Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Nature: Beautiful and Danger

Nature: Beautiful and Danger
  • Introduction:  
                                    Nature is part of our life. Earth is lives by the nature. In the earth stay of Animal, Birds, under water insects, human being. so I definitely call that it is nature. we see in the world in anything have two sides usually like as beautiful v/s danger, light v/s darkness, height v/s law, big v/s small etc so here I talk about nature: beautiful and danger. so let's discuss about nature.
  •  About Nature:
                                 nature is colorful design of the god.Any naturally thing always change in own ways. we never stop to change in nature.so I believe that we need to both sides of the nature.
  • Nature is always wonderful:
                                 when we decide for trip and travels places at that time  normally we prefer to natural places like as water fall, beach , mountains, jungle,river,ice mountains...etc There are nature. normally I like to watch of waving of water ,rain bow,sunrise, sunset,sweet sounds of the birds....etc.
                                 we can not believe to lives in the earth without nature. Nature helps to born to deaths of human being. so My opinion is that Nature is always beautiful.
  • Nature is very Dangers:
                                Sometime nature behave  very terrible with human being.when heavy rain, flood ,Daises  are spreed in the world at that time human being have no solution. Many time we do not able to in front of nature.we never controls   on the nature.Thus I believe that nature is very danger.

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