Friday, April 5, 2019

culture and post modernism

This blog is about my response on online discussion on Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's Academy Award for her documentary, "A girl in the River"

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's academy Award for her documentry, A girl in the River, has been much celebrated at home. Deservedly so.

Like her first Oscar-winning documentary, saving face, which spotlit the horror of acid attack, this too is a visceral, urgent piece of film-making. But alongside the jubilation is another view, persistent and petty, that is inevitably voiced at such occasions. Widely shared by politicians, journalists, religious leader, in short 'patriots' of all stripes, this opinion has it that sharmeen  has done a grave disservice to her country by highlighting the misery of ordinary Pakistanis to further her own career. Hence, the twitter trend: DisownSharmeen. 

Why, he asked, 'had Adiga chosen not to write about the so many nice, nice things that are happening in India? The same critique was also trotted out when Danny Boyle's film, Slumdog Millionaire, won big at the Oscar. or when Malala won the Nobel prize. Or Sharmeen her first Oscar. Really, why can't  all these people just Photoshop our reality? why can't the hide our flaws and emphasize our virtues so we can win respect and admiration of Western societies? many 'concerned citizens' in Pakistan ask why Sharmeen did not make a film about that tireless humanitarian, Edhi, or better still, about the victims of drone strikes, cataloging American injustice, rather than our own.

Truth wins: The buzz around Sharmeen's film has prompted Nawaz Sharif to say that the practice of honor killings in Pakistan should come to an end.

  • Cultural Study:-                  The prime duty of any literary writer is to present the contemporary issues and picture of nation. Everyone has the right to voice and freedom of expression. So they are free to portrayed the condition of their country. But many follower of ideology and political discourse try to banned this kind of harsh reality, because they do not bear the bad images of their culture and country.
  • We have recently example of Film Padmavat in which the group of people banned film because the do not like that people see about their culture. Another one is the documentry film "Nirbhaya gang rape" which was banned by government because they believe that our new generation become spoiled because of the movie. 

  • Post-colonialism:
                                      general belief of the people is that writer must write about the glory and positive side of their country, and we Asian believe that western people give awards on our bed images and they happy because western people feel happy when they see our poor condition. But this is not right, we have many examples from the western works:

  • Oliver Twist
  • Sense and sensibility
  • The west land etc

These all works portrayed the reality of the society. In 'Oliver Twist', Dickens portrayed the poor law of Victorian Britain that how the cruel law for the poor and orphan children. After the publication of the novel 'Oliver Twist' British government pass the reformation bill and law about child laboring. So, we can say that is is not about western people that they feel happy on our poor condition.

if we want to reform our poor condition, this kind of work is very important to open the eyes of power. I agree with this kind of way to show our reality. because such a work awake people as well as the power to stop this kind superstition and cruel ideology.

Structuralism and Literary Criticism

Here given task by Dilip Barad sir , So the link is given below:

  • Think and Write: Being a structuralist critic, how would you analyse literary text or TV serial or Film? You can select any image or TV serial or film or literary text or advertisement. Apply structuralist method and post your write up on your blog.

Structuralism is the offshoot of certain developments in linguistics and anthropology. Saussure's mode of the synchronic study of language was attempt to formulate the grammar of a language from a study of Parole. He talked about used same structure but different way in film, novel and play. For Ex., Love story, revenge story, family....etc.

Gerard Genette talked about 'Intellectual bricolage', language as a system of relationship and Traditional criticism. He said that ' If the writer questions the universe, the critic questions literature, that is so say , the universe of signs...'.

1) Language                                          2) Langue                                   3) Parole


Roland Barthes and Claude Levi Strauss from whom he adapted the concept of bricolage. They are primarily used to look at the syntax of narrative, rather than to perform an interpretation of them.

A) Order
B) Frequency
C) Duration
D) Voice
E) Mood

Roland Barthes also talked about 'S/Z' and five code like as;

A) The proairetic code
B) The hermeneutic code
C) The cutural code
D) The semic code
E) The Symbolic code

                                            It is the offshoot of certain developments in linguistics and anthropology. Saussure’s mode of the synchronic study of language was an attempt to formulate the grammar of a language from a study of parole. Using the Saussurian linguistic model, Claude Levi-Strauss examined the customs and conventions of some cultures with a view of arriving at the grammar of those cultures. In literary theory, structuralism is an approach to analysing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure.

                                                 Genette empathetically defines Structuralism as a method is based on the study of structures wherever they occur. Genette believes that structural criticism is untainted by any of the transcendent reductions of psychoanalysis or Marxist explanation.
There are two types of methodology used by critics for study of language.

1] Diachronic
2] Synchronic

                                      Diachrony and Synchrony are two different and complementary viewpoints in linguistic analysis. A synchronic approach considers a language at a moment in time without taking its history into account. Synchronic linguistics aims at describing a language at a specific point of time, usually the present. By contrast, a diachronic approach considers the development and evolution of a language through history. Historical linguistics is typically a diachronic study.

                                              After getting basic idea of structuralism and Genette's concept of Narratology, I'm going to describe movie "Rustom" by spects of Structuralism.

1] Order : 

                             {Say a story is as follows: a murder occurs (event A); then the circumstances of the murder are revealed to a detective (event B), finally the murderer is caught (event C).
Arranged chronologically the events run A1, B2, C3. Arranged in the text they may run B1 (discovery), A2 (flashback), C3 (resolution).

                                             This accounts for the 'obvious' effects the reader will recognise, such as flashback. It also deals with the structure of narratives on a more systematic basis, accounting for flash-forward, simultaneity, as well as possible, if rarely used effects. These disarrangements on the level of order are termed 'anachrony'.}
In movie Rustom if we supposed that A = Real truth behind murder , B= Court room drama, C= Villain identification , D= Circumstances of murder revealed , E=Murder,F= Love affair ; then chronologically events run in below order.

F⇒ E⇒ B ⇒C⇒ D⇒ A

2] Frequency :

                      The separation between event and narration allows many possibility all four are :
1- Singular :
                          An event can occur once and narrated once ,
In Rustom - Court has given their judgement once and in movie it was mentioned only one time.

2- Iterative:  
                         An event can occur n times and be narrated once,
In movie Rustom- Cynthia and Vikram wrote many latter to each-other but narrated only once.

3- Repetitive: 
                               An event can occur one time and be narrated n times,
In movie - Murder of Vikram occurred only once but narrated many times during court room drama.

4- Multiple:
                                 An event can occur n times and be narrated n times,
In Rustom- The case was run during many days and also narrated the same.

3] Duration :
                                        {The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discourse time and narrative time.}

                                         In movie Rustom - When Rustom [protagonist] went to his job ,he passed more then a year on Ship,it was very lengthy period of time but event was narrated in a short narrative time of only 5 minutes. Same thing happens during case , it runs days and days but when it was narrated in movie scene of court room take few hours only.

4] Voice:

{Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This can be split four ways.}
In movie Rustom how narration changed and from which perspective let's see-

⇛Where the narration is from

Intra-diegetic: inside the text.
In movie Akshay kumar was playing role of Protagonist whose name was Rustom and narrator narrated story from different perspectives ,one perspective was taken by protagonist of movie also. 

⇛Is the narrator a character in the story?

Homo-diegetic: the narrator is a character in the story.
As per above mentioned that Protagonist also narrated some part of story thus we can say that the term Homo-diegetic was used there.

5] Mood:
                                         {Genette said narrative mood is dependent on the 'distance' and 'perspective' of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant patterns. It is related to voice.Distance of the narrator changes with narrated speech, transposed speech and reported speech .}

                                         At some extent mood is related to voice and narration, means ,if narration's perspective was first person singular then Distance has to be so close but maybe Perspective will be prejudice.

                                                   In Rustom as we see that some narration has been done by protagonist itself thus we supposed that he was very closer at level of Distance but at last we can see that his Perspective was effected by his prejudices.

6] Focalization:
                                                    {Perspective of the narrator is called focalization. Narratives can be non-focalized, internally focalized or externally focalized.}

Thinking activity: Deconstruction

Thinking activity on Deconstruction, according to this task

Que.:1)What do you understand by 'Deconstruction'? 


                                             If we define Deconstruction meaning so it is difficult to define exact meaning. Deconstruction is not destructive activity but an inquiry into the foundations so it is not negative term.When we try to find out different between Structuralim theory and deconstruction theory then we easily define Deconstruction concept. Structuralism theory through to understand structure of the literature and define root of meaning. While deconstruction simple means is to see one thing in different ways. Most of when we read something at that time we can understand simple meaning but when we criticize any work or to re read something at that time we can deconstruction other meaning it means deconstruction.
                                                This term is difficult to understand because Derrida himself refuse to define the term ‘Deconstruction’. According to my understanding it is a term of applying any theory on one subject but when we do these types so that at the end we can’t get appropriate meaning. It means that this term also related with modifying any subject with used proper method. So I think that it is term of find deep meaning.
Que.:2) Read an ad or TV serial or Film or literary text as post-structuralist critic. Be brief, precise and to the point.

                                                           For example Mahabharata epic when we read first time at that time we can show hero as Arjuna or Krishna but when deconstruct every character then we may be findout other character as hero like Karna and Krishna like villan so it means deconstruct epic and to define other means.
I try to apply deconstruction hero role in the 3 idiots movie

                                                             In this movie hero is Aamir Khan but if we can try to deconstruct his role then we thought that without learnt how can possible to come in first rank position in study. When we see this movie whole focus on student career but director could not able to show learning process.