Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Metaphysical poetry

Metaphysical Poetry

  • Introduction: 
                                             The word "Metaphysical " used to John Donne and his followers refers to their conception of a unified universe where all things physical and spiritual are related. Most of subjects of Metaphysical poetry like as love, death and religion. So here we are discussion  about conman meaning, definition, characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry with explanation of a few metaphysical poetry written y john Donne as well as any other metaphysical poet...etc.
  • Meaning word of "Metaphysical":
                                          Literally 'Meta" means "beyond" and "physics" means "physical nature". It was Dryden who first used the word, "Metaphysical"  in connection with Donne's affects the "Metaphysics" and Dr.Johnson  confirmed the judgment of Dryden. Even since the word, Metaphysical has been used for Donne and his followers."Donne is metaphysical not only by virtue of his scholastic but by his deep reflective interest in the experience  of which his poetry is the expression .The  new Psychological Curiosity with which he writes of love and religion.

  • Definition:

  • The Elizabethan Tradition:
                                     By the end of the 16 and beginning of 17 century the great Elizabethan poetry has exhausted itself. Sings of descend were risible everywhere. There were three traditions that were generally followed. the Spencerian, the Arcadian and the Pertrarchian. Everything was conversion and artificial, there was little that was original or remarkable. There was much sugared melody the romantic emptiness.

  • Metaphysical poets:

  • Characteristic of Metaphysical poetry :

                                 Here are given video clip of the characteristic of metaphysical poetry with  examples of John Donne:
  • Critical analaysis of metaphysical poem:
1.)George Herbert:

                                                     "Easter Wings"
                                             In one of Herbert's well known works "Easter Wings",he uses the physical shape of the poem to mirror the image of heavenly  fight that he constructs within the piece. Herbert's  metaphysical poems in the first portion of the temple. The author  poetic wit became more complex in both its style and depth of topic. Herbert's use of the parabolic structure in his metaphysical  poems include "Easter Wings".

2. ) Andrew Marvell's:   
                               " To his coy Mistress"  
                                            This poem is written by Andrew Marvell's. it is divided into three stanza. this poem spoken by nameless man. In the first stanza speaker tells Mistress that  I have more time and space her "coyness" then the speaker tells in second stanza is that We have no time and space because life is short and death is forever.
  • My Metaphysical poem:
  I will try to write metaphysical poem here :

  • Conclusion:
                                              Thus, Metaphysical poetry is part of the literature. We will discuss about definition, characteristic, metaphysical poet,examples,critical analysis and try to create metaphysical poem in Gujarati as above. 

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