Saturday, December 29, 2018

Matthew Arnold: Thinking activity

Here is my answer of thinking activity which is given by our professor  Dilip Barad sir, 


                                    Matthew Arnold was a famous views about good poetry. The first essay in the 1888 volume was originally  published as the general  introduction to T.H.Ward's anthology, The English Poets. He don't like the spasmodic expression of Romanticism. He was believed that  when we wrote  poetry at that time discipline in writing and recommended the classical writers.

Que.:-1] Write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you find interesting and relevant in our times.


                                  Matthew Arnold discussion about good poetry in his essay. He says that," Poetry is a criticism of life". This idea was very interesting. Arnold has given good point of poetry. Mostly poet writes his experiences and established currently ideas in poetry. "Criticism of life"means that profound application of ideas to life  and poetry represented social, political and religion life. We can find in at present poetry that generally poet used some natural imagination and also they connected with truthfulness and some related with beauty also.
                               Another things is that Philosophy and Science always presented logical ideas  with proofs. But Poetry presented reality of human with laws of poetic truth. When poet feels some emotion of his life then he  writes with good arrangement and creative words.

Que.:-2] Write about one idea of Matthew Arnold which you found out of date and irrelevant in our times.


                           His famous one method is that "Touchstone method". In this method use for judging individuals poets.I think that this method was not useful even present time because today's time not for competition and compression but nowadays is a age of creation and also test of our self through modern method. We never compare to ancient poetry with modern poetry because during that age there were different culture and condition so how can we compare ?

Thank you...

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