Friday, March 15, 2019

Thinking activity on : Andy Golds worthy

Here given task to reflect on it working with time by Dilip Barad sir , So the link is given below:

                                                Today We show one documentary film at English department." River and Tides" is a film with Andy Goldsworthy and this films directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer This film also won the Golden Gate Award Grand prize for best documantry at 2003.

                                               Mostly We know that We all are connected with nature but Our mentality is that We will became master and controller of nature. Normally Human build up Museum for collection and protection of natural thing. So We never show  outside of natural things. But here Golsworthy good try to catch up  natural thing with time in his documantry. I have to say that This documantry has not only Good videography and combination of music but also he connected all thing with human being with philosophical views. It is a important thing for all human being.

                                                  In this documantry film I can find that he try to built larger 'egg'  through wood, stone and even ice. he makes used of colorful stone and leave sand smooth sticks also. but he try to make something at that time destroyed sculpture by the nature. So he said that We all are part of nature So same as this sculpture We all are to be destroyed one day. Best example related this philosophy is that 'Dinosaur'.  Another thing is that nature never remain static. In English literature We find that Wordsworth follow 'Back to nature'. Here I put one poem name for better understanding this ideas like ' Ozymandias'.  We can do nothing in front of nature.

  • I get some philosophical thought:
  1. Everything is movable and destroy able .
  2. We do work with present time.
  3. Always Show one thing with  difference perspective.  
  4. Everything is  not permanent so working with time.
  5.  Nature express human life like river,water, stone... 
  • Some images of Sculpture art of Goldworthy:

                                          At the end of the this film we get more knowledge from different sculpture art and We get lot enjoyed. Here He tries to present common natural thing with attractive ways.

I hope you that you get enjoy to reading my blog...

Thank you...

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