises her by uttering this line....

                                   " Fairest resemblance of the maker fair."
                                     Milton have creative writing skill. All the characters are superbly delineated. Adam and Eve are tempted by Satan like common people. They are shown being tempted by evils.   

 Q.2)  Whose arguments did you find more convincing?                     

                                 We can see that When Adam  are objectionable from  feminist perspective. Both are logical arguments each other let's see some arguments:

  • "For nothing lovelier can be found in women tha to study household, and good works in her husband to promote."
  • "The wife, where danger or dishonor lurks, Safest and seemliest by her husband stays, Who guards her."

                              Both arguments here are fever of feminist theory. In human being most of time women is supports to men for go ahead. She always saw own habits, like- dislike,in husband that's why Eve arguments with Adam like as,

  • " If this be our condition, thus to dwell in narrow circuit straitened by a Foe, Subtle or violent, we not endued single with like defense wherever met, How are we happy, still in fear of harm? but harm precedes not sin."
  • "Let us not then suspect our happy state left so imperfect by the maker wise as not secure to single or combined. Frail is our happiness, If this be so?''

If  I am Adam in the epic, so I can arguments with  Eve  like as....

  •  "I understand your condition Eve but This mistake by you, So I can't help this condition. You pay punishment or you will do argument with god . you don't argument with me. I remember suggestion of God So I don't eat fruits." 

 If I am Eve in the epic , So I can arguments with Adam like as....

  • "I can convince to  Adam for fulfillment. I am only one girl on the earth So you have Passed time only  with me but may be god give me death so you should not afraid. You can live your remain life. I give you one suggestion that don't eat poison fruit. I do mistake but you don't do this mistake. I go to revenge of the serpent."

If I am Satan in the epic, So I can arguments with Eve like as...

  • " I can give more time for thinking and wondering on the earth. I can more confuse of Eve and Adam I give to chance for choose appropriate option. May be(Adam and Eve) Both are not agree with my logical arguments and live their life themselves. So I can Increased another plan for doing sin." 

Q.3)  How do you look at divine perspective  in the Genesis of the holy bible and human  perspective  in john Milton's Paradise lost book IX ?

                                 We can see that What's deference between Milton's and biblical paradise lost. We can find in Milton's paradise lost is that Milton focus on character of only Adam, Eve and Satan. Milton has written epic like as center of Eve character but In the holy book of bible center character of God.  I think that Adam and God both are important character rather than Eve in the bible but Milton concentrate on character of Eve and Satan rather than Adam and god. He give more powerful voice of Eve and serpent. Bible believe in the story of mythology but here  Milton  tries to became powerful dialogues and literature.

Thank you....

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Screening of "Robinson Crusoe"

  • Introduction:
                         'Robinson Crusoe' is very adventure story with interested novel.  This novel written by Daniel Defoe in 18th century. It was published in 1719. In this novel chief character of Robinson Crusoe. This novel about the survival of Robinson Crusoe in a unknown island. So let's discussion about some  notable points in the movie and novel.:

  • Colonialism:
                         The novel and film both are full of  slavery system or colonialism which is dark side of English history and literature. So we can see it very clearly in the novel and film.
                 When starting of film directer try to explain condition of Crusoe properly. This film start like as open the book of Robinson before then scene of broken ship.  When he goes to Brazil, he started his business and again he try to buy more slaves and there was shipwrecked  then he achieves  landed on  human less place of island. During that time he thinks that he became a king of island. His ambition is more powerful. He behave to starting feel himself as king of island.

                    He saved one boy. His name 'Friday' given by Crusoe. He is prey of cannibals and make  him slave. Always Crusoe say like as 'my  man Friday' and last scene We can see that Don't like  Crusoe to leave island. He think that it is my island. So from all about this thing  and elements we can certainly sat that colonial discourse in the film and  novel. 

  • Only Focus Voyage:
                                 I believe that In the movie only focus sea voyage rather than novels. I can say that each directer has own imagination but here We can see that most important voyage than any angles. In the movies don't describes Landon and Brazil life of Crusoe.

  • Technical Issue:
                          When I  watched movie of Robinson Crusoe at that time I can find some mistake during produce. In the movie Crusoe has suitable and colorful clothes, Many types fruits like as bananas. So How We can Image this thing in island ?. Another thing is that Crusoe's has combination of  clothe with umbrella. In the movie Crusoe has  Dog as pet animal while in original novel  We can see Crusoe has Parrot and Goat as pet animals.


  • Friday's Voice:
                          In the movie We can see that Friday behave with Crusoe like as Friend but in the novel  We can see that total submission of Friday as a slave. When We watched movie, I say certainly that Friday has  his own voice. Another things like as When Crusoe shows power of gun  Friday starts worshiping gun and Crusoe.

  • Anti- Colonial:

                           In the movie I can see anti-colonial elements like as there is no relationship between master and slave. When Crusoe meet first time of Friday, Crusoe request  to became  friend. Here I can say that they are not master and slave but they are live like as friends. Another things is that this novel written during 1719 and  the movie  is in 1997 and changing of time, place and ideas So it is a reason that movie shows anti- colonial.

  • Conclusion:

                                    Thus, The novel and film both are interesting but film also clear to some difficulties to understand about character of Robinson Crusoe and Friday, Background of Island and there were lifestyle.

Thank you... 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Introductory Thinking activity

Q.1) Write something about your favorite Teacher.

                                      Most of the time I was disgusted many of the Teacher during my school and collage life because When I studied, I can't understand important of teacher in my life. Another matter is that I don't like their behaviors and teaching learning method. But here I tell you one favorite teacher, the advice of which is to give my life back again to shaping by them. So here We are discussion about my favorite teacher " Deepakbhai Keshavbhai Chauhan". He is not only my teacher but he also role play of my guide, friends, parents and he also behave with me like as a students. Below are some reasons why is he my favorite teacher?

  • I like dear sir because...
  • His attitude and good behavior with students,staff teachers and parents.
  • He has power of knowledge.
  • He can able to explain any topic deeply.
  • He has good habits of learning.
  • He was always telling a fault or bluff
  • He  do work for students even holiday.
  • He has skill of Identify and read mind of students without telling.
  • Mostly he give motivational speech and he talk often about our aim and dream.
  • He has extraordinary skill and he do more extra activity rather than study.
  • He is active person for helping to economical and emotionally.

I have say that, teacher has not only one role in the school but he has more responsibility. In past chanakya says that

Q.2) How are you as students? Think and write.

                                        Even if you become a master, you will remain a students because When We are learning something at that time We became a students. So here I explain about as a students bellow.:

  • Today I am feeling glad because I have inseparable teachers.
  • I Like also drowning sketch, watching action movies, playing ground game.
  • I believe that education is most powerful weapon rather than another thing, So also I conversation with my self to turn away and i will pay attention for achieve to my goal.  
  • Students are power of the teacher. So Always I supported to teacher in the class.
  • My ambition is that I will try to become ideal  student one of them.
  • I have role model of good teacher, so I decide to became a super powerful teacher. 
  •  I believe in my self
So I like thought of Vivekananda, he says that,

Q.-3) What is the difference between the education system in past and today's time? Take help of your parents to write  this.


                                       Education is the process of learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Education system was becoming stronger from ancient civilization period itself. During civilization period people need to study writing and reading to transmit knowledge from person to person and from generation to generation.

  • Past education system:-

                                         Today's education system is very stronger than past system because In the Past education system People learnt through Guru ashram. During that time many types of problem in the society like as religious, gender and poverty...etc.

  • Which types education...?
  • Vedas knowledge
  • Physical education 
  • Training of war

  • Present education system:-
                                   We live in technological Ara and modern Ara. Many changing today's in education system. Even Today Government help to education system like as furniture, scholarship, buildings, appropriate teacher...etc. let's see some point...

  • make money
  • Financial growth
  • gives degrees
  • education for jobs
  •  important of society values
  • practical education
  • about technology

  • Future education system:-
                                               New changes is still taken in the education filed to make some changes. Government authorities are also responsible for it and they ready to take proper action to make some useful changes in the education system. Future education system will give more importance to technical and professional education than moral education. Give more importance to countries development. Give more training for students, to build up professional qualities.


Thank you...

"Laprek" on Hindi day

  • Introduction:
                                    People also celebrates " HINDI DIVAS"in the world at 14, September. I think all days of the year don't remain for celebration , it mean's that all days are holiday and festival days. Here We discussion about old topic but important topic of the literature.Each languages have a crowd & society. Hindi is more important language for government offices, LIC company, Railway station...etc.   

                                    Many types of literature in Hindi languages like as  Prose, Poem, Sonnet,Duha, Haeku,Drama,Play, Novel, Short story...etc. So Hindi language is Wealthy language because it have a more vocabulary and Words.I was listen that Most of languages are birth in Hindi language. So We can say that ,"Hindi is mother of all languages". Therefore today We are discussion about one unknown topic is that " Laprek".

  • What's means of "Laprek":
                                     लप्रेक का अर्थ है ‘लघु प्रेम कथा'. "Laprek" word's conman meaning like as "a short love story". Many of the poet and writers were wrote laprek like as Premchand, Mishra, Ravish kumar..etc.


  • History of Laprek in hindi:

                                              लप्रेक राजकमल प्रकाशन (‘सार्थक’ imprint) द्वारा शुरू की गयी ‘लघु प्रेम कथा’ की एक श्रृंखला है जहाँ कहानियाँ किसी फेसबुक के मध्यम स्टेटस जितने छोटे-बड़े हो सकते हैं। इसे नैनो कहानियों का संग्रह या फेसबुक-फिक्शन भी कह सकते हैं। ‘इश्क़ में शहर होना’ इस श्रृंखला की पहली कड़ी है। हिंदी का यह प्रयोग अगर सफल रहा तो कालांतर में संभवतः ‘लप्रेक’ शब्द ख़ुद-ब-ख़ुद एक नयी प्रवृत्ति या गद्य की श्रेणी बन जाए। साहित्य जगत में इसे कितना और कैसा स्थान मिले, यह तो पाठक और समय ही तय करेंगे।लप्रेक राजकमल प्रकाशन (‘सार्थक’ imprint) द्वारा शुरू की गयी ‘लघु प्रेम कथा’ की एक श्रृंखला है जहाँ कहानियाँ किसी फेसबुक के मध्यम स्टेटस जितने छोटे-बड़े हो सकते हैं। इसे नैनो कहानियों का संग्रह या फेसबुक-फिक्शन भी कह सकते हैं। ‘इश्क़ में शहर होना’ इस श्रृंखला की पहली कड़ी है। हिंदी का यह प्रयोग अगर सफल रहा तो कालांतर में संभवतः ‘लप्रेक’ शब्द ख़ुद-ब-ख़ुद एक नयी प्रवृत्ति या गद्य की श्रेणी बन जाए। साहित्य जगत में इसे कितना और कैसा स्थान मिले, यह तो पाठक और समय ही तय करेंगे।

  • Laprek by Ravish kumar:
                             Here, We see the small of video about example of laprek...

  • About Ravish Kumar-

                                              Ravish kumar loves love like a city or city like love. His love gives a dead body to the uninhabited city and every person in the city keeps his separate reputation. They may feel the variance of love changing with the map of the city. 

Thank you.....

Monday, September 10, 2018

Thinking Activity of :" Hamlet"

Kenneth Branagh's 'Hamlet' based on 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare.

  • Introduction:
                                     Everyone passing through comedy and tragedy during the life. But we don't like painful condition in our lives. Mostly, due to our mistake, there is a lot of pain in life. A tragedy is generally for that person  who has lot of good virtue and quality but also he has one poor habit and quality. It's called "Tragic Flaw." The same condition in Denmark and Shakespeare wrote many tragedy. His most famous tragedy is that the tragedy of Hamlet 'Prince of Denmark'. He change the flat history by the way of imaginative words. So, Let's talk about "Hamlet". 

  • Chief Character:

      1.] Claudius- King of  Denmark
      2.] Gertrude - Queen of Denmark
      3.] Polonius - father of Ophelia and laertes
      4.] Laertes - Son of Poloniu
      5.] Ophelia - Daughter of Polonius
      6.] Horatio - Good friend of Hamlet
      7.] Rosencrantz & Guildensten - Childhood friends of Hamlet
      8.] Fortinbras - Norwegian crown prince

Q.1] How faithful is the movie to the original play? 

                                     This film was completed by Kenneth Branagh's. It is over 4 hours long film and Shakespeare's world of Hamlet is fully presented in this film. Dialogues, Scene, Plot, Sub-plot of Original text are depiction in the film. 

                              But...I believe that, We don't tell that movie is copy as Original text because Kenneth Branagh's use different style of costume, showing ceremonies of rich people,the real Prince Hamlet in the play who is very young, used environment of Victorian age, Victorian background and Palace...etc.  


Q.2] After watching the movie,have your perception about play,                      characters or situations changed?

                             Yes, after watching the movie my perception about play, character and situations changed because While watching movie I can't think about the Director 's resourcefulness and the presences of ghost is shown by the movement of the sword of the status whereas in the play. Another things is that Nunnery Scene, Mirror Scene, Hamlet and murder of Polonius, Ophelia's behavior during Madness and last Scene How to death's of Claudius? it's presented very good imaginative by Director.


 Q.3] Do you feel"aesthetic delight'' while watching the movie ?   

                                     In Hamlet in the play within the play I felt aesthetic delight because When Grave maker conversation with hamlet and he gives comedy types answer of Hamlet, he sings love song in the grave at that time I feel aesthetic delight. Another Scene like as When players are performing the incident which relates to the life of Claudius there are king Claudius face feels fearful and something wrong realized , Hamlet is powerful player and actor in this film.

Q.4] Do you feel 'catharsis' while or after watching movie?

                             Yes, I feel catharsis while watching movie in Act-4 when Hamlet distinct to take revenge. Another scene is that Ophelia became mad. Ophelia's madness sorrowful condition.Hamlet also says abusing words for her. She suffered internally. In first act Hamlet says:

                 ''I had must hold my tongue!''

 ''Break my heart !''


Q.5] Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the              play?

Ans.: - 
                                    Yes, It is the great way of the learning because I honestly says that while We didn't read original text book and that's the way through the screening of movie We can see the each and every action of the play. Most of the time We have only imagination of character and incidences but when We saw screening of movie help to clarify better understanding of the character and play.

Q.6] Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?

                                         When Horatio tries to explain Hamlet that if your mind dislike anything so here I can say that Horatio and Hamlet have good friendship. Always Horatio helps to Hamlet. Another character is his beloved Ophelia. She treasured to Hamlet in many scene  of  the movie.

Q.7] If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on Shakespeare's "Hamlet"?

Ans.: -                    
                                 If I am a director, first of all I make to strong character of Horatio and Ophelia. May be Ophelia advised of her father and  brother for his duty. I will try to Hamlet became a king of Denmark  then he revenge his uncle without deaths of unnecessary character. Another things is that very short conversation among the character. I put love song and romantic music during love affairs between Hamlet and Ophelia. I  don't present death of Hamlet.

Q.8] In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence  wherein the statue of  the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this? [ Clue: In book IX "Paradise  Lost",  Satan reflects on his revenge motive: " But what will not ambition  and revenge; Descend to? Who aspire must down as low; As high he soared, obnoxious, first or last, To basest things. Revenge, at first though sweet, bitter ere long back on itself recoils." Is it not king Hamlet's ambition to   avenge his death responsible for the downfall of his kingdom which is symbolically pictured  in last scenes?] 


                                  This  creativity by director, may be he tries to say that revenge is never end with the happiness. In   beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the status of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle and the end of the movie with the similar sequence  the status  is hammered down to dust. So We can says that there were no remain  heir of King hamlet and may be he had ends of rule over Denmark.

                             Percy Shelly describe in his poem 'Ozymandias" that the status of the king broken into small pieces. His status is lying all alone in the desert. 
                               Thus, I can say that the fallen status of king hamlet is responsible for own fall.

Q.9] While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give  reasons with illustrations.

                                          Before watching the movie  I never thought about Hamlet behavior. When I  watched movie Hamlet is so cruel with his mother and his beloved Ophelia. In this film his mother says that :
                    "I can't image anyone to behave like this this with his                    or her mother."

                                        Hamlet also used abusing words with Ophelia and his mother. He is shocked when remarried after the death of king Hamlet. Here are question is that Why can't women  remarried ? Why it is crime only for women? therefore I found feminist approach, Political approach more applicable. Here are look how badly  behave Hamlet with his mother.            


Q.10] Which of the above mentioned approaches[ in Pre- viewing task] appeals you more than other?Why? Give reason.

                                     My Opinion about mentioned approaches is that philosophical and Psychological approach are more than the other approaches because All soliloquies of Hamlet I found this approaches more applicable. Firstly Hamlet have thinking habits, his confession towards the ghost, the ghost speaking truth or not ...all this things are philosophical approach. All Hamlet behavior's with uncle, his mother, friends, Ophelia...etc. all things are psychological approach. 


Thank you...

Monday, September 3, 2018

Online discussion - Mario Vargas Llosa's interview

Mario Vargas Llosa's

                   Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist, was awarded the Noel Prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is "The Neighborhood." He was interviewed for the World post by Michael Skafidas, a journalist and professor of comparative literature at the City University of New York.

                 Here I am sharing the ideas which I like the most from his interview.:

1.] I think that If We have respect literature  so you must accept not only the very idealist, altruist vision of human beings but also the infernal vision of them.

2.] Most of the time  all writers are autobiographical. in some writers ,thesis more explicit and obvious, in other more hidden.

3.]Mostly ideas of Mario Vargas Llosa:
  • idea of feminism
  • ideas with images
  • Most of the view of historian
  • ideas of Global
  • related with Literature

4.] literature not only related one subjects but also literature related with Science,Sociology, geography, Philosophy,Psychology...etc.

Thank you.....