Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Course no.:- 13 “The New literature”

Course no.:- 13 “The New literature” 

Total words: - 1,973 

  • Contents

Love, Friendship and death in the novel “Harry Potter”. 3

 Abstract:- 3

 Acknowledgements:- 4

 Introduction:- 5

 The Death Eaters:- 5

 Rebirth of Voldemort:- 5

 Love, Family & Friendship:- 6

 Friendship:- 7

 Conclusion:- 7

 Bibliography:- 8

"Love, Friendship and death in the novel “Harry Potter” 

· Abstract:-

                                                            In her seven-book Harry Potter series, Rowling writes her imagination world on the pages which there were specifically not indicated about religion and god but there were she try to put satirical way some kind of her thought which still remain great sense of morality and love. Through her seven-books of Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling specifically focused on death or love so that life is not about avoiding death rather about following the journey of daily life and try to living fully through love and joy. Here J.K. Rowling expressed of reader with a world in which life and death occupy a luminal space. Throughout the seven series, Rowling put a secret that how the reader read between the two lines. How the lines between life and death are blurred, and how human souls are the connection and gateway to the after life. That was a universal view into child- young adult literature, and also created arguments against today’s society. Moreover, J.K. Rowling interpreted that the reader has clear idea of what happens to the soul after death: morally good souls have a chance to go on to another space after death, while souls mutilated by evil simply cease to be. Here through character of Valdemort or Harry potter represented that how morality or death works into the life. This is a compelling thought, especially in the twenty-first century as many people are moving away from organized religion, but still want to believe in a sense of life after death. Rowling has not limited to a traditional Christian framework and she was therefore able to investigate her own ideas of morality and the afterlife in a unique way. Ultimately, she reveals the world of the dead is connected to the world of the living in a wonderful way: death is not something to be feared but rather we should fear a life lived without love. So at the end of the seven series we can justify that love to everyone, even love to death rather than hate.

· Acknowledgements:-

                                                           I want to thank to my family members, friends, classmate, teachers, relatives and Pro. Dilip barad sir for always enthusiastically supporting me, listening to me talk about this assignments and especially when I was talking about it instead of actually doing it and also spending more times and give me some kind of guideline. One of the my primary teacher who telling the story of Harry Potter into the class before I even knew what it was and in the M.A. level I got some clue which I never get during primary level. Reading and watching the series of Harry Potter and so many more books out loud when I was a in post graduation at that time all the characters will always stay with me so thank you to all who for your constant support, encouragement, and inspiration! Prakruti, I came to you with a dream of writing my assignments about Harry Potter as a based on love, death and friendship. Thank you to all for your enthusiasm and help to make this assignment as a reality.

· Introduction:-

                                                      The Harry Potter’s seven series was an international phenomenon which connected with readers on many levels. Forbes magazine lists Rowling as the first person to become a millionaire by writing books, and as the second richest woman in entertainment in the world (Gibbs 1). “Now translated into 65 languages, the books have joined a canon that stretches from Cinderella to Star Wars, giving people a way to discuss culture and commerce, politics and values” (Gibbs 3). This fame has also opened Rowling up to harsh criticism. Jack Zips, author of Sticks and Stones: The Troublesome Success of Children's Literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter, distrusts the phenomenon and thinks that the success of the Harry Potter series says something distressing about our society. He calls the books ordinary, conventional, and predictable and the writing “nothing exceptional”.

· The Death Eaters:-

“It’s what You-Know-Who’s supporters called themselves. I think we saw what’s left of them tonight - the ones who managed to keep themselves out of Azkaban, anyway.”
-- Bill Weasley (GF9)

· Rebirth of Voldemort:-

                                                            When I first time see series of Harry potter there were the Death Eaters formally converged at that time their master’s rebirthing ceremony in the Little Hangleton graveyard. If you want to understand that who was Death Eaters and where present during the end of the series so you have to remain alert during reading or watching the all series because somewhere death eater remain present physically so some where remain mentally. Throughout the end of the series I notify so many characters who played role of as a death eater like, Lucius Malfoy, Walden Macnair, Avery, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Peter Pettigrew.
                                                        Moreover I have to say that, in the end of the series there was one conflict about ‘Half-Blood Prince’. At the end Snape who also remain among the Death Eaters who did not go to Azkaban for their crimes. For the better understanding here mentioned examples like Lucius Malfoy, the Carrows and Yaxley. One of scene in the series of Harry Potter that when element of Save for Lucius, there were three more Death Eaters present that, since they weren’t in Azkaban, would likely have Appareled to the Dark Lord’s side on that summer night; In the cases of the Carrow siblings, Alecto and Amycus, and Corban Yaxley. Now here’s where my speculation may be inaccurate. There is one more Death Eater that I believe was also there that night: Selwyn. This male Death Eater accompanied Travers to Xenophilius Lovegood’s house when he turned in Harry Potter to the Ministry. And according to Umbridge, the Selwyn family was an old pure-blood one. I suspected that he did not go to Azkaban. 

                                                       Now, Selwyn could have easily been switched with either of these two. However, I think Gibbon went to Azkaban after the first wizarding war because Remus Lupin recognized him during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. I could be wrong, but Lupin probably recalled his face from the wanted posters of the Azkaban escapees more than a year before.
                                                        However at the end as we know Harry must die, that in the end he will walk into Voldemort’s presence and lay down his life for his friends for all his friends, not only Ron, Hermione, and Neville, but all the students at Hogwarts and all their families and all the wizards and Muggles in the world. He will die in order that others may live.

· Love, Family & Friendship:-

                                                      “ The Sorcerer’s stone” normally based on love, friendship and family because in this part there were many examples which prove the themes of love, friendship and family like Harry’s parents James and Lily who love their child and also Harry missed out all time his parents. When he was child at that time he treated under the terribly. Moreover while Potter goes to at Hogwarts at that time he has
                                                        There is no vainglory in what he does, no posturing and no sense of histrionics. Dumbledore has told him often enough: he loves. It is the reason he can defeat the evil Lord Voldemort who lacks the power to understand love and who laughs at Harry because he knows it motivates him. It is the reason Harry can walk calmly and deliberately into the maw of death and lay down his life.

                                                        Rowling understands the connection between friendship and love, the mystery at the heart of the gospel. She makes the statement through a fanciful ceiling in the home of Xenophilus Lovegood the name is important— when Harry visits the Lovegood home and is captivated by the scene at the head of the stairs. Climbing the stairs, he examines the painting on the ceiling and sees his own portrait in it his and Ron’s and Hermione’s and Neville’s. In its beauty and grandeur it is like a ceiling by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. 

· Friendship:-

                                                            At Hogwarts, the wizarding school, Harry fell in with a coterie of very special close friends Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom who often remind us of Jesus’ inner circle of disciples, Peter, James, and John. Ron is the stubborn, blustering Peter.

· Conclusion:-

                                                            As we know that at the end of The Deathly Hallows Harry Potter walked in the forest Potter ready to die, but once again becomes the boy who lives. It was not potter’s ability to defeat death although his ability to accept mortality that’s matter made him to the Master of Death. Another things is that Potter who was the only wizard who has strength to possess all three of the Deathly Hallows: the Invisibility Cloak, the Elder Wand, and the Resurrection Stone. Here J. K.Rowling used death as a major theme may cause some trepidation for parents but it was exactly these more sinister themes that make the story so important for children to read. Moreover, it was vital that children learn how to negotiate the world on their own. Children cannot be shielded from death; it was prevalence throughout our lives in real-life experiences. Death and dying were as a part of the human conditions and children must have to know to figure out how to cope with that. The books have full of lessons in morality or how the choices you have to helped to create who you are?. In the seven series books also created boundaries or questions of good and evil. At the end of the all parts, Harry potter and his friends fight to preserved what was worsted living for in the world and All the characters also ready willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of wizards, Muggles, and other creatures alike. In the last part of “The Deathly Hallows” after learning what his fate will be, Harry does not try to cheat death. Harry potter felt that his purposed was that save others, help to others but not only just his family and friends. Harry ready to sacrificed himself willingly for the good of humanity and maybe we would like to think same like Harry potter. As a preface to the last book Rowling quotes William Penn:

                                                           “Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas; they live in one another still…This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present, because immortal”.

- William Penn

                                                    From Jesus to William Penn and now to J. K. Rowling, this is the truth that shines like a precious gem at the center of humanity’s long struggle for meaning and justification. Love genuine caring and involvement in the lives of others is the key to our very existence!

· Bibliography:-

Killinger, John. Love, Death, and Friendship in the Harry Potter Novels. Ed. St. Martin’s Press. 2002. (New York: St. Martin’s Press). 5 March 2020 <>.

Liam. The Death Eaters. Ed. William Silvester, Michele Worley and Beth Steve VanderArk. 10 April 2017 . 5 March 2020 <>.

Park, Johannah Katherine. "Master of Death:Love and Spirituality in the Harry Potter Series ." Harvard University’s DASH 2017-08-10 ( 2017 ): Page-1 to 55.

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