Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Dryden's Essay:of Dramatic Poesy

Dryden's Essay...

                              Here given task by Dilip Barad Sir, Here put link of  task. I will try to give response according my understanding. So let's starts....

                                               Our English department is creative. In department We learn topic difference way. on 19th September, We learnt 'Dryden's essay of  Dramatic Poesy' by flip learning. I prefer flip learning rather than another teaching learning method because I can learn flip learning  with enjoy and it is very benefited method. But after watching short video than task given by sir. So, Here is my answer give task.

Que.-1) Do you any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and Dryden's definition of Play? 


                            John Dryden is one of the greatest essayist. He is not only dramatist, translator, playwright but he also first critic in English literature. Dryden says that "My aim is to vindicate English writer." " The Work of Virgil" translated by John Dryden.

                             In this video We can observe many minor different things between Aristotle and Dryden's definition. Aristotle always say about the imitation of an action but Dryden say that lively image of human nature, representing its passions and humors and instruction of mankind. with the word of catharsis where as Dryden's definition ended with delight and instructions of mankind.

Que.:-2) If you are supposed to give your personal predilection,would you be on the side of the Ancient or the modern? Please give reasons.


                                I would like to prefer Ancient side. Because Ancient means root of the modern. People thinks that Modern side always increase new knowledge, new manner, new tradition idea,information...etc. My opinion that Modern always tries to copy from the Ancient, I think that sometime there is new idea also presented by labels by modern. We all are live in modern age. Generally  We can find  that mostly modern takes idea and anything from Ancient  but it tries to present different way and by the unique manner. Many times mix up modern and traditional thought then became a new manners.

Que.:-3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favor of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate?


                                 Yes, I Think that the arguments presented in favor of the English play and against in  French plays are appropriate because in Dryden's say ,'The French plots are barren, while the English ones are copious to further the same action. In  English plays there are number of sub-plot in addition to the main plot.Another things in English play is audience is important rather than  three unity of french play. During the English plays time audience prefer interesting and vivid themes of the plays.French plays are like lifeless and doesn't have subplots as well.

Que.:- 4)What do you preference so far as a poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play?


                                 I would like to go with poetic dialogues in the  plays. Mostly critics like to arguments on the term of rhyme and blank verse. Mostly critics believes that Rhyme and like structure of poem in the play makes the play unnatural. Many playwright use rhyme then the naturalist of dialogues goes out.We can do use of words for appropriate place then there is no point of unmorality. I feel that poetic dialogues are more capable  to readers active and live than prosaic dialogues.

Thank you....

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